Shameless Export of Weapons to the U.S./Zionist Warmongers

Protest at CANSEC armaments trade show, May 29, 2024

Global Affairs Canada (GAC) reports, "Canadian companies exported a record-breaking total of $30.6 million in military goods to Israel in 2023." The annual GAC account tracks exports of military goods to foreign countries excluding the United States. The report continues, "Canada's exports of military goods to Israel in 2023 were the highest on record, surpassing the previous record of $28.7 million in 1987 (adjusted for inflation) by 6.6 per cent. Over the past 10 years alone, annual Canadian exports of military goods to Israel have increased more than sixfold from $4.8 million in 2013."

The Canadian government attempts to whitewash its relations with the U.S./Zionist proxy regime committing genocide against the Palestinian people by saying only permits for non-lethal goods have been authorized since the beginning of the latest U.S./Zionist campaign of genocide that began last October. Most experts concur that the term "non-lethal" carries no legal meaning and could refer to components of deadly military hardware.

Also, military exports flow indirectly from Canada to the Zionist regime through U.S. and European military production including necessary material used in the production of Lockheed Martin F-35 stealth fighter jets and bombs. These warplanes of mass destruction are the main delivery system of the bombs that kill and maim Palestinians, including thousands of children. Wings Magazine reported in January 2020, "Canadian contributions to the manufacture of the F-35 are numerous. More than 20 Canadian firms are providing key elements of the Lightning II, but the number of domestic firms contributing to the F-35 is much higher. For example, Magellan Aerospace supplies parts for the horizontal tail, and other parts for the armaments bay. Canadian expertise in composite parts, locking mechanisms, lighting, circuit boards, navigation aids, electronic warfare capabilities and engine health monitoring systems contributes to the F-35's growing capabilities."

In early June the U.S. militarists announced a $3 billion purchase agreement with Lockheed Martin to supply the Zionist military with a third squadron of 25 F-35 fighter jets. The purchase is wholly financed using U.S. military aid to its Zionist outpost in occupied Palestine.

With gross hypocrisy GAC reports, "No permits [for military exports] have been issued since January 8, 2024." In fact, the federal government has not issued a formal notice to pause authorizations of new permits even though the Liberals promised to do so following the passage of a non-binding vote in Parliament on March 19. Also, any pause, whether real or not, does not apply to any permits authorized before January 8. The Trudeau government authorized new permits for military exports to the U.S./Zionist regime valued at $28.5 million during the last quarter of 2023. Those export permits include a broad range of military goods.

GAC says the U.S./Zionist regime remains on the Automatic Firearms Country Control List, which contrary to its title "allows Canadian residents to apply for permits to export prohibited firearms, weapons and devices to that destination." The government has not denied any category of exports to the Zionist regime even though GAC says Canada's Foreign Affairs Minister must "deny exports and brokering permit applications for military goods and technology if there is a substantial risk that the items would undermine peace and security, or could be used to commit or facilitate serious violations of international humanitarian and human rights laws, acts constituting an offence under international conventions relating to terrorism or organized crime, serious acts of gender-based violence or serious acts of violence against women and children."

The U.S./Zionist regime brazenly and without shame daily kills hundreds of Palestinian children, women and other civilians as can be seen on television and social media. The murderous regime is currently under official investigation and trial by the International Court of Justice of the United Nations for its genocidal campaign in Gaza in violation of the 1948 Genocide Convention. UN experts say continued arms exports to the Zionist regime called Israel "including export licences and military aid [...] likely violate international humanitarian law." Exports will tie any country to the crime of genocide. The UN statement specifically names Canada as one of several countries that continue to export military goods to the Zionist regime.

Of note, GAC does not disclose the nature or amount of Canadian exports of military goods to the United States, which end up committing war crimes against humanity throughout West Asia including Palestine, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and Yemen. Project Ploughshares estimates the total value of annual military exports to the U.S. to be more than $1 billion and growing as Canada becomes more firmly ensconced in the U.S. war economy. Project Ploughshares explicitly warns that some Canadian-made components, including those found in F-35 fighter jets, are first shipped to the U.S. and then ultimately supplied to the Zionist occupying regime in Palestine.

Canadians Stand with Palestinians and the World Against Genocide and for a Free Palestine!

Stop Arming Child Killers!
Stop All Contact with the U.S./Zionist Genocide Regime!
Make Canada a Zone for Peace!
Break Free from the U.S. Militarists!

This article was published in
Volume 54 Number 37 - June 18, 2024

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