NATO "Land Corridors"

 The newspaper Kyiv Independent informed that NATO is creating a series of "land corridors" that it says "would be used to rush U.S. troops across Europe to confront Russian forces in the event of a major conflict with Moscow." The British newspaper The Telegraph said "U.S. troops and armour would land at one of five ports in the Netherlands, Greece, Italy, Turkey or Norway from where they would travel through land corridors to NATO countries bordering Ukraine."

According to the newspaper, "These land corridors would be free of bureaucratic local restrictions which in the past have held up the movement of troops and armour, leaving them stuck at borders. Previous NATO plans only allowed for U.S. troops to land at Rotterdam in the Netherlands, but Ukraine's experience of long-range missile attacks since the launch of the full-scale invasion has prompted a rethink. Expanding the number of ports and having multiple land corridors would mean if one was hit, others would still be available to use."

This article was published in
Volume 54 Number 37 - June 18, 2024

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