Democratic People's Republic of Korea Condemns U.S. and Allies for Destabilizing the Region

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) recently issued two statements condemning the U.S. and certain U.S. "allies" acting as self-appointed enforcers of anti-DPRK sanctions for destabilizing the situation in the region.

The Section Chief for External Policy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the DPRK released the following press statement on May 12: "The U.S. allies have recently made their military interference in the Asia-Pacific region undisguised under the pretext of monitoring the violation of UN 'sanctions,' further worsening instability of the regional situation." The DPRK statement goes on to say that "the UK staged a naval operation drill with the ROK [Republic of Korea] by dispatching its naval forces into the waters around the Korean Peninsula, talking about the implementation of the UNSC [United Nations Security Council] 'sanctions resolution against the DPRK'" and that "Canada is scheming to deploy a sea-patrol plane at a military base of Japan to conduct surveillance over the waters around the Korean Peninsula."

Canada has announced it will deploy a patrol aircraft to Japan for one month, from early May to early June, to contribute to the U.S. sanctions enforcement against the DPRK. It is a cruel policy which causes severe humanitarian difficulties and threatens war against the Korean people.

Germany, France and New Zealand have also dispatched their warships and warplanes to the Asia-Pacific region including the waters around the Korean Peninsula, one after another this year, encroaching upon the security interests of regional countries and escalating the military tension in the region. An Australian warship, dispatched to the waters around the Korean Peninsula, deployed a military helicopter that threatened the maritime and air security of neighbouring countries, thus creating the possibility of a dangerous armed conflict. China strongly protested the action of the Australian military. China's foreign ministry accused Australia of coming "within close range of China's airspace" and endangering its security "in the name of enforcing UN Security Council's resolutions."

This article was published in
Volume 54 Number 35 - May 2024

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