Anniversary of Al Nakba – May 15, 1948

End the Catastrophe Imposed on the Palestinian People! Support Palestinian Resistance Until Liberation!

Mass action commemorates 76th Anniversary of the Nakba and denounces Israeli genocide in Gaza, Montreal, May 11, 2024

May 15 is the day we commemorate al Nakba -- the Catastrophe -- a day marking a "continuous journey of pain, loss and injustice" for the Palestinian people. It marks the day that some 750,000 Palestinians were expelled from their homes during the 1948 war. Palestinians were forced from their lands and homes due to military attacks by Zionist forces, supported by the British and U.S. governments. The Israeli Zionist forces attacked 774 cities and villages, and occupied 80 per cent of the Palestinian soil after killing nearly 15,000 Muslim and Christian civilians. Those who survived were forced to migrate to the West Bank, the Gaza Strip, and neighbouring countries, such as Syria, Jordan and Lebanon.

As we commemorate May 15, al Nakba Day, the world demands that the same crimes being committed today stop immediately. These crimes, committed 76 years ago and ever since then, set the scene for today's U.S./Israeli genocide.

As a result of the Nakba 76 years ago and crimes committed since then, out of the global population of 14 million Palestinians, more than seven million live in exile, while two million are being slaughtered in the Gaza Strip, the world's largest open-air prison, and another three million live in the occupied West Bank. Israeli occupation authorities are currently detaining some 9,500 Palestinians from Gaza and the West Bank being held in Israeli prisons, of which 3,660 are held in administrative detention, i.e., without charge or trial. Of these, 80 are women and 200 are children. At the same point last year, about 4,900 Palestinian prisoners, including 160 children and 31 women were being held in Israeli prisons. Whereas 84 Palestinians had been killed by Israel by April 2023, by the same period in 2024, the death toll is in the tens of thousands. Since October 7, 2023, 35,173 Palestinians have been killed by Israel with at least another 10,000 missing. Of those killed, at least 14,500 are children. At least 60 per cent of residential buildings have been damaged or destroyed, while 80 per cent of commercial facilities have been damaged or destroyed. Two hundred and sixty-seven places of worship have been damaged or destroyed. Only 12 of 35 hospitals remain partially functional. Seventy-three per cent of school buildings have been damaged or destroyed, including all of Gaza's universities. Beside's Israel's blocking of aid and use of starvation as a weapon of war against the people of Gaza, 83 per cent of Gaza's groundwater wells are not operational.

On this occasion, the peoples all over the world condemn the U.S./Israeli Zionist crimes as well as the relentless expansion of illegal settlements that continue the dispossession of the Palestinians begun in 1948, the attacks on the al-Aqsa mosque, and the collective punishment of the Gaza Strip through a brutal genocidal war that is now targeting people's last refuge in Rafah.

We salute the Palestinian people's unrelenting resistance and stand with them as the struggle for liberation enters a crucial phase.

All out to join the actions across the country condemning the crimes being committed against the Palestinian people which the world is witnessing and the violence and brutal attacks of the occupation forces.

Long Live the Palestinian Resistance!
Uphold the Palestinian People's Right of Return!

This article was published in
Volume 54 Number 33 - May 15, 2024

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