Palestinian Resistance Accepts Mediators' Ceasefire Proposal

Dr. Khalil al-Hayya, deputy head of the Palestinian Resistance Movement Hamas in the Gaza Strip and a member of its political bureau, said that the movement agreed to the mediators' proposal on a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip. He stressed that the proposal achieves the desired goals of the Palestinian people, explaining that the ball is now in the court of the Israeli occupation.

The agreement stipulates the unconditional return of the displaced to their places of residence in all areas of the Gaza Strip, as well as details regarding relief work and the introduction of all Gaza Strip requirements, including food, shelters and temporary housing. It stipulates that the reconstruction process will be supervised by Egypt, Qatar and organizations such as the United Nations, so that the necessary plans are developed during the first phase.

The proposal includes three phases, each phase lasting 42 days. The first phase proposes a temporary ceasefire, the cessation of military operations by both sides, the withdrawal of the occupation forces from densely populated areas to the areas along the strip separating the Gaza Strip and the rest of the occupied territories, in addition to stopping the Israeli reconnaissance within specific hours. The prisoners' key negotiations will start in the second phase. A ceasefire will be announced directly in the third phase, or what is termed in the proposal as the return of sustainable calm (the permanent cessation of military measures and hostilities) and that it must be announced before the exchange of military prisoners and the remaining detainees in the Gaza Strip.

On the exchange of prisoners, Al-Hayya said that this will take place in three stages: the first is the exchange of civilians and the remaining Israeli women in the Gaza Strip, in addition to Israeli soldiers, children under the age of 19, adults over 50 years of age and prisoners who are ill. He pointed out that for each Israeli female soldier, 50 prisoners in Israeli prisons, 30 life sentences and 20 high sentences, are to be released. Hamas is to provide lists of their names.

In related news, the Times of Israel reported that protests are taking place in Israel demanding the government accept the ceasefire proposal put forward by the Mediators Qatar and Egypt. The mother of one of the captives held by the Palestinian Resistance reportedly told Israel's Channel 12: "The government and war cabinet should accept the deal. We need our hostages home. Every last one."

To read the full text of the mediators' ceasefire proposal as published by Palestine Chronicle, click here.

This article was published in
Volume 54 Number 31 - May 8, 2024

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