Israel's U.S.-Backed Criminal Invasion of Rafah Begins

All Out to Hold the U.S., Canada and Other Organizers and Appeasers of Israeli Zionist Genocide to Account! Stop the Invasion of Rafah Now! Ceasefire Now! Unfettered Humanitarian Aid Now!

Toronto emergency demonstration May 7,  "Hands Off Rafah!"

The Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist) vigorously condemns the criminal actions of the U.S.-backed Israeli Zionists against the Palestinian people. We condemn Canada's official appeasement and direct support even as its foreign minister wishes they would be more humanitarian.  It denounces all media disinformation which persists in putting the blame on the Palestinian Resistance for what the Zionists are doing, as well as claiming the genocide the whole world is witnessing is being carried out in a humanitarian manner. The U.S. claims to be "studying" the ceasefire proposal accepted by the Palestinian Resistance, while Israel bombs Rafah, blocks aid, tortures prisoners and continues its massacres. Official support or justifications from any quarter whatsoever are unforgivable.

CPC(M-L) salutes the youth and students who are steadfastly, courageously and with intelligence engaging in actions to propagate their just demands and agitate for them. CPC(M-L) salutes the actions and statements of faculty and staff at the universities where encampments are taking place and deeply appreciates the courage of the faculty standing on the front lines with them, many of whom in the U.S. have themselves been beaten by police. The militant stands of the students who speak out against the crimes being committed against the people of Palestine and their demand for recognition of Palestine's Right to Be, as well as against the state-repression and criminalization, are a serious obstacle to the green light given by the Biden Administration and all those who have joined it. The reactionary forces are doing everything within their positions of privilege and power to smash current constitutional understandings and protections of freedom of speech and assembly. Never will the peoples of their own countries and the world give them freedom to act with impunity.

The extent and significance of the Israeli occupiers' heinous destruction, massacres, murders and starvation in Palestine can only be fully understood in the actions of resistance which give new meaning to the fight of the peoples of the world for a democracy instituted by them where they empower themselves by removing the criminals who are hell bent on smashing all post-World War II arrangements, conventions and rule of law. Israel's destruction of Gaza's infrastructure, of all the institutions of civil society, and its violations of international humanitarian law including wanton killing of journalists, smashing of hospitals, universities, mosques and other religious establishments, libraries and museums are criminal indeed and also a futile attempt to smash a people by obliterating their history. It is a vain attempt because the history, memory and intelligence of a people live through the ages, refreshed generation after generation on the basis of their resistance which affirms their right to be.

So too the attempt by the Biden Administration to turn the opposition of the students and youth and peoples of the world to the U.S./Israeli genocide into a clash of extremist beliefs on the part of the resistance will fail. What is taking place is not a matter of beliefs or moral outrage from this or that side. It is a just and mighty opposition to crimes the U.S. and Zionists are committing against humanity, criminal violations of international law including the Convention on Refugees and of international humanitarian law. And yes, millions of youth and people are fighting for and representing the moral standards humanity espouses. Any attempt to provide the crimes and atrocities with a moral justification is as criminal as the crimes themselves. Such crimes could not take place except for those who appease them and give them the green light.

All Out to Hold the U.S., Canada and Other Organizers and Appeasers
of Israeli Zionist Genocide to Account!
Stop the Invasion of Rafah Now! Ceasefire Now!
Unfettered Humanitarian Aid Now!

This article was published in
Volume 54 Number 31 - May 8, 2024

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