On Earth Day 2024, Demand an End to War Production and the Pentagon's War Machine!

A significant and necessary act on Earth Day is to denounce the U.S. Pentagon as the biggest polluter in the world. U.S./NATO-led wars of aggression and occupation and the U.S. war industry feed the destruction of Mother Earth. Earth Day can only be true to itself if it denounces the wastefulness and parasitism of the war industry. Canada pays billions for armaments and the U.S. proxy war in Ukraine as well as for Israeli genocide in Gaza and dispossession of the Palestinian people, but says that there is no money for health care, education and public services, paying public servants, housing for all or even adequate shelters for abused women all at the level society requires. It guarantees the profits of the armaments producers and those who cause damage to Mother Earth, but not the right of the people to live in a safe natural and social environment.

Dismantling the aggressive military alliances NATO and NORAD is required to stop the situation internationally whereby countries have to devote their resources to war preparations and armaments which are not for defence but aggression. By dismantling NATO and NORAD and opposing the use of force and threats of force in international affairs, Canadians and Quebeckers can use resources so that humankind can flourish, rather than for the destruction of other peoples and societies which also destroys the natural environment.

Talk about "greening" the military with electrification or unmanned electric drones on land, sea and air, so that the U.S. can dominate the world, with allegedly less carbon emissions, must be rejected as a complete fraud and a grave danger to peace. Once again, uranium weapons are being used against the people and the entire infrastructure of the Gaza Strip is destroyed with impunity. Canada's participation in supporting Israel and U.S. wars of aggression and regime change and the hypocrisy and fraud of NATO and UN missions carried out in the name of humanitarian aid, peace, freedom, democracy and discredited pretexts for war such as "responsibility to protect," "rules-based order" and "human rights" must all be opposed.

All governments of the ruling elite regardless of party affiliation, have shown in practice that they fully identify with the narrow stance of private interests of the rich and the demands of the war government in the United States and its understudy in Canada. To serve these private interests and in the same breath express concern for the environment is absurd.

All Out to Oppose Canada's Support for Aggression and War!

This article was published in
Volume 54 Number 27 - April 20 2024

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