COP27 Climate Change Conference, Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt,
November 6-20, 2022

COP27 in Brief

The United Nations Climate Change Conference COP27 was held from November 6 to 20, 2022 in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt. More than 45,000 participants attended, including official government delegations and some 100 world leaders. Lobbyists for the big banks and climate hedge funds were everywhere, including integrated into official delegations such as Canada's. Lobbyists for the oil and gas industry outnumbered the delegations of many countries. At the same time, security was tight.

While COP27 was a United Nations event, the organizers went to great pains to ensure the kind of protests seen at COP26 in Glasgow demanding that the rich be held to account could not take place this time. Even the official COP27 app for participants to access services and information turned out to harbour spyware to monitor conversations, activities and movements of every participant that downloaded the app.

The financiers and their political representatives did their utmost to have COP27 focus on rolling out a climate change agenda according to the interests of the financial oligarchy. This aim was counter to the demand of the majority of countries and peoples of the world that reparations for loss and damages due to climate change and for adaptation should be paid for by the rich who have created the problem in the first place.

The financiers, climate hedge funds and their political representatives at COP27 pushed an agenda that the victims of climate change globally should indebt themselves even further through a variety of "green" pay-the-rich schemes, aimed at diverting the people and reaping profits for the very people who have caused the crisis. "Loss and damage" funding, which was agreed to at COP 26 as a key element for COP27 was completely left off the initial agenda. It was only the insistence of those countries who are suffering the most from climate change, led by the G77+China, that forced inclusion of a loss and damage fund onto the agenda. The G77+China represents over 134 countries and 5 billion of the world's population.

Indeed, the United Nations declared the key achievement at COP27 was the "historic decision to establish and operationalize a loss and damage fund, particularly for nations most vulnerable to the climate crisis." At the same time a UN news release summing up COP27 said that "while the negotiated text recognized the need for financial support from a variety of sources, no decisions have been made on who should pay into the fund, where this money will come from and which countries will benefit."

The global financiers and their political representatives did their utmost to renege on the decision taken a year earlier in Glasgow at COP26 to establish such a fund. In fact they have not followed through on most of their climate crisis pledges. None of the imperialist countries have fulfilled their commitments made as far back as 2009 to fund $100 billion a year for climate change mitigation. The lobbyists for the oil and gas at COP 27 also succeeded in rolling back previous decisions to limit hydro carbon greenhouse gas emissions. They succeeded in having oil and gas designated as "green" energy at COP27.

U.S. Grandstanding

The U.S. went to COP27 to assert its "leadership" position and tout a number of new initiatives. President Biden addressed the summit on November 11. He highlighted the Inflation Reduction Act, as the "most important climate bill in the history of our country." In fact, it is a multi-billion dollar pay-the-rich scheme to establish U.S. hegemony in "green technologies" at the expense of U.S. competitors such as China, and U.S. allies as well, including Germany, France, Japan, south Korea, and others. Biden declared that his administration is working with "our Congress to deliver more than $11 billion a year to international climate finance."

U.S. Presidential Envoy for Climate John Kerry was there throughout, announcing one pay-the-rich program launched by U.S. imperialism after the other, including: Biden's $3 billion "Green Shipping Challenge" and $250 million for Accelerating Adaptation in Africa and the U.S. Emergency Plan for Adaptation and Resilience (PREPARE). The U.S. Special Representative for Global Partnerships signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (a multilateral agency that has a joint mandate with the World Trade Organization) to promote "green" corporations. The U.S. gangsters announced no less than 12 such programs and pledged, yet again, billions of dollars to assert so-called U.S. leadership globally on climate crisis action.

This article was published in
Volume 54 Number 27 - April 20 2024

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