Iran's "Operation True Promise" a Game Changer

– Hilary LeBlanc –

Chief of Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces Major General Mohammad Bagheri explained after the operation code-named "True Promise" was ended that Iran has no intention of continuing the operation against Israel. The operation has been concluded, he said.

Prior to resorting to this retaliatory mission, for 10 days Iran made efforts to get the UN Security Council to condemn the targeting of its embassy in Damascus to no avail due to U.S. interference. So too, it tried to get the U.S. to make sure Israel implemented a ceasefire in Gaza, also to no avail. Now, with this mission completed, the Major General made it clear that while Iran is capable of carrying out a large operation against Israel, it opted for a more restricted and limited one to hit Israeli resources that had been used for the airstrike on the Iranian consulate in Syria which killed senior Iranian military commanders.

While Israeli and Western media claim Israel scored victory on April 13 because it brought down most of the missiles and drones, analysts point out that Israel's Iron Dome defence system, aided by U.S. and British airpower, brought down a barrage of old and slow missiles and inexpensive drones which served as decoys, while Iran's ballistic missiles reached their intended targets, an airbase in the south of the country used to launch the airstrike against the Iranian consulate in Damascus which killed the senior Iranian military leaders, as well as an intelligence gathering centre in the north used to bomb Gaza.

Describing the complexity of the operation, Hossein Salami, commander-in-chief of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), pointed out that Israel's air and missile defence systems, including anti-ballistic and cruise missile defences, and air defences that are anti-drone or anti-manned aircraft, were deployed in abundance over Israel. They ranged from the Iron Dome air defence system that deals with short-range projectiles to David's Sling and Arrow systems and even the contributions by the U.S. to the Israeli regime in recent days in the field of air defence. "With the support of the United States, a multi-layered defence of the Zionist regime had been formed from Iraqi airspace to Jordan and even parts of Syria and occupied Palestine," he added. "Various aircraft, including the F-15, F-16 and F-35, which are highly advanced, Gulfstream aircraft, and refuelers that helped the enemy warbirds' continuous flight, had created a dense and multilayered air defence from the moment the [Iranian missiles and drones] entered Iraqi airspace to mid-Jordan," Salami noted. "Anti-aircraft and missile defence accompanied by the most advanced systems was in front of us, and it was difficult to pass through this very complex, multi-layered, and advanced system," he said.

Referring to the ballistic missiles that hit their intended targets, Salami pointed out that it was very complicated to pass through Israeli airspace and then strike with extremely high precision the intended targets. " Moreover the integrated capabilities of the United States and the Zionist regime in the field of electronic warfare could have decisive effects on the tools used on the battlefield ... Our information on all of the hits is not complete yet but on that part of the hits that we have accurate, documented and field-related reports show that this operation has been carried out with a success that exceeded the expectation," he said.

Analysts point out that the old missiles and inexpensive drones Israel shot down cost a few million dollars against the $1.3 billion spent by Israel, the U.S. and Britain to bring these decoys down, with the added consequence that Israel's air defences are now thoroughly weakened.

The Major General said that Iran has entered a new phase in its confrontation with Israel. Serious analysts concur. They point out that with this intelligent limited strategic response, Iran has changed its policy from one of "strategic patience" to serving notice to the U.S., Israel and the Gulf Arab states, as well as Israel's accomplices, such as the UK, Canada, France, Germany and others, that Iran is more than capable of holding them in check. In other words, the direct hits emanating directly from Iran, without the participation of any other resistance forces such as Hamas, Hezbollah, introduced new elements that change the hitherto existing power relations in the region in a significant way which favours the resistance forces. Iran's immediate aim is to achieve a permanent ceasefire in Gaza and the provision of humanitarian aide to the Palestinians forced into starvation by the Zionists and their U.S. partners. It has no intention of diverting from this aim despite the war hysteria on the part of Israel and its partners in crime.

Operation "True Promise" is a game changer which will affect the U.S. unconditional support for Israel, as well as shake the confidence of the Gulf Arab States that they have U.S. backing no matter what. It also provides convincing evidence that Iran has the capabilities to surpass not only Israel's ability to defend itself but also that of the U.S., UK and regional partners which, with the exception of Jordan, did not permit their airspace or territories to be used to stop Iran's retaliatory measures about which they were informed ahead of time.

The U.S. has also made it clear it does not want any escalation and it is distancing itself from protecting other countries. U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said after the operation: "The United States condemns Iran's attack on Israel in the strongest terms. While we do not seek escalation, we will continue to support Israel's defence, and as the President made clear, we will defend U.S. personnel. I will be consulting with allies and partners in the region and around the world in the hours and days ahead." U.S. President Joe Biden is reported to have told Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in no uncertain terms to stop any plans to retaliate.

Meanwhile, even more Israelis, who got a small horrifying taste of what the people of Gaza have been subjected to for 191 days of Israeli bombardment since October 7, 2023 are expected to flee Israel because they know Israel cannot protect them. According to data from the Israeli Population and Immigration Authority, already nearly half a million Israelis have left the country since October 7. Israel's economy also continues to suffer the repercussions of its war with Gaza. It goes without saying that both foreign and domestic tourism in Israel are at a standstill. Tourism accounts directly for 2.8 per cent of Israel's GDP. The combined total of direct and indirect tourism jobs is estimated at 230,000, representing just over six per cent of total employment. The consequences of disruptions to shipping in the Red Sea, reduced investments and serious disruptions to the work force as a result of large numbers of Israelis recruited into the armed forces are also significant and unsustainable.

The time is now to step up support for the Resistance Movement in Gaza, the West Bank, East Jerusalem and the entire world.

Ceasefire Now! End the Occupation Now!

This article was published in
Volume 54 Number 26 - April 15, 2024

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