Conservative Networking Conference Hosts Notorious Racist Former Prime Minister and War Criminal!

– Pierre Soublière –

A militant picket was held Friday morning, April 12, in front of the Westin Hotel in Ottawa, where the Conservatives were holding their four-day "Canada Strong and Free Network" conference. Among the guest speakers at the conference was Naftali Bennett, a former Israeli Prime Minister, a notorious racist, war criminal and founder of the Zionist settler party Yamina. For two hours, people, mainly youth, stood face-to-face with police and shouted slogans, stating that genocidal war criminals are not welcome in Ottawa.

Bennett had not originally been announced in the conference schedule, purportedly for "security reasons." According to conference organizers, conference volunteers and staff were given a security briefing "given the sensitivity of Bennett's presence," a euphemism for hosting a proponent of the ongoing genocide in Gaza. Last November, in a Fox News interview in the U.S., speaking of the crimes against humanity being committed by Israel, Bennett stated: "We've got a job to do, to eliminate Hamas, and we will not appreciate anyone asking us to stop in the middle." When asked about the pro-Palestinian demonstrations in the U.S., he stated that demonstrators were "radical Islamic believers." In 2013, asked about freeing Palestinian political prisoners, he replied that "terrorists should be shot, not released," adding that he had already killed lots of Arabs in his life, and that "there is absolutely no problem with that."

Bennett also was in command of military operations of aggression and occupation, the most notorious being his participation in Operation Grapes of Wrath and various "search and destroy missions." He was involved in the Qana massacre on April 18, 1996, in which Israeli forces attacked a United Nations compound in Southern Lebanon in which Lebanese civilians from Qana and neighbouring villages had taken refuge. More than a hundred people were killed, half of them children, and hundreds injured, including UN workers.

Demonstrators called for an end to the genocide, receiving ongoing support from people driving by and honking their horns. Some of the conference participants came out and arrogantly filmed demonstrators, who responded: "While you're laughing, kids are dying" and "Free, free Palestine!"

Other guests of this ilk at the conference included Orlando Gutierrez Boronat of the "Cuban Resistance Assembly."

This article was published in
Volume 54 Number 26 - April 15, 2024

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