Long Live the Palestinian Resistance!

The Resistance Is Decisive and Will Prevail

– Pauline Easton –

The sky over Israel shows an Iranian ballistic missile hitting its military target, April 13, 2024

On April 13, Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) launched extensive missile and drone strikes against Israel in response to that country's terrorist attack of April 1 against the Islamic Republic's diplomatic premises in the Syrian capital of Damascus.[1] The Commander of the IRGC said the operation was more successful than expected.[2]

In a letter to the UN Security Council on April 14, in response to Israel's request "to convene a meeting of the Security Council immediately to unequivocally condemn Iran for these grave violations and immediately act to designate the IRGC as a terrorist organization," Iran wrote: "This action was in the exercise of Iran's inherent right to self-defence as outlined in Article 51 of the Charter of the United Nations, and in response to the Israeli recurring military aggressions, particularly its armed attack on 1st April 2024 against the Iranian diplomatic premises in the defiance of Article 2(4) of the Charter of the United Nations."

Iran said that had the Security Council fulfilled its responsibility to act against Israel's act of aggression against the Iranian Embassy in Syria, it would have pre-empted Iran having to take this measure.

"Regrettably, the United Nations Security Council has failed in its duty to maintain international peace and security, allowing the Israeli regime to transgress red lines and violate the fundamental principles of international law. Such violations have exacerbated tensions in the region and threatened regional and international peace and security," Iran wrote.

Article 51 of the UN Charter states: "Nothing in the present Charter shall impair the inherent right of individual or collective self-defence if an armed attack occurs against a Member of the United Nations, until the Security Council has taken measures necessary to maintain international peace and security."

The fact is that Israel, as the U.S. enforcer in the region, has played a role of making impunity acceptable and normal. As is occurring today, the Zionists refuse to submit to UN resolutions which permitted Israel's founding in the first place and ever since then, they ignore the legally binding rulings and measures of the International Court of Justice, as well as international humanitarian law and laws of war. And so too, the U.S., the UK, Canada, France, Germany and others refuse to stop supporting Israel's claim that it has the right of self-defence even though, as an occupying power, no such right exists.

Since October 7, 2023, Israel, the U.S., Canada and other countries are trying to build a case that the Resistance is comprised of extremists who are therefore legitimate military targets. On the basis of this declaration, they target hospitals, homes, journalists, aid workers, universities, mosques and anything that moves, claiming Hamas is using civilians as human shields. According to them, the laws of war and humanitarian law do not apply because the targets are extremists; everyone else is collateral damage. Simultaneously, the political police, governments and state forces in the countries which support Israel are engaged in a concerted campaign to identify and punish "extremists" and "hate-mongers" and "foreign agents" within their own societies and bodies politic -- labels they use to isolate, accuse and punish those who do not agree with what they call their values, which includes supporting the Israeli crimes against the Palestinians in the name of Israel's right to self-defence.

In this vein, Canada's cardboard cut-out Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, issued a statement on April 13 right on cue, "on the attacks by the Iranian regime against Israel." He said:

"Canada unequivocally condemns Iran's airborne attacks against Israel. We stand with Israel. After supporting Hamas' brutal October 7 attack, the Iranian regime's latest actions will further destabilize the region and make lasting peace more difficult.

"These attacks demonstrate yet again the Iranian regime's disregard for peace and stability in the region. We support Israel's right to defend itself and its people from these attacks."

This is another craven attempt to divide the world into pro and con an Israel that is self-servingly portrayed as a besieged country which commits no crimes, obeys humanitarian law, is only engaged in legitimate self-defence, legitimately fighting a criminal extremist terrorist resistance which must be eliminated at all costs as a condition for peace in the Middle East. Such attempts to get support for Israel and isolate the Palestinian resistance have decisively failed to divert attention from the crimes of genocide being committed by the Israeli Zionists against the Palestinian people and from the fact that the resistance is the solution and a ceasefire must be implemented now.

Despite such a well coordinated multi-state promoted effort, the U.S./Israeli genocide and impunity for it has not stopped the valiant Palestinian resistance and has angered the peoples of the world, who refuse to accept such impunity and are demanding accountability. It has brought to the fore the need for new international relations with mechanisms of accountability in the hands of the majority.

Israel's attempt to use its attack on the Iranian consulate, killing those it calls extremists, to provoke Iran into not acting intelligently has now failed. Its hope of diverting attention from its genocide against the Palestinians by turning world public opinion against Iran by blaming it for launching World War III, are bound to fail also as the Palestinians stand firm, the world stands as one with them and various countries opposing what Israel is doing refuse to be bullied.

Should Israel now invade Rafah, the entire world will rise against it.

There is no doubt in anyone's mind that the Biden administration is very active in doing everything within its power to save Israel and the Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories, of which Israel's Plan A is the total removal of the Palestinians from Gaza. The U.S. arming and funding of Israel, including the latest shipment of more bombs and fighter jets, makes it guilty of genocide, as is also the case of countries like Canada which continue to facilitate Israel's crimes in myriad ways.

The Biden administration has been sending billions of dollars of weapons to Israel on a regular basis. The latest includes more than 1,800 MK-84 2,000-pound bombs, which are designed to wipe out human populations as they level entire city blocks. The U.S. is also sending 500 MK-82 500-pound bombs and another 25 F-35 fighter jets, bringing the Israeli fleet to 75 jets. These are the planes carrying out the unending bombardments in Gaza of hospitals, schools, residential areas and more. There are also plans to send 50 F-15 fighter jets.

Despite the open flouting of international humanitarian law and many war crimes by Israel, U.S. State Department spokesman Matthew Miller continues to insist, "We have not found them to be in violation of international humanitarian law, either when it comes to the conduct of the war or when it comes to the provision of humanitarian assistance." Meanwhile Canadian banks invest heavily in the arms producers whose weapons are sent to Israel. Canada protects the real estate companies that continue to sell Palestinian land to Israeli settlers and Canadian government officials and media provide all-sided disinformation and moral support to the Zionists while attacking the Canadians who participate in the Palestinian resistance movement at every turn, under all kinds of fraudulent pretexts said to be legal.

What is called western democracy and the western democratic institutions have never been so discredited within their own countries and worldwide. Everything that is taking place once again reveals the need for institutional state structures which empower the people and end the scourges of impunity and wars of aggression and occupation. Unfolding events also reveal that it is not weapons, assassinations and provocations that determine the outcome of any war. The Palestinians and their supporters worldwide have once again made clear it is the people and their organized resistance which persist and will prevail.

Ceasefire Now!
Long Live the Palestinian Resistance!
The Resistance Will Prevail! 


1. Iran said its April 13 strategic and military missile and drone strikes against military targets in Israel were retaliation for the latest Israeli crime of bombing the Iranian consulate building in Damascus, Syria on April 1. The consulate is part of the Iranian Embassy which is Iranian sovereign territory. By making a consular building the target of attack, the Zionist action threatened all countries worldwide by telling them their impunity stops at nothing, Iran pointed out. At least 13 people were killed, including a leading Iranian General Mohamad Reza Zahedi, senior commander Mohammad Hadi Haji Rahimi, five other officials and six Syrian citizens.
Iran's foreign minister, Hossein Amir Abdollahian, strongly condemned the attack and killings. He brought out that Israel is desperate and engaging in such actions because they are being defeated in Gaza. Syria also denounced the action as a brutal violation of that country's sovereignty. Both the U.S. and Israel have bombed Syria in the name of stopping terrorism, but their acts of state terrorism are clear for all to see. It is reported that the Israeli fighter jet that bombed the Iranian consulate was an F-35, one of 75 jets the U.S. has now provided Israel.
2. The statement of the Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) issued after the operation, code-named " True Promise," said:
"In response to the Zionist regime's numerous crimes, including the attack on the consular section of Iran's Embassy in Damascus and the martyrdom of a number of our country's commanders and military advisors in Syria, the IRGC's Aerospace Division launched tens of missiles and drones against certain targets inside the occupied territories."
In a subsequent statement, the IRGC said the retaliation came after 10 days of "silence and neglect" on the part of international organizations, especially the United Nations Security Council, to condemn the Israeli aggression or punish the regime in line with Article 7 of the UN Charter. Iran then resorted to the retaliatory strikes, the IRGC added, "using its strategic intelligence capabilities, missiles, and drones" to attack "targets of the Zionist terrorist army in the occupied territories, successfully hitting and destroying them."
The statement also warned the United States that "any support or participation in harming Iran's interests will result in a decisive and regrettable response by the Armed Forces of the Islamic Republic."
"Furthermore, America is held responsible for the evil actions of the Zionist regime, and if this child-killing regime is not restrained in the region, it will bear the consequences," it noted.
The Corps concluded the statement by cautioning third countries against letting their soil or airspace be used for attacks against the Islamic Republic.

This article was published in
Volume 54 Number 26 - April 15, 2024

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