Trudeau's "Inclusive Political Agreement Toward Free and Fair Elections" in Haiti

News reports inform that on March 11 Prime Minister Justin Trudeau convened his "Incident Response Group" to discuss the situation in Haiti. A statement from the Prime Minister's Office said that Trudeau "emphasized the importance of urgently reaching an inclusive political agreement toward free and fair elections to restore democratic order in Haiti and that any such agreement must be Haitian-led."

It appears that the irony of imposing a "Haitian-led" democratic order in Haiti through foreign intervention escapes the Prime Minister. The statement added that Canada is contributing $80.5 million to the United Nations-authorized Multinational Security Support (MSS) mission and to support the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) which is prepared to participate in the interventionist mission.

Later in the day Canadian Ambassador to the UN Bob Rae participated in what was called the "CARICOM-hosted dialogue with Haitian stakeholders including the U.S." Clearly anything but "Haitian-led," a statement from the U.S. Department of State said Secretary of State Antony Blinken was in the meeting "to discuss creating a presidential college to help expedite a political transition in Haiti, and to discuss deploying a multinational security support mission to restore order."

Imagine using the image of a "presidential college" at a time the U.S. "presidential college" which has the final say on election results in the United States is so discredited! The U.S. claim that such a college  it will "help expedite a political transition in Haiti" when the U.S. version cannot even "help expedite a political transition" in the U.S. seems to be the best the U.S. can come up with.

Talking to the CBC, Rae insisted that this foreign interference into the internal affairs of Haiti is "Haitian-led." He said Canada is "providing only financial and logistical support," not "putting boots on the ground." "Canada will be a part of any combined effort. It's just we're not sending troops," Rae said. "The reason for that is because [Trudeau] wants to insist that it's the Haitians themselves who have to lead the way."

In a subsequent Radio-Canada interview with journalist Alec Castonguay, Trudeau stressed that the Canadian government is doing everything possible to ensure security in Haiti. He said that Canada "has been engaged with the international community in Haiti for 30 years. He cited examples of police, military and medical interventions carried out in the country," Haitian newspaper Le Nouvelliste reported on March 17. "We built prisons, hospitals, we were there with the international community for a long time. Despite all that, we find ourselves after three decades of work in this abominable crisis," Trudeau said.

Never once has Trudeau questioned why after 30 years Haitians reject everything Canada and "the international community" have done. On the contrary, the very machinations to keep Haiti under the bondage of foreign private interests and in the clutches of a corrupt ruling elite are the cause of Haiti's "abominable crisis." They are in the service of the financial gain of the most rotten U.S. elements benefiting from ill-gotten gains, with Canada's full support,

Note on "Incident Response Group"

Who attends the meetings of the "Incident Response Group" is secret. The first time Canadians heard about this "Incident Response Group" was when Trudeau announced its formation on August 28, 2018. It was described as "a dedicated, emergency committee that will convene in the event of a national crisis or during incidents elsewhere that have major implications for Canada." It was presented as similar to what the "Five Eyes" -- the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia and New Zealand -- already have in place within their own governments.

According to reports, foreign intelligence services "typically seek to establish networks of agents whom they can use over a sustained period of time, so that they can obtain a reliable flow of information. Agents operate by exploiting trusted relationships and positions to obtain sensitive information."

The "Five Eyes" is such an intelligence-sharing network involving over 20 different agencies of the five "English-speaking countries." It is both surveillance-based and signals intelligence (SIGINT). This is intelligence "derived from electronic signals and systems used by foreign targets, such as communications systems, radars and weapons systems that provides a vital window for our nation into foreign adversaries' capabilities, actions, and intentions." Examples include: "USB sticks secretly fitted with radio transmitters. iPhone malware used to monitor the communications and activities of users. Portable continuous wave generators that can monitor the keyboard activities of even offline computers through a keyboard vibration attack."

A ministerial level meeting of the "Five Eyes" was held the same day in 2018 as the announcement of the "Incident Response Group" was held.

This article was published in
Volume 54 Number 20 - March 2024

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