Hands Off Haiti!

Disinformation About Criminal Gangs to Divert Attention from Brutal Interference of "Core Group"

Picket in Ottawa February 29, 2024, on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the 2004 coup in Haiti

The claim of the U.S., Canada, France, and others that "criminal gangs" are the problem in Haiti is a pathetic attempt to divert attention from the dirty deeds of the Core Group established by UN Security Council Resolution 1542 (2004) at the instigation of the U.S. The so-called Core Group is chaired by the UN Special Representative to Haiti, and also includes representatives from Brazil, Canada, France, Germany, Spain, the European Union, the United States and the Organization of American States. This is the real "criminal gang" operating in Haiti.

Haiti was a founding member of the UN in 1945. In 1948, Haiti played a key role in the drafting of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), in particular thanks to Haitian Senator Emile Saint-Lot, rapporteur of the Editorial Board of the UDHR. In 1804, it was the first republic to overthrow the French colonial power and declare citizenship rights by virtue of being human, without discrimination as to race, creed or any other discriminatory category. It played a heroic, fraternal role in the independence struggles of the peoples of all the Americas, including the United States. Haiti does not need lessons in democracy. It does not need lessons in how to uphold its right to express its sovereignty in any way it sees fit. This is also true today under conditions of yet another brutal intervention on the part of France, the U.S. and now Canada along with others. It can decide how it wants to be governed for itself. This is what is at stake in Haiti.

The Haitian people are a wise and cultured people with their own thought material which led them to achieve their liberation from the brutal colonial French rule and has guided them to prevail over every single brutal attempt to control them ever since. Contrary to the racist picture the so-called Core Group and their media portray, it is the imperialists who are forced to declare that all their machinations are "Haitian-led" all evidence to the contrary putting their pathetic claim into the garbage.

It is well known that what are called "criminal gangs" in Haiti were installed and serve the purposes of maintaining the dictate of the U.S. and other foreign exploiters over Haiti and prevent the Haitian people exercising their right to control their own affairs and affirm Haiti's sovereignty.

Everyone knows that it was the coup d'etat engineered by the U.S., Canada and France that overthrew the democratically elected government of Jean-Bertrand Aristide 20 years ago because he was not jumping to do their bidding. They are the ones who imposed a military dictatorship over the Haitian people, causing utter chaos and misery. Under its auspices, the oligarchs once again seized control of Haiti's natural and human resources including running the sweat shops and luxury exclusive resorts where the cruise ships also dock. Knowing full well the opposition of the people of Haiti to their direct presence, the U.S., Canada, France and others think they can use the Kenya Police, an institution created by the British empire-builders in the first place, as part of the UN Multinational Security Support Mission. The U.S. has now even engineered the backing of Benin which has "offered" to contribute 2,000 troops to a UN-approved Kenyan-led multinational security force also comprised of 2,000 police. The announcement was made on February 27 during a press briefing held in Georgetown, Guyana, by U.S. Ambassador to the UN Linda Thomas-Greenfield, subsequently confirmed by Benin on March 1.

The official language of Benin is French and the U.S. thus calculates that this will offset the fact that the official language of Kenya is English which might otherwise deem their police force as not fit for duty in Haiti. Benin is comprised of one of the most ancient peoples, colonized first by the Portuguese in 1680 and then by France in 1872, known as French Dahomey until it gained its independence on August 1, 1960 when it was renamed Benin. Under both colonial masters, the country became one of the major countries involved in the trading in enslaved people. To this day, the city of Ouidah, less than a mile from what was once West Africa's biggest slave port, features a statue of the major merchant of enslaved people Francisco Felix de Souza, who worked in the 18th and 19th centuries. The port was the departure point for more than a million people in chains bound for Brazil, Haiti and the United States. The results of the thinking of the imperialists that the descendants of West Africans taken into slavery will fight against the descendants of West Africans held in slavery in Haiti is yet to be seen. They will not be pretty for the modern-day enslavers of the Haitian people.

Any attempt to deploy Kenyan or any other foreign armed force to Haiti will be met with stiff resistance by the Haitian people who are affirming their dignity and right to be. As was the case when they were the first colony to win its freedom and establish a republic in 1804, their slogan today remains the same – Homeland or Death! Victory or Death!

Hands Off Haiti!

This article was published in
Volume 54 Number 20 - March 2024

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