Hold Canada to Account for Its Participation in U.S./Israeli War Crimes and Genocide

– Pauline Easton –

Mass actions across Canada and the world calling for an end to Israel's genocidal war against the people of Gaza, for an immediate ceasefire and an end to military support for Israel have created conditions where politicians of the cartel parties have to end their silence and take a stand or lose all credibility. In this regard, on March 18 the House of Commons will debate a motion presented by the NDP which calls on the Canadian government to, among other things, demand an immediate ceasefire, maintain funding for UNRWA, suspend all trade in military goods and technology with Israel and demand unimpeded humanitarian access to Gaza. Twenty-seven NDP members of the provincial legislature in Ontario have written to Prime Minister Trudeau with the same demands. In the House of Commons on February 27 Green MP Mike Morrice called on the Trudeau government to restore funding for UNRWA, to call on Israel to follow the ruling of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) and to end all military exports destined for Israel.

This is a positive development in a situation where the parties in the House act as a cartel where each collaborates to stay in power and parties and individual MPs are under pressure not to break ranks to hold the government to account. The fact that more and more individual politicians are speaking out and that the NDP has presented this motion is due to the power of the resistance, the justness of the cause and the strength of the mass movement in support of Palestine's right to be.

The government's intransigence and continued support for Israeli crimes is facilitated by the so-called democratic institutions and monopoly-owned media that shield them from rendering account for their deeds in any way. This is achieved by, amongst other things, disinforming public opinion, creating diversionary issues and getting MPs and pundits speaking about diversionary issues. For instance, the fact that on principle the Palestinian people have the right to self-determination and no foreign power should interfere in their internal affairs and right to decide does not guide discussion about what state solutions lie ahead. Another example is that the ramifications of the fact that Israel is an occupying power are not discussed. International law which makes resistance to occupation lawful is not discussed. The consequences of Canada's decisions, such as cutting off funding to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA), are not discussed.

Canada must be called to account for its decision to cut UNRWA funds knowing full well that UNRWA is a humanitarian organization which provides the infrastructure to dispense humanitarian aid to the population of occupied Gaza and also the infrastructure for schools, hospitals, universities, refugee camps and more, without which life is not possible. When countries like the U.S., Canada, France and others decide to air drop supplies into Gaza, not only do they put the lives of the population in danger when these supplies fall on top of people or they have to go out to sea to retrieve them, but more importantly, they turn every Palestinian into an individual fending for themselves, without a social structure to rely on. It is criminal and done purposely. UNRWA provides that social infrastructure the people rely on and it has carried out excellent work since it was established as a subsidiary organ of the United Nations General Assembly on December 8, 1949 and became operational on May 1, 1950. It stands second to none in carrying out its humanitarian mission with the most committed leadership and forces on the ground.

If Canada were in the least bit prompted by humanitarian concerns, it would take whatever measures are required to stop Israel impeding aid going through the Rafah crossing and it would condemn the killing of humanitarian workers, medical personnel and journalists and stop prevaricating as if it is OK if it is said to be not intentional. South African Foreign Minister Naledi Pandor on March 8 proposed that the presidents or prime ministers of Israel's allies instruct their militaries to escort humanitarian convoys currently stranded at the Rafah border into Gaza. Pandor said she believes that with the support of these "close friends of Israel," the convoys would be allowed entry safely. But the aim of Canada and Israel's "close allies" is not the well-being of the people of Gaza, but their evacuation or annihilation. That explains why they are not taking decisive action against their starvation and why many suspect the U.S., for its part, is establishing a temporary pier on the Gaza coast to encourage Gazans to leave their homeland. Such a pier will not be ready in time to save the people from starvation while the U.S. is cynical enough to think that Palestinians will give up their homeland if the situation gets dire enough. What is enough according to the monsters making such calculations?

There is no way to forgive what Canada is doing or attempting to justify. The government has dragged Canada's name in the mud and nothing its champions do will restore it until the people restore it by empowering themselves to make it so.

Canadian elites are mesmerized by the sound of their own voices claiming that everything they do is in defence of what they call Canadian values, human rights, democracy and freedom. But their credibility as governments and parties in government which are said to represent the people of Canada and Quebec is nil. It is time for more members of parliament to speak their conscience. The silence of the majority of them will not be forgiven, no matter what excuses they give.

Canada has many options to stop Israel. It can denounce what Israel is doing rather than egging it on by demanding the genocide be carried out humanely. It can stop providing Israel with armaments and stop welcoming Israeli arms merchants to Canada. It can stop shielding Israel diplomatically, including at the UN where Israel has violated its UN founding resolution and deserves to be suspended. It can stop those in Canada who continue to sell land for settlements in the West Bank, which are illegal. It can investigate Canadians who are joining the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) for war crimes as per the order issued by the ICJ. It can demand an end to the Israeli occupation of Gaza and the West Bank, the removal of all settlers and settlements on Palestinian land and stand for Palestinians' right to self-determination and right of return.

No Means No! No to the Occupation!
No to Israel's Genocidal Activities! Ceasefire Now!
Humanitarian Aid Now!

This article was published in
Volume 54 Number 17 - March 12, 2024

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