Statement of National Movement for Liberty and Equality of Haitians for Fraternity

MOLEGHAF, the National Movement for Liberty and Equality of Haitians for Fraternity (Mouvement National pour la Liberté et L'égalité des Haïtiens pour la Fraternité), in it's recent analysis of the situation in Haiti urges the Haitian people to mobilise for popular sovereignty, and rejects the incessant calls for military intervention and occupation of Haiti.

Since the group of assassins known as the "PHTK" [Editor's Note: The Haitian Tèt Kale Party (French: Parti Haïtien Tèt Kale, Haitian Creole: Pati Ayisyen Tèt Kale, PHTK)] took control of political power, about 13 years ago, the Haitian people have been facing a dire situation, a suffocating situation, where social and economic conditions deteriorate more each day. Clearly, Ariel Henry, the de facto president, who was appointed as prime minister before Jovenel Moïse's assassination on July 7, 2021, is a criminal continuing the imperialist American death project in the country. His bloodthirsty government has established gangs to control all spaces where the people usually organize their lives.

In the political context of recent times, there has been an alliance of armed groups, politicians, and the bourgeoisie, all collaborating to crush any form of popular resistance in the country. Meanwhile, the cost of living is skyrocketing, insecurity is spreading, and life is losing all meaning; there is no refuge, schools are destroyed. The country is descending into chaos with violence and crime, preventing the majority of the population, especially women and peasants, from moving to other departments for supplies. Trade is paralyzed, and bandits seize or violate people, killing the poor and vulnerable. Almost the entire population lacks access to basic necessities. This situation helps us understand, at a higher level, how the imperialist system uses gang warfare to systematically attack collective well-being projects.

Protest against foreign intervention in Haiti, October 18, 2022.

At a time when the popular masses are seeking ways to organize themselves, the criminal political agenda is simultaneously seeking ways to renew its power, with de facto President Ariel Henry receiving various types of support for holding fraudulent elections in the country.

These considerations are not only directed towards politicians, we can also extend them to labor organizations and workers' centers that continue to dig their own graves under the leadership of foreign powers. When we witness the dismissal of workers at "Apparel Premium S.A" without salary, social benefits, or compensation, and these workers return home to take loans to meet the needs of their families, we cannot remain indifferent. Furthermore, in the 21st century, we witness multinational investors colluding with the government to confiscate land from peasants in PLENN MARIBAWOU, stealing their land to build the CODEVI factory. Peasants who were once agricultural workers have now become textile workers.

Moreover, in 2023, during the workers' mobilization to demand better living and working conditions, factory owners sent armed groups to shoot at them, resulting in deaths and machete attacks. Others disappear. It's a tragedy.

The American imperialists and their allies use war to continue their exploitation of the oppressed masses. Every day, individuals from these masses fall victim to gang violence, gangs who are under the control of the American embassy. This prevents the masses from finding alternative paths to break the current system. Armed groups under the leadership of Guy Phillipe and others on the international level, such as the CORE GROUP, and on the national level, the government and the bourgeoisie, openly claim they are supporting the same masses who they massacred in 2018, 2019, and 2021 for their own interests. The American imperialists clearly know that the objective is to organize elections to renew their political satellites in power, to better protect their economic interests by plunging even deeper into the neoliberal politics that oppress the masses.

The American imperialists and their allies weakened all political strategies available to the oppressed. Initially, they collaborated with the social democratic movement, aligning with a significant portion of the Haitian "socialists" to continue holding the masses under bourgeois dictatorship. Then they denigrated all symbols of sovereignty, undermining all means for national life. This is one reason why, until today, there is no political party capable of challenging Ariel Henry at the head of the country. It is a form of totalitarian power, where the poor masses are subjugated under the grip of the PHTK. Even democratic words have lost their value.

The masses rose up to give a definitive response and overthrow the Duvalier dictatorship on February 7, 1986, and sought to establish a constitution that explained the true historical significance of democracy. However, on the same date, the American imperialists and puppet politicians trampled on it, causing the date to fall directly into banality. It is important for the masses to consolidate their democratic victories. This is why the masses must not let any enemy groups kill the political and symbolic dimension of February 7.

February 7 is for the masses; the masses must reclaim it. POINT BLANK.

After all these considerations, we in MOLEGHAF will never stop seeking voices and means to unite the masses for a true LEVE KANPE (UPRISING) against Ariel Henry and for the American imperialist death project to end us in our country. We will never stop denouncing the intrigues of the CORE GROUP, BINUH, OAS, EU, within the politics of the country. The current situation demands a true class alliance to uproot the PHTK gang's third version.

Popular masses, WHERE ARE YOU?

Farmers, workers, poets, singers, drivers, mechanics, professors, small merchants in general WHERE ARE WE?

People of Fort National, People of Solino, People of Belair, People of Carrefour, People of Martissant, People of Cité Soleil, People of Pernier, People of Martissant, People of Canaran, People of Artibonite, WHERE ARE YOU?

The time has come for us to gather, to overturn this cauldron that has been hanging over us for too long, and has descended on us in the name of the bourgeoisie's bloodsucking.

Our country is for us; we must be able to live peacefully in it. Long live Haiti! Long live the resistance of the popular masses!

David Oxygène, General Secretary of MOLEGHAF
Domini Resain, Mobilization Coordinator
Jelin Esaü Jules, Communication Coordinator

This article was published in
Volume 54 Number 16 - March 5, 2024

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