Biden's Endorsement by United Auto Workers and Fraud of Primaries

UAW takes stand for ceasefire in Gaza, December 1, 2023

Another recent example of the fraud of the primaries involves Biden and promotion of the endorsement by the United Auto Workers (UAW) as a "big win." Biden is working hard to try and get the support of the unions, given the broad opposition from them concerning genocide in Palestine, including many demands for a ceasefire now. The UAW was one of the largest unions to pass such a resolution. More recently another of the largest, Service Employees International Union (SEIU), almost two million strong, also did so. A resolution circulated by the UAW, United Electrical workers (UE) and postal workers (APWU) has more than 5,250 local unions across the country supporting demands for a ceasefire, immediate aid and restoring rights in Gaza and an end to the siege. The number of unions and other organizations passing resolutions demanding a ceasefire is continually increasing.

While the UAW endorsement is being widely promoted as a "big win" for Biden, what is left out and relevant was the stand of the rank and file during speeches at the UAW's Community Action Program (CAP) conference in Washington, DC where the endorsement was announced. The repeated chant was "UAW, UAW, UAW," indicating the workers will continue to speak in their name on matters like Gaza and economic and social justice. It was not "four more years," or similar chants, though some support for Biden was expressed. At various times, "Ceasefire Now!" also rang out, demanding the UAW continue to advance this demand.

A UAW endorsement also does not mean all the autoworkers will vote for him. Biden visited Michigan February 1, again trying to court autoworkers while refusing to meet with Arab community leaders, including the Mayor of Dearborn, one of the largest Palestinian communities in the country, many of them militant autoworkers. Demonstrators protested near Biden's stop, chanting Hey Biden, what do you say? We won't vote on Election Day and Free, Free Palestine! A rally at a Dearborn high school had hundreds of signs reading "Abandon Biden." Michigan's primary is February 27. It is mainly a way to see what kind of support Biden can muster and is a fraud in terms of measuring the stand of the people, on genocide in Gaza or justice and democracy in the U.S.

Another main mechanism of fraud and disinformation is the use of scandals, which are widely promoted during elections, especially with Trump. Indeed, part of Trump's role has been to ensure the media promotes scandals, and claims of persecution, to the hilt, to further depoliticize the people. All eyes are to go to personalities and scandals and speculation about them. Politics, identifying and defending interests, working to unite and inform not disinform the public, are all to be eliminated. This is crucial to the continued rule of the rich in conditions where they can solve no problem and the people are more and more angry and dissatisfied and looking for alternatives.

It is important not to ratify the premise of the rulers about elections, that there are two choices to be debated, that the direction of the economy and country is a matter of personalities, that politics and defending the interests and rights of all are not in the equation. What is crucial is advancing our alternative of the necessity for political empowerment of the people and looking at issues from our vantage point, from our premise of resistance and elaborating a modern democracy that meets the needs of the time.

This article was published in
Volume 54 Number 13 - February 23, 2024

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