Korean Peninsula

U.S. Must Sign Peace Treaty and Cease Warmongering on Korean Peninsula

– Philip Fernandez –

As 2024 gets underway, the U.S. has stepped up warmongering on the Korean Peninsula in a futile attempt to isolate and bully the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) and present the latter as the cause of all problems facing the Korean people. Nobody is fooled by this.

The U.S. military and its puppets in the Republic of Korea (ROK) continue to openly talk about regime change in the DPRK through force. U.S. President Joe Biden issued the so-called Washington Declaration with the ROK in April 2023, a program of nuclear confrontation with the DPRK. The declaration includes a "Nuclear Consultative Group," a joint U.S.-ROK plan for the use of nuclear weapons against the DPRK. Several meetings were held between the U.S., ROK and Japan in 2023, with the intent of further militarizing the Korean Peninsula with strategic nuclear weapons to threaten the DPRK with a nuclear first strike. Ongoing anti-war demonstrations by the people of the ROK denounce the presence of U.S. troops and weapons on the Korean Peninsula as well as the war exercises against the DPRK and call for the withdrawal of all U.S. troops and weapons from the ROK.

In 2023, there were double the number of joint U.S.-ROK-Japan military exercises targeting the DPRK than in 2022, in which Canada, Australia and Britain, among other U.S.-allies, also took part. The U.S. military is talking about more such drills to be carried out in 2024. All this aggression and show of force has caused the DPRK to strengthen its nuclear arsenal and its self-defence capacity in order to neutralize the U.S. and its allies and create an equilibrium on the Korean Peninsula where the U.S. cannot act with impunity against it without a response. The ongoing hysteria from the U.S. and Canada about the DPRK and its "nuclear threats" is to cover up their own crimes against the DPRK and the Korean people.

The DPRK has always expressed a desire to sign a peace treaty with the U.S. to formally end the Korean War and normalize relations in the interests of peace. The U.S. has so far sabotaged or spurned every effort by the DPRK to realize this aim. As a further provocation, on November 13, 2023, the U.S. engineered an "agreement" between the 17 countries, including Canada, which fought in the illegal U.S.-led Korean War (1950-53) under the fig-leaf of the UN. The purported aim of the agreement is to "revitalize" the UN Command and pledge to defend the ROK if it is attacked by the DPRK. The DPRK responded to this by noting that the UN Command is a relic of the Korean War, serves no purpose and should be dismantled. In fact, had the U.S. not treacherously sabotaged the Armistice Agreement (AA) signed between it and the DPRK on July 27, 1953 to formally end the fighting in the Korean War, known as the Fatherland Liberation War in the DPRK, and followed up on its commitments as part of the AA, including for negotiations toward the signing of a peace treaty to end the Korean War, there would be no UN Command nor U.S. presence on the Korean Peninsula today.

The U.S. is the sole perpetrator of all the historic and current problems facing the Korean people. It was the U.S. that unilaterally divided Korea in two at the end of the Second World War and deprived the Korean people of their right to determine their own affairs, and it maintains the division by force today. It is the just and urgent call of all peace-loving people that the U.S. sign a peace treaty now to end the Korean War and normalize relations with the DPRK. Canada must stop falling in line with U.S./NATO demands to commit aggression against the DPRK through the imposition of multiple sanctions against that country and also its ongoing high seas piracy against DPRK shipping through "Operation NEON" under the hoax of enforcing UN sanctions. It is high time Canada contributed to peace on the Korean Peninsula by normalizing relations with the DPRK and establishing relations for the benefit of the two countries and peoples.

This article was published in
Volume 54 Number 13 - February 23, 2024

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