
Historic Raising of Cuban Flag at Ontario Legislature

Consul General of the Republic of Cuba Yanier Castellanos Orta (on the right) receives a citation from the Speaker of the Ontario Legislature Ted Arnott present (on the left) on the occasion of the 65th anniversary of the Cuban Revolution.

The flag of Cuba was raised for the first time at the Ontario Legislature at a ceremony on January 4 to mark the 65th anniversary of the triumph of the Cuban Revolution. The event was attended by about 50 people including the Honourable Consul General of the Republic of Cuba in Toronto, Jorge Yanier Castellanos Orta, and consular staff, Speaker of the Ontario Legislature Ted Arnott, two MPPs and diplomatic corps from a number of countries, as well as Cubans resident in Toronto and friends and supporters of Cuba.

The Speaker welcomed everyone and congratulated the Cuban people on the occasion of the anniversary of their revolution. He acknowledged the many contributions made by Cubans living in Canada and Ontario to the life of the province and read a message of congratulations from Premier Doug Ford. Kristyn Wong-Tam, MPP for Toronto Centre, brought greetings from the NDP and recalled her solidarity work sending bicycles from Toronto to Cuba during the Special Period. She expressed her admiration and support for the Cuban people in standing up to the U.S. blockade. Wong-Tam said she hopes that the ties between Canada and Cuba will continue for years to come.

Julio Fonseca from the Juan Gualberto Gómez Association of Cuban Residents in Toronto expressed his pride as a Cuban. He noted that Cuba's flag represents the striving of the Cuban people for their freedom, first from Spain and then from the U.S., culminating in the victory of the Revolution. He denounced the U.S. blockade of Cuba and demanded its immediate end.

The Consul General affirmed that on the 65th anniversary of the Cuban Revolution, the Cuban people are united under the leadership of their Communist Party and ready to confront any difficulties. He expressed confidence that Cuba will continue to play its role defending its principles and standing as one with all the fighting peoples and their just causes. The Consul General then raised the flag into a clear blue sky, while the national anthem of Cuba played. Applause and shouts of Viva Cuba! followed.

At the ensuing reception inside the Legislative Building, greetings and messages of solidarity were presented by various friends of Cuba. The President of Palestine House thanked Cuba for its long-standing support of the Palestinian people in their just cause. Many others expressed their congratulations and good wishes for Cuba to the Consul General and his staff.

This article was published in
Volume 54 Number 13 - February 23, 2024

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