Countries Suspend Arms Exports to Israel

Spain has suspended all arms sales and exports to Israel, citing Israel's ongoing war on the Gaza Strip and the crimes against Palestinians that the occupation is committing.

The local government of the Walloon region in Belgium has temporarily suspended two ammunition export licenses to Israel, Christophe Collignon, a minister in the Walloon parliament said. "The January 26 order of the International Court of Justice, the main judicial organ of the United Nations, as well as the unacceptable deterioration of the humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip, led the Minister-President to suspend the valid licenses temporarily." The suspension comes just days after Israel bombed a Belgian development agency building in Gaza City on January 31, following Belgium's refusal to pull its funding from UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees.

This article was published in
Volume 54 Number 10 - February 13, 2024

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