Lebanon Rejects Israeli Demands

Lebanese Foreign Minister, Abdallah Bou Habib, on February 6 rejected Israeli and international demands on Lebanon to push the Lebanese resistance group Hezbollah north of the Litani River. "Western countries demand the retreat of Hezbollah for about eight to 10 kilometres north of Litani. This is a formula that Lebanon rejects. Beirut will not accept 'partial solutions' that do not bring the desired peace and do not secure stability [by resolving the cross-border conflict] but will lead to the renewal of the war again and again," Habib said. "Lebanon will only accept a complete solution to all border issues with Israel, and half solutions do not work and will not be accepted." He also demanded that part of a potential deal be for Israel to "stop the air, land and sea violations that have exceeded 30,000 violations since 2006."

This article was published in
Volume 54 Number 10 - February 13, 2024

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