International Court of Justice Hearings on Injunction Against Israel

Court Proceedings in The Hague

The hearings which began on January 11 before the International Court of Justice in The Hague are focused on South Africa's request for provisional measures against Israel on charges that it is committing genocide in Gaza. On the opening day the South African legal delegation presented oral arguments and the Israeli delegation presents its arguments on January 12.

The most obvious aspect of this case is that two worlds are in combat and that it is necessary to leave the old behind, especially the disinformation which is the act of reactionary states to deprive the peoples of an outlook of their own. The outlook of the people rejects the criminal agenda of the Zionists which tries to justify the heinous crime of genocide. Any argumentation based on denial of the Palestinian people's right to be and denial that the state of Israel is an apartheid state which, since the day of its founding has violated the UN's founding resolution, is for purposes of presenting the genocide of the Palestinian people as normal and denying that Israel's aim is to occupy all of historic Palestine. In this regard, Israeli arguments are based on a pathological inability to feel remorse or take responsibility for their actions.

The Palestinians will prevail and the peoples of the world stand with them. It is not the judiciary which will solve the unacceptable plight of the Palestinian people. It is the resistance movement which stands for high ideals and whose sole aim is to recognize the Palestinians' Right to Be and Right of Return, and the necessity to humanize the social and natural environment to make it fit for human beings on that basis.

Should the ruling not grant South Africa's request for provisional measures against Israel on charges that it is committing genocide in Gaza, it would not make the case of South Africa any less valiant and righteous. But no one should be surprised or feel discouraged. It would indicate that the resistance struggle must be stepped up, more and more countries should take action to end any conciliation with Israel no matter what pretext they use. Everyone has a role in contributing to the defeat of Israel and those who empower it.

The world stands with South Africa in this case even though, at the end of the day, the struggles of the peoples of the world will not be resolved by courts of law based on laws, international relations and forms of colonial and neo-colonial rule. Necessity compels the peoples of the world to step up the resistance and bring in the New -- a system where they will rule in their own name and not depend on others who act with impunity in their name.

This article was published in
Volume 54 Number 4 - January 12, 2024

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