Resilience, Collective Intelligence and Courage of Organized Resistance

Actions by Resistance Forces

Despite a public assertion by Israel in the New Year that it is scaling back the war, Gaza residents say they have seen no let-up. The northern half of the enclave is still off-limits, and the southern half has become a full-blown war zone in recent weeks. Reports indicate that far from scaling back, the brutality of Israel's onslaught and its crimes are increasing and know no bounds.

Nearly the entire population has been driven from their homes at least once, many displaced several times, with new waves of displacements announced every day. However, despite the dire conditions and horror of the murderous Israeli onslaught, the Palestinian Resistance continues to reveal its effectiveness. Israeli losses on January 2 indicate the intensity of the fighting. Israel reported nine of its soldiers killed in Gaza that day, one of the deadliest days of the war for its troops.

The Israeli newspaper Yediot Ahronoth reported on January 4 that at least 12,500 Israeli soldiers will be recognized as "disabled" due to the fighting in Gaza, and that this figure is a "conservative and cautious estimate." The number of cases requesting disability recognition could reach 20,000, the report said.

Videos released on social media by Palestinian Resistance fighters show how effectively they are able to wipe out Israeli tanks and ground forces.

Meanwhile, the Lebanese resistance organization Hezbollah successfully targeted the Israeli Meron Aerial Surveillance Base with 62 missiles of various types early on January 6. Hezbollah said its fighters inflicted "direct and confirmed hits." It published video showing that two radar domes were hit. It described the operation as "a preliminary response" to the Israeli assassination of "great leader Sheikh Saleh al-Arouri and his martyr brothers" in the southern Beirut suburb of Dahieh on January 2. Hezbollah's response sent Israel the message that no Israeli bases are beyond the reach of its missiles and that its anti-Zionist operations will continue as long as Israeli aggression against Gaza continues. Hezbollah is showing that it has a large supply of all kinds of missiles and weapons and that even if many are stopped by Israel's Iron Dome anti-missile defence system the percentage that get through can cause damage Israel cannot afford to sustain.

It has become evident that U.S. and ISIS explosions and assassinations in Iraq and Iran respectively, and like actions of Israel against Hezbollah and Hamas in Lebanon and other places, are in part intended to provoke Iran and Hezbollah to turn Israel's war on Gaza into a regional conflagration. The aim, which is not succeeding thanks to the response of the resistance forces, is to take the pressure off of Israel's failure to wipe out the Palestinian resistance, its intelligence failure on October 7, 2023 and its failure to provide protection to settlers on lands contiguous to Gaza and in northern Israel. These Israelis are now displaced, living in tents in refugee camps just as the Palestinians have been forced to do since the Nakba in 1948. This is a fundamental breach of Israel's promise to them of free land and protection.

According to data from the Israeli Population and Immigration Authority, about half a million Israelis have left the occupied territories, Israeli news website Zman Yisrael pointed out.

From October 7 to 31, approximately 370,000 Israelis left Palestine, and during November, an additional 139,839 left Palestine.

The website noted that these figures do not include the tens of thousands of foreign workers and diplomats who have left Palestine since October 7 due to deteriorating conditions.

Moreover, the number of immigrants decreased from around 20,000 in the first quarter of 2023 to about 11,000 in the third quarter. In the initial weeks of the war, migration nearly came to a halt, with the number of immigrants to Palestine since October 7 constituting less than one per cent of the Israelis who left.

While the media in the U.S., Canada and European countries which back Israel remain silent about all these facts, it is necessary to take them into account so as to go to the heart of the matter of the extent of the successes the Palestinian Resistance is achieving.

This article was published in
Volume 54 Number 3 - January 10, 2024

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