CPC(M-L) Emphasizes Need to Pay Serious Attention to Elaboration of Modern Communism
One of the key contributions made by Hardial Bains to the communist and workers' movement was to elaborate modern communism. Besides numerous speeches and other writings on the subject, Hardial Bains wrote a pamphlet in 1996 entitled Modern Communism, Communist Party of Canada (Marxist- Leninist). With this pamphlet he reiterated the need to elaborate the theory that the communist and workers' movement requires today to open society's path to progress. Without this modern theory society has no prospect whatsoever. Deprived of an outlook that enables the working class to think and organize as a class of and for itself, the class is incapable of emancipating the society from the shackles of the monopolies and oligopolies, from the clutches of the imperialist system of states whose crisis of governance has plunged humankind into an abyss of wars, destruction and insecurity on all fronts.
Hardial Bains pointed out that the key thing in the elaboration of modern communism is not to take up what constitutes the "right-wing" and "left-wing." The key thing in modern communism is the sharpening of the struggle between the new and the old, the struggle between the working class and the bourgeoisie, between the epoch of the working class, socialism and communism, which is coming into being and the epoch of the bourgeoisie, which is passing away.
In carrying out study and discussion of modern communism, the aim is to elaborate its essential features and to involve everyone – workers, women, youth and students – in the discussion. Such a study and discussion makes it possible for the organizations of the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist) to elaborate their opinions on the matter and take these to all sections of the society.
Hardial Bains' insistence that everyone must study and discuss modern communism was put forward as one of the most important practical problems at the present time. Appropriate tactics must be developed to ensure that this study and discussion goes into all sections of the society. To study modern communism and elaborate theory as a guide to action has become a crucial aspect of the constant work of any organization of CPC(M-L) in good standing. The experience of the Party is very positive in this regard as it clearly reveals that all dogmatic rendering of Marxism-Leninism blocks the ability to think and act and must be rejected as a starting point. Only in this way can the Party organizations march in step with the requirements of the communist and workers' movement at any particular time.
Hardial Bains pointed out that unless modern communism is established as something important that people should study and discuss, as something crucial in the political life of the country, the outlook of the reactionary ruling elites will continue to disinform the polity.
"As the working class and the broad masses of the people fight the anti-communist and anti-social offensive, they need a theoretical and ideological basis on which they can develop their struggle. Just to have a number of demands, objections or complaints against this or that policy will not do. To demand that the governments must change their policies is the old way of doing things. Work for the creation of a new system through which people can exercise control over their lives has to be developed. The starting point, in this respect, is the aim, the goal of creating a new system. All demands, all protests, all complaints must be raised within the framework of creating a new system," Hardial Bains explained. To contribute to this work he wrote the pamphlet Modern Communism, Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist).
Hardial Bains said, "The study and discussion of the pamphlet will enable people to begin thinking about creating the new system."
Comrade Bains pointed out that the world is weighed down by the old emphasizing that "the capitalist system and the bourgeoisie are the old." He elaborated this further saying:
"All the measures taken by this moribund class through its government and the state, or via the economic institutions are decidedly self-serving and contribute to the deepening of the crisis. This class is well aware that its epoch has come to an end. It wants desperately to prolong its existence and presents itself in various garb to fool the gullible, even that of a 'radical reformer' posing as if it has something to offer to change the situation. This 'radical reform' is merely to prolong its own life by blocking the opening of the path for the progress of society.
"Workers, women, youth and students have to become conscious as to what this old is up to in the different spheres of life and defeat it. The old's greatest claim to fame is that it has won victory over socialism and communism but this is also the reflection of its greatest bankruptcy.
"What is new is the socialist system and the working class. Neither the socialist system nor the role of the working class at this time are a matter of following a dogma. It is a matter of drawing conclusions from the concrete conditions, analyzing which direction society is heading and the direction to which it must head. By the turn of the twentieth century, it had already become amply clear that the working class spontaneously gravitates towards socialism. The socialist system actually came into being by combating the prevailing bourgeois ideas and prejudices which attempt to divert this gravitation from achieving its goal. However, the victory of socialism and the subsequent colossal developments were followed by the collapse of the Soviet Union and the countries of Eastern Europe. This has proven that there are elements within the working class whose mission is to use the working class as the material weapon against socialism and communism. In other words, right in the midst of the working class, the struggle has erupted between the old and the new, between champions of the capitalist status quo and the forces of socialism and communism.
"It has become quite self-evident that there is a concerted effort to completely de-ideologize the working class. It is a program to ensure that the capitalist status quo is defended by fair or foul means. However, the collapse of the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, and the rise of the anti-social offensive in the capitalist countries is teaching the working class that the capitalist status quo is no solution."
Hardial Bains then posed the most important question: "Where is the working class to go now? What is the working class to do?"
The starting point to answering these questions was the study and discussion of the pamphlet Modern Communism, Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist). The significance is that Marxism-Leninism is not a dogma, but a guide to action.
"After serious study and discussion of this pamphlet, workers will have to go further. They will have to discuss what kind of system they want. They will have to work out and elaborate a system that will enable people to exercise control over their lives. CPC(M-L) does not take a sectarian approach on this vital question. The working class must exercise its own initiative to establish a new system for its own emancipation as the condition for the emancipation of all humanity," Hardial Bains pointed out.
This article was published in
Volume 54
Number 7 - August 2024
Article Link:
Website: www.cpcml.ca Email: editor@cpcml.ca