U.S. Appropriation of Quebec and Canada's Subsurface

Natural Resources Canada and the U.S. Department of Defense announced that they are also co-investing $32.5 million in Fortune Minerals, which is working on a bismuth and cobalt project in the Northwest Territories. The U.S. Department of Defense said the investments are part of its National Defense Industrial Strategy and strengthen North American materials supply chains. On June 3, Robert P. Sanders, Consul General of the United States in Montreal, confirmed that other projects related to critical minerals would eventually be funded by Washington. "There are others in the process," he said, adding that one of the goals is to reduce their "dependence on China."

The media reported that Minister Maïté Blanchette Vézina seemed surprised by the announcement. At a press conference, she said that the development of mining projects must go hand in hand with social acceptance. "This file demonstrates the importance of respecting our field of expertise to ensure the best possible integration of projects in the environments in which they are implemented." On the other hand, on April 25, during the study of the assets of the Quebec Ministry of Natural Resources and Forests (MRNF), she expressed her objective of "developing an energy sector and supply chain for the transition of U.S. government."

But there will never be social acceptance of war and aggression. The people of Quebec have a proud tradition of opposing Canada's participation in wars of aggression and occupation against other peoples of the world, as they have been doing by the thousands for months against Canada's participation in the genocide of the Palestinian people. The people of Petite-Nation will not yield their place for that.

This article was published in
Volume 54 Number 6 - July 2024

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