Toronto Action for Regularization and Status for All

The Migrant Workers Alliance for Change held an action at the Toronto constituency office of Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland on Father's Day to demand that Prime Minister Trudeau make good on his pledge made two years ago to begin the process to regularize the status of the tens of thousands of people living without status and without basic rights in Canada.

Speakers who were undocumented but who have been living for years in Canada contributing to the economy and the society spoke out against the refusal of the Trudeau government to keep this promise. A woman worker from Latin America noted that this long inaction on the part of the Trudeau Liberals could only be because of its racist attitude towards migrants, particularly those hailing from Latin America and the Caribbean, Africa and Asia. Father's Day was used to highlight the plight of families who are living apart. The rally heard from David, an undocumented worker who has spend more than $4,500 in lawyer's fees trying to get immigration status instead of paying for his daughter's education back home.

Another speaker who was able to bring his wife and children from Uganda recalled the hardship he had endured to reunite his family and called on the Canadian government to act quickly to enable other families to be reunited and for all undocumented people in Canada to be regularized so that they can live in security and dignity as is their right.

The action ended with the chanting of the slogan Status for All!

This article was published in
Volume 54 Number 5 - June 2024

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