Torontonians Mark 63rd Anniversary of Cuban Victory at Playa Girón

Consul General of Cuba Jorge Yanier Castellanos Orta addresses meeting, April 19, 2024

Torontonians participated in a meeting on April 19 commemorating the 63rd anniversary of Cuba's military victory over the U.S. at Playa Girón, foiling an attempt by the U.S. to achieve regime change in the island nation. The meeting was organized by Toronto Forum on Cuba.

In his opening remarks, Morteza Gorgzadeh, co-ordinator of Toronto Forum on Cuba, noted that the victory of the Cuban people over the U.S. imperialist mercenary forces at Playa Girón on April 19, 1961 was historic. Cuba's victory, the first military defeat suffered by the U.S. in the Americas, inspired the anti-colonial forces all over the world. It demonstrated the decisive unity of the Cuban people with the revolutionary government led by Fidel Castro which was instrumental in routing the U.S. and their armed mercenaries. It is this unity which is key to the defence of the Cuban revolution against all U.S. attacks over the decades and is particularly important today when the U.S. is stepping up its attempts, through various means, to destabilize Cuba, including funding so-called human rights groups, introducing drugs into the country and tightening the blockade.

The confidence of the Cuban people that they will prevail was expressed by Consul General of Cuba Jorge Yanier Castellanos Orta who addressed the meeting. He pointed out that the U.S. blockade of Cuba has caused very serious damage, including during the pandemic and gave examples of the difficulties faced because of the lack of medicines, food, fuel and other basic necessities and reaffirmed the determination of the Cuban people to overcome all adversities. Speaking of the struggle of the Cuban people and of Cuba's support for the Palestinian people, he said, "We stand for the right of all to exist, especially those who are suffering the most." He highlighted the strong historic ties between the Cuban people and the people of Palestine and said that Cuba is finding ways and means to support the people of Palestine at this hour of their greatest need. He concluded his remarks by saying that Cuba is still working on the revolution, still building, with confidence in the people and the leadership. "We believe in our own strength. We will survive. We will prevail."

Ghassan Abulawi from the Palestine Youth Movement

Ghassan Abulawi from the Palestine Youth Movement also made a presentation to the meeting. He expressed appreciation for Cuba's support and solidarity with the Palestinian people historically and today. He noted that Cuba is in the front line of the struggle against U.S. imperialism. He pointed out that the people of Cuba and the people of Palestine are united in the fight against U.S. imperialism and its allies who are responsible for wars, exploitation and human suffering the world over. Stressing the significance of actions all over the world against imperialist occupation and aggression, Ghassan ended his presentation with a quote from the Palestinian communist poet and activist Ghassan Khanafani: "Imperialism has laid its body over the world, the head in Eastern Asia, the heart in the Middle East, its arteries reaching Africa and Latin America. Wherever you strike it, you damage it, and you serve the World Revolution."

This article was published in
Volume 54 Number 3 - April 2024

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