Relations of Friendship Between Canadian and Cuban Peoples Affirmed

Warm Welcome for Cuba's New Ambassador to Canada

On March 14, Ottawa-Cuba Connections and the Association d'amitié Outaouais Cuba held a well-attended meeting followed by a social gathering to extend a warm welcome to the new Cuban Ambassador to Canada, His Excellency Rodrigo Malmierca Díaz. Representatives of both organizations made brief presentations to convey the long history of friendship between the Canadian, Quebec and Cuban peoples and summarize the solidarity and friendship work in the region over the years.

The ambassador expressed profound appreciation for the solidarity organizations in the region and in Canada pointing out that he will work closely with them, and how, beyond the political and material support, it would be difficult for Cuba to survive without the human support and the international solidarity of the peoples of the world. He gave the example of the child Elián González and the international fight that he be returned to Cuba and to his immediate family in 1999. Elián is now a member of the Cuban National Assembly and is present in every way for the Revolution. He also expressed his appreciation for the international efforts to reward the Henry Reeve Brigade with the Nobel Peace Prize.

In his exchanges with the people present, Ambassador Malmierca repeated several times how the Cuban people are touched to see people every month picketing the U.S. Embassy and demanding that the criminal blockade against Cuba be lifted and that Cuba be removed from the U.S. list of State sponsors of terrorism. He thanked both solidarity organizations for their fight for truth against the ongoing disinformation about Cuba and the Cuban Revolution.

On the matter of the blockade, he said that no matter how dire the situation may be, no matter the hardships, the Cuban people will never back down. Under the leadership of their Revolutionary government, they will find the ways and means of overcoming all obstacles the U.S. throws their way.

This article was published in
Volume 54 Number 2 - March 2024

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