No. 33

December 2023

All Out for Palestine!

Palestine in the News 

Calls for Ceasefire Abound Across Canada

Canada Joins U.S. International Naval Flotilla in the Red Sea

Israeli Defence Electronics Company Awarded Contract for Canadian Planes

Spurious Changes to Curriculum in Ontario Schools

– Enver Villamizar –

Quebec Superior Court Halts Ratification of McGill Policy Against Genocide in Palestine

• Petition to Cancel Opening of Quebec Office in Israel

Montreal's Pro-Israel Lobby Intimidates Public Officials

Photo Review, December 12 to 21

Stepped Up Actions Worldwide to Stop Israeli Genocide

All Out for Palestine!

Palestine in the News

Destruction of an entire neighbourhood in Gaza, December 21, 2023

UN Security Council Finally Passes Watered-down Resolution to
Increase Aid to Gaza

On December 22, the United Nations Security Council, after a week of being held hostage by the U.S., passed a watered-down resolution on the ongoing crisis in Gaza, with 13 votes in favour, and the U.S. and Russia abstaining. The resolution, among other points, demands that the parties “allow, facilitate and enable” the immediate, safe and unhindered delivery of humanitarian assistance at scale directly to the Palestinian civilian population throughout the Gaza Strip.

The  resolution,  reaffirmed the obligations of the parties to the conflict under international humanitarian law, especially regarding the protection of civilians and civilian objects, safety of humanitarian personnel, and the provision of humanitarian assistance.

It also requested the UN Secretary-General appoint a Senior Humanitarian and Reconstruction Coordinator with responsibility for “facilitating, coordinating, monitoring, and verifying” in Gaza, as appropriate, the humanitarian nature of all relief consignments to the enclave provided through States that are not party to the conflict.

It also called for the “expeditious” establishment of a UN mechanism to accelerate aid consignments to Gaza through States that are not party to the conflict, to expedite, streamline and accelerate assistance while continuing to help ensure that aid reaches its civilian destination.

Addressing the delaying of the resolution by the United States and the extent to which it was watered down, Ambassador Vassily Nebenzia of the Russian Federation condemned "the gross unprincipled blackmail and open scorn on part of the United States for the suffering of Palestinians and the hopes of the global community.” He noted that if the draft resolution had not been supported by a number of Arab States, Russia would certainly have vetoed it. Ambassador Nebenzia also emphasized that the Security Council’s clear demand for a full ceasefire remains an imperative, and that without it, the implementation of Council decisions in Gaza is simply impossible. No matter how the U.S. resists, shielding their main ally in the Middle East region, the Security Council will be back to clearly and unequivocally demand a cessation of hostilities, he said.

Ambassador and Deputy Permanent Representative of China, Dai Bing, said that given the humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza, the resolution offers “at least a glimmer of hope” for more and faster delivery of aid to the enclave, he said, adding “whether this glimmer of hope can be truly felt by the people of Gaza in the midst of this disaster also depends on whether the resolution can be effectively implemented.”

He said China expects action to expand humanitarian assistance in Gaza, including by the full use of  the Karem Shalom border crossing from Jordan and the opening of other crossing points. He urged Israel to stop its collective punishment of the population of Gaza and reiterated that realization of a cease fire remains the overriding goal.

China voted for the Russian amendment for these reasons, he added, and expressed regret that it failed due to a veto.

Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield of the United States was the first to speak after the resolution was adopted to repeat the U.S. lie that "since the start of the conflict, the U.S. has worked tirelessly to alleviate the humanitarian crisis, to get lifesaving assistance into Gaza, to get hostages out of the enclave, and to push for the protection of innocent civilians and humanitarian workers, and to work towards a lasting peace." The U.S. attributes its abstention to the fact that it is “appalled” that the Security Council  "was again unable to condemn the horrific terrorist attacks committed by Hamas on October 7."

The initial resolution, sponsored by the United Arab Emirates, included a call for an immediate ceasefire, as well as urgent humanitarian assistance to Gaza. The U.S. again said it would veto any resolution calling for a ceasefire. The UAE redrafted the resolution to eliminate the word "ceasefire," and to call instead for an "urgent suspension of hostilities to allow safe and unhindered humanitarian access, and for urgent steps toward a sustainable cessation of hostilities." Even that much the U.S. was not prepared to agree to.

After more than a week of negotiations and several days of vote delays, diplomats said the U.S. was unhappy that the draft asked UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres to establish a UN mechanism in Gaza "to exclusively monitor all humanitarian relief consignments to Gaza provided through land, sea and air routes. The U.S. ambassador to the UN raised the absurd concerns that the aid monitoring proposal could slow deliveries. The real objection is that as the occupier, Israel controls and inspects all deliveries, humanitarian or otherwise to Gaza while the Security Council resolution would dilute Israel's control by having the UN oversee and inspect humanitarian aid deliveries.

The objective of the majority of the countries in the world remains an immediate ceasefire, humanitarian assistance at scale and no forced displacement.

Desperate Plight of Palestinian People

The Ministry of Health in Gaza says 390 Palestinians have been killed and 734 injured in the past two days as a result of brutal Israeli attacks at a time Israel also cut off all communications within Gaza. More than 576,000 Palestinians in Gaza -- about a quarter of the population -- face “catastrophic hunger and starvation,” a UN-backed report informed. 

As of December 22, more than 20,000 Palestinians have been killed by the indiscriminate Israeli bombardments and attacks on civilians, almost half of them children and 60,000 have been wounded, and two million Palestinians have been forcefully displaced. Homes, shelters, schools and hospitals have been destroyed. Hunger and disease are spreading like wildfire.

The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) President Mirjana Spoljaric Egger said on December 19 that civilians in Gaza were being forced to endure tremendous suffering and loss. "There is a lack of operational space for the humanitarian actors, but most importantly, there is an acute lack of safety and security for people anywhere in Gaza," she said."There is some aid getting in. There are some trucks coming in but this is by far not enough given the suffering and the level of the needs of the people."

The UN agency that sees to the needs of Palestinian refugees says that more than 60 per cent of the infrastructure in Gaza has been destroyed or damaged. "This is a staggering and unprecedented level of destruction and forced displacement, taking place in front of our eyes," it added. The UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestinians in the Near East (UNRWA) also said that more than 90 per cent of the population in Gaza has been displaced.

UNICEF spokesperson James Elder said on December 19, "Without sufficient safe water, food, and sanitation that only a humanitarian ceasefire can bring -- child deaths due to disease could surpass those killed in bombardments."

Threat of Famine

Responding to the Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC) report issued December 21, the World Food Program stated:

More than one in four households in Gaza currently face extreme hunger, and there is a risk of famine unless access to adequate food, clean water, health and sanitation services is restored, according to a new Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC) report released [December 21]. IPC is a multi-stakeholder platform that analyzes data to determine the severity and magnitude of hunger crises, according to internationally-recognized scientific standards.

 This latest food security analysis for Gaza, which includes data from the World Food Program (WFP), other UN agencies and non-governmental organizations, confirmed that the entire population of Gaza -- roughly 2.2 million people -- are in crisis or worse levels of acute food insecurity. The IPC report further highlighted that 26 per cent of Gazans (576,600 people) have exhausted their food supplies and coping capacities and face catastrophic hunger (IPC Phase 5) and starvation.

‘WFP has warned of this coming catastrophe for weeks. Tragically, without the safe, consistent access we have been calling for, the situation is desperate, and no one in Gaza is safe from starvation.’ said WFP’s Executive Director Cindy McCain.

According to the IPC, there is a risk of famine occurring within the next six months if the current situation of intense conflict and restricted humanitarian access persists. From earlier assessments, WFP food security experts had already established that Gazans have used up all their resources, livelihoods have collapsed, bakeries are destroyed, shops are empty, and families can’t find food. People told WFP staff that they often go entire days without eating and that many adults go hungry so that children can eat.

"These are not just numbers -- there are individual children, women and men behind these alarming statistics,” said WFP Chief Economist Arif Husain. “The complexity, magnitude and speed that this crisis has unfolded is unprecedented.”

More emergency food and multi-sectoral assistance is essential to prevent wide-spread deaths. The recent seven-day pause highlighted that WFP and partners can provide assistance when the conditions allow, and the re-opening of the Kerem Shalom border crossing sets the stage for more food and other relief supplies to flow into Gaza, which needs to continue and accelerate with additional border crossings and operating conditions inside Gaza that allow for safe and orderly deliveries to all people in need.

"We cannot stand by and watch people starve. Humanitarian access is needed now for supplies to flow into and throughout Gaza and for civilians to safely receive life-saving aid,” said McCain. “More than anything, what is needed now is peace. WFP reiterates the call for a humanitarian ceasefire -- the world must come together now to save lives.”

U.S. Reiterates Pledge to Support Israel No Matter What

While the U.S. was obstructing the UN Security Council from adopting a resolution demanding a ceasefire, U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III was in Israel on December 18 where he again reiterated U.S. support for the genocidal war against the Palestinians. "I'm here with a clear message: America's support for Israel's security is unshakable," Austin said. According to Austin, speaking on behalf of the U.S., the war on the Palestinians is a war of democracy (Israel) against terrorism (the Palestinians). "Israel has every right to defend itself against a fanatical terrorist group whose stated purpose is to murder Jews and eradicate the Jewish state," he said, adding that, of course, "we will also continue to urge the protection of civilians during conflict and to increase the flow of humanitarian aid into Gaza. ... That's important, as Israel fights to dismantle the Hamas terror infrastructure in Gaza. And it will also be crucial for our work with our allies and partners after the fighting stops," Austen said. "Now, we know that the past 72 days have been some of the most painful days in Israel's history," but the war must go on! "[It] would compound this tragedy," he said, if all that was waiting for the Israeli people and your Palestinian neighbours is at the end of this awful war, was more insecurity, fury and despair.... [O]ngoing instability and insecurity only play into the hands of Hamas. So, we must think together about what lies beyond this terrible season of terror and war."

Austin justified the deaths of thousands upon thousands of Palestinians in the Israeli bombing and ground offensive by repeating the pitiful U.S. and Zionist excuses for Israel's murderous campaign saying, "[W]e see that Hamas routinely uses civilians as shields."

Palestinian Resistance

December 23 marks Day 78 of resistance to Israeli occupation forces' ground war in Gaza since October 7. On December 19, the Israeli army acknowledged the killing of three more of its members, bringing the Israeli reckoning to nine and wounded to 29 in the previous 24 hours. Israeli media announced that four of the nine officers and soldiers who were killed are from the army's elite forces. The military affairs correspondent of the official Israeli radio revealed that the dead belonged to the elite commando units Dovdovan and Yahlom, adding that they were killed in battles with the Qassam Brigades and other Palestinian Resistance groups in the south and north of the Strip.

Israeli Rabbi Baruch Rosenblum, recalled a story from a senior officer in the army from the second week of the Gaza ground campaign. The officer explained that most of the fighting takes place at night, and that in just one operation, Hamas had killed 36 soldiers. The rabbi explained that Hamas had attacked a convoy of three Namer armoured vehicles, each carrying 12 soldiers, setting them ablaze. The army command watched via drone live feed as the soldiers abandoned the vehicles and Hamas eliminated them all with anti-tank weapons. Israeli newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth similarly reported on December 9 that, "Every day, about 60 new wounded are received by the rehabilitation department" and that "the cumulative numbers since October 7 are astronomical: More than 2,000 soldiers, policemen and other members of the security forces have been officially recognized as disabled." "We have never been through anything even similar to this," explained Limor Luria, head of the rehabilitation department at the Ministry of Defense.

An Israeli woman who was a captive recently released from Gaza said that her mother was killed by Israeli army gunfire when soldiers shot at the car that was transporting them to Gaza, as they were being taken as captives on October 7. "Al-Qassam Brigades fighters put the hostages in a truck on October 7, and Israeli forces opened fire on the vehicle," the woman said in an interview broadcast on Israel's Channel 12. "My mother, whom I loved very much, died. I was injured in my back, and my brother was injured in his leg," she added.

Israel Hires Mercenaries

"Europe 1, a leading radio broadcasting station in France, revealed that a total of 4,185 French or Franco-Israeli individuals were fighting alongside the Israeli army on the front in Gaza. This is the largest contingent after that of the U.S.," he told Anadolu Agency on December 18. Several other organizations, including the Association France Palestine Solidarite, issued a statement that urged accountability for French nationals involved in war crimes. In a recent interview with the Spanish newspaper El Mundo, Pedro Diaz Flores, known as a notorious Spanish mercenary who fought alongside neo-Nazis in Ukraine, revealed that the Israeli regime is recruiting Private Military Companies to achieve its interests in Gaza. He revealed that "many" mercenary groups have joined Israel's army, which pays them "very well." Flores said, "So I came for the economy, for money. They pay very well, they offer good equipment and the work is calm." It is 3,900 euros ($4,187) per week, "complementary missions aside." The presence of Ukrainian mercenaries has also been confirmed.

On their social media accounts, the Private Military Company Forward Observations Group (FOG), posted numerous images and stories showing its recruits in Palestine, surrounded by a large cache of weapons and sporting combat gear. Wearing the American flag on their uniforms, the mercenaries' social media accounts show that they are stationed alongside the Gaza border in the occupied territories. The founder of FOG is U.S. mercenary and ex-U.S. paratrooper, Derrick Bales, known also for his association with the far-right Azov Battalion in Ukraine.

Apart from unconventional forces, the U.S. has deployed more than 15,000 military troops to the occupied territories since October 7, including two U.S. aircraft carriers and their associated escort ships. It has repositioned an amphibious task force made up of about 4,000 U.S. Marines and sailors. The task force of sailors and Marines embarked aboard the USS Bataan and two other warships, includes an infantry battalion of about 900 combat personnel, F-35B fighter jets, armoured vehicles and other weapons, and billions of dollars of military aid to the Israeli regime. The U.S. military still continues to ship weapons and has pledged to provide more missile interceptors for Israel's Iron Dome military system, small-diameter bombs and other GPS-guided weapons, Sabrina Singh, a Pentagon spokeswoman confirmed recently.

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Calls for Ceasefire Abound Across Canada

A record-setting 286,719 Canadians signed an online petition calling on Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to demand an immediate ceasefire in Palestine -- the most by far of any parliamentary e-petition since they began in 2015.

The petition was initiated by Montreal resident Maëva Gaudrault and sponsored by Quebec NDP MP Alexandre Boulerice. It opened for signatures on October 24 and closed on November 23. The petition was presented to the House of Commons on December 1. The Liberal government has 45 calendar days to respond after an e-petition is tabled, in this case, by January 8. As of December 15 Parliament is on a break and will resume sitting on January 29, 2024.

The petition reads as follows:


- Canada demand an immediate ceasefire in the Israel-Palestine conflict;

- Canada ask that Israel lift the blockade of the Gaza Strip and authorize the creation of a humanitarian corridor and an emergency humanitarian intervention;

- Canada ask that Israel meet its commitments under the Geneva Conventions and international humanitarian law;

- Canada meet its international commitment to promote and defend human rights;

- Canada take any other measure necessary to protect civilians, both Israelis and Palestinians, and help foster a climate conducive to building a lasting peace.

We, the undersigned, citizens and residents of Canada, call upon the House of Commons in Parliament assembled to require the Prime Minister to take the necessary measures to address the Israel-Palestine conflict.

Call for Urgent Action to Create Humanitarian Corridors

Signatories to a recent open letter to governments at all levels in Canada states, "We build on the calls of over 30 Members of Parliament, as well as those of our colleagues within the Canadian Council for Refugees, Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF), Amnesty International, and the National Council of Canadian Muslims, amongst others, in demanding an immediate ceasefire and urgent humanitarian assistance for the civilian population. In addition, we call for the creation of humanitarian corridors to safely relocate to other countries those in Gaza who are without a reasonable option for relocation in that territory or in neighbouring countries."

The letter concludes by calling on "Prime Minister Trudeau and his Government to adopt and implement the steps identified in this letter, and for all Municipal, Provincial, and appointed officials to demand we do our part as Canadians to save the lives of refugees currently trapped in Gaza."

Municipalities Pass Motions Calling for Ceasefire

Some 100 cities across the country have passed resolutions calling for the federal government to demand an immediate and permanent ceasefire in Gaza. Below are some examples.

The City of Burnaby, British Columbia is said to be the first city in Canada to have passed such a motion. On November 7, city council for Burnaby, part of the Greater Vancouver Area, unanimously passed a motion that calls on the federal government to call for a ceasefire in Gaza, an increased flow of humanitarian aid and the release of all hostages. The motion also asks Mayor, council, and the City of Burnaby to condemn all acts of anti-Semitism, anti-Palestinian racism and Islamaphobia in the community. It adds that these acts "have risen since the escalation of violence this past month." Besides calling on the federal government to take this stand, the motion also authorizes that a letter be sent to Burnaby MPs Jagmeet Singh (also the NDP Leader) and Terry Beech.

Councillor Daniel Tetrault, who brought forward the motion, said that he hopes that other cities will also take a stand. "We want other people and other organizations, elected officials, and people in general to feel that it's safe to speak out and call for a ceasefire, in order to stop the killing of innocent civilians," he told CityNews. He expressed disbelief that the federal government has yet to call for a ceasefire. "We will hope at the bare minimum, we call for a ceasefire," Tetrault said. "That shouldn't be controversial... given all the civilian casualties." He went on to say that "As someone who comes from a Jewish background, I want to make clear this isn't an issue of Jews versus Muslims, this is an issue of basic human rights."

By November 14, a letter making the same demands of the Canadian government had been signed by 50 city councillors, mayors, and directors from municipalities across the province. Speaking to the letter and the demand for a permanent ceasefire, Burnaby Councillor Tetrault stated, "A pause is not sufficient in addressing the real humanitarian crisis right now, and it's also not long-term. It doesn't stop the bombing, and it doesn't stop the targeting of civilians."

In Quebec on November 21, the municipal council of the City of Sherbrooke unanimously adopted a resolution calling for an immediate ceasefire in Palestine and adding its voice to the growing chorus for a just and better world. This was in response to Sherbrooke residents calling for Sherbrooke to become a city of peace in support of the Palestinian people.

Mohamed Soulami, on behalf of the group of citizens of Sherbrooke who demand a better world and peace, presented a letter to the municipal council on November 7 for the council to take a position. He also addressed the council on November 21, saying, "Despite the denunciations made by world organizations such as the UN, the WHO [World Health Organization] and the call to take measures to avoid a catastrophe for humanity, we note that several organizations ignore these alerts. Ethnic cleansing and war crimes against the population of Gaza in Palestine have continued for 30 days now. Quebec and Canada unfortunately view the issue with the notion of double standards. However, it is expected that our elected officials will be fair and in favour of the UN recommendations to demand that this massacre be stopped immediately."

In the resolution adopted, the city also calls on other municipalities and the provincial and federal governments to be allies and adopt similar resolutions.

"You just have to be human to support Palestine," expressed one citizen. Others also wanted to denounce those who remain silent and called on Sherbrooke to be a "courageous city." Like many other cities across the country, Sherbrooke has been holding regular demonstrations in support of the Palestinian people since October 7.

In Ontario, even those social democratic forces which are known for kow-towing to the Zionist lobby have been compelled by their constituents to respond to the humanitarian crisis created by the slaughter being perpetrated. In this regard, on November 10, Toronto Mayor Oliva Chow called for a ceasefire, referring to the images of Israel's mass killings and destruction in Gaza as "unbearable."

Mayor of Hamilton Andrea Horwath on November 21 also spoke out and called the situation in Gaza a "humanitarian nightmare beyond imagination" and also called for a ceasefire. She said that the residents of Hamilton deserve to have their calls for peace heard.

On November 22, the City of Mississauga unanimously joined the call for a ceasefire, one of the latest cities in Canada to formally do so. The motion was moved by Ward 5 Councillor Carolyn Parrish, who also called for the release of Israeli hostages. "Millions of protesters throughout the world, including thousands here in Mississauga, are asking for a ceasefire to end the carnage and move toward a solution to the conflict," her statement read. She added that "peace can only come through the immediate and unconditional return of all hostages and a ceasefire." As a federal MP, Parrish led a multi-party delegation of nine Canadian parliamentarians to Palestine, which included stops in the West Bank and Gaza, and Israel in May 2002.

Presentation of resolution at Mississauga city council meeting, November 22, 2023

In Calgary, Mayor Jyoti Gondek declined to participate in the annual menorah lighting at city hall on December 7, as she had done last year, after it was expressly politicized as a pro-Israel event, rather than an event for the city's Jewish community.

"It has come to my attention late in the day that tomorrow's community menorah lighting event -- something I have looked forward to attending over the years -- has been repositioned as an event to support Israel," she said in a statement. She added that when she asked to speak at the event weeks ago, it was to bring traditional Hannukah greetings to Calgary's Jewish community. "This last minute change goes against the original intention, and has left me feeling let down by leadership," reads the statement. She said that as mayor, her goal is to celebrate common bonds in the city, and engage in an interfaith manner. "The changed nature of tomorrow's event creates a divide and forces people to choose a side."

Despite widespread demands for a ceasefire, the Trudeau Liberal government continues to call for "humanitarian pauses" rather than an immediate ceasefire, meaning that it wants Israel to only temporarily pause its assault on Gaza to let some aid through after which Israel can resume its attacks.

Unions and Labour Councils Take a Stand

Canadian Union of Public Employees

At the national convention of the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE), held in Quebec City October 23 to 27, members passed an emergency resolution in support of Palestine by a two-thirds majority. The resolution states that CUPE will, "Demand the Canadian government call for an immediate ceasefire in Israel/Palestine, an end of its sale of arms to Israel, an end to diplomatic immunity for the state of Israel, and an end to Israel's blockade of Gaza and the restoration of aid and the basic necessities of life." As well, CUPE will "Conduct member education about the history of Israel's occupation and colonization of Palestine, Canada's complicity, and what trade unions can do to support a just peace." That Canada's largest union passed such a member-driven resolution is extremely important.

As well, the Canadian Staff Union (CSU), which represents staff employed at CUPE, passed an especially strong four-point resolution in solidarity with Palestinian civilians and trade unions.

"We're watching an unprecedented genocide before our eyes, one that's only getting worse with every passing day," said Amy Kishek, a CSU member who helped advance the emergency resolution as part of Labour for Palestine CSU Caucus. "In this moment, we decided to respond to the call from Palestinian trade unions. They've told us loud and clear that trade unions must play a role in educating members about occupation and the escalating genocidal violence and displacement unfolding now, as well as the complicity of countries like the one we live in."

According to CSU's press release, "The action items for the resolution calls for the CSU to: Respond to calls from Palestinian trade unions to end the violence and pressure Canada to stop all military trade/support for Israel; Protect CSU members from being disciplined or silenced for speaking out; Conduct member education; [and] Strike a committee to investigate, and report on, CUPE Employees' Pension Plan investments in companies on the boycott [divestment and sanctions] list."

Kimalee Phillip, a staff member at CUPE and CSU member emphasized that the union is taking measures to "ensure that staff who speak out in support of Palestine, but who also are critical of the state of Israel as an apartheid state and its occupation, that we don't face retribution for those positions." CSU has centred the issue of divestment by committing to examine any potential pension investments its fund may have in Israel. "We have one of the best pension plans as staff within CUPE and we want to make sure that our funds are not being invested in ways that support the apartheid regime. So we're calling on our union to strike a committee and work with our pension trustees to investigate and report to the membership. We want to make sure our pension fund isn't invested in companies that are benefiting from the occupation," Phillip said.

Canadian Federation of Nurses Unions

The Canadian Federation of Nurses Unions issued the following statement on November 9.

The Canadian Federation of Nurses Unions (CFNU) supports Doctors without Borders/ Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) call for an immediate ceasefire in the Israel-Hamas war. As the level of violence and bombing continues to escalate, critically needed humanitarian supplies and staff must be allowed in and able to work safely. Hospitals in Gaza are overwhelmed, and the health care system faces total collapse. It is a clear obligation under international humanitarian laws that medical facilities, medical staff and patients are protected.

An immediate ceasefire would allow for medical and humanitarian supplies to get into the region and help those in critical need.

The CFNU calls on the Trudeau government to strengthen its influence and to call for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire. The Canadian government must support the United Nations, World Health Organizations, MSF and the International Council of Nurses, along with many other international aid organizations' pleas for help and intervention.

Canada's nurses also support the International Council of Nurses #NURSESFORPEACE campaign. We are immensely proud of the courage and strength of those providing much-needed medical care despite the grave dangers. Visit to learn more and support the campaign.

Canadian Union of Postal Workers

On November 10, the Canadian Union of Postal Workers (CUPW) issued the following statement.

Over 10, 000 people -- including thousands of children -- have been killed since violence began in Israel and Palestine on October 7, and the death toll continues to rise as the war enters its second month. CUPW condemns the targeting, kidnapping and killing of innocent civilians and calls on the Canadian Government to demand an immediate ceasefire.

Palestinians in Gaza are being denied clean water, food, electricity, and other necessities of life. Nowhere is safe in Gaza as over a million Palestinians have been forced from their homes. Meanwhile, Israeli airstrikes continue, and a ground invasion has begun. Israeli state officials have made clear statements that they intend to clear Gaza of its inhabitants. What is happening today in Gaza, according to international bodies and experts, constitutes a genocide.

Collective punishment of the people of Gaza is a clear violation of Article 53 of the Fourth Geneva Convention.

Israeli apartheid and its military occupation of Palestine has led to countless abuses, from daily indignities and harassment at checkpoints, housing demolitions, forced removals for illegal settlement expansion, and murder with impunity.

CUPW has a longstanding resolution and constitutional policy to support the struggle of Palestinian workers and the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions campaign until Israel recognizes the right of Palestinian people to self-determination and complies with international law -- including respecting the right of Palestinian refugees to return to their homes in accordance with UN Resolution 194.

The path forward for a just and lasting peace is for Israel to end the occupation and adhere to international law. The first step is an immediate ceasefire to stop the killing of innocent civilians and allow humanitarian aid to enter Gaza.

Hamilton and District Labour Council

On October 19, the Hamilton and District Labour Council (HDLC) issued a call for an immediate ceasefire that reaffirmed the labour council's "position for an end to the occupation of Palestinian territories."

The HDLC's statement continues: "Further, we call on the Canadian government to stop arming the Israeli government and instead supply humanitarian aid to the Palestinian people to help offset the crisis that continues in Gaza. We condemn federal, provincial and municipal politicians who are using the crisis in the Middle East to smear and slander those who speak out in defence of Palestinian human rights as being 'pro-terrorist' in a way that undermines freedom of expression and democratic rights." Following this, the Service Employees International Union's (SEIU) Canadian Local 2 adopted the HDLC's position.

Windsor and District Labour Council

At its Membership Meeting on November 14, the Windsor and District Labour Council (WDLC) adopted the following resolution:

That the WDLC demand that the Canadian government call for:

(a) An immediate ceasefire of all hostilities in Israel-Palestine;

(b) An end to the blockade of Gaza;

(c) The restoration of humanitarian aid and access to the basic necessities of life;

(d) The release of hostages; and

That the WDLC supports the call for peace, dialogue, and a lasting solution to this conflict that has taken too many lives and caused immeasurable suffering; and

That the WDLC firmly believes a just and lasting peace is possible in Israel-Palestine, where people of all backgrounds and faiths can live peaceably side by side, in safety and security, and with justice for all.

(With files from CityNews, CTV, Now Magazine, CBC.)

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Canada Joins U.S. International Naval Flotilla
in the Red Sea

Yemen blocks Israeli merchant ship from its waters, December 11, 2023.

U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin formally announced on December 18 that the U.S. has established a naval flotilla to guarantee Israeli bound shipping has access to the Red Sea and Suez Canal. Austin said, "Operation Prosperity Guardian is bringing together multiple countries to include the United Kingdom, Bahrain, Canada, France, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Seychelles and Spain to jointly address security challenges in the southern Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden, with the goal of ensuring freedom of navigation for all countries and bolstering regional security and prosperity." The European Union has now announced it will also participate. According to Austin, the flotilla is in response to the Houthi of Yemen targeting merchant vessels headed to Israel.

Britain has committed a Type 45 destroyer equipped with air defence weapons to the force. French frigate Languedoc has been patrolling the Gulf of Aden and the southern area of the Red Sea since December 8. A spokesperson told the press that the Languedoc shot down two drones "coming from the direction of Yemen that appeared hostile on the second day of its patrol duty." Norway will contribute 10 officers, Canada three oficers and the Netherlands two officers, but no ships.

There is not and never was any threat to "freedom of navigation for all countries" or to regional security and prosperity. The only threat is to Israel bound shipping.

Yemen's firm stand against U.S.-backed Israeli bombing and ground operations massacring Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank has had significant impact. Reuters reports that no less than 12 major shipping companies, including French shipping group CMA CGM, the Belgian oil tanker firm Euronav, the Taiwanese container shipping line Evergreen, Norway's oil tanker group Frontline, South Korean container shipper HMM, German container shipping line Hapag Lloyd, Denmark's A.P. Moller-Maersk, Mediterranean Shipping Company (MSC), Japan's Ocean Network Express, Orient Overseas Container Line (OOCL), Norway's Wallenius Wilhelmsen and Taiwan's Yang Ming Marine Transport have either stopped transporting Israel bound cargo or are re-routing shipments around Africa rather than the more direct Red Sea routing.

Yemen is not alone in its anti-Israel shipping stand in solidarity with the Palestinians. On December 20, Malaysian Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim announced the decision to impose the maritime ban on Israel-affiliated vessels -- singling out ZIM in particular, Israel's largest shipping firm. Ships on their way to Israel will also be barred from loading cargo at any port in the Southeast Asian nation with immediate effect, Anwar said in a statement. "The Malaysian government decided to block and disallow the Israeli-based shipping company ZIM from docking at any Malaysian port," Anwar said. The restrictions are a response "to Israel's actions that ignore basic humanitarian principles and violate international law through the ongoing massacre and brutality against Palestinians." Malaysia also decided to no longer accept ships using the Israeli flag to dock in the country and imposed a ban on any ship on its way to Israel from unloading cargo in Malaysian ports.

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Israeli Defence Electronics Company Awarded Contract for Canadian Planes

On November 27, the Israeli defence electronics company Elbit Systems Ltd. was awarded a contract by Airbus Defense and Space to supply Canada's new fleet of military refueling and transport aircraft with the Direct Infrared Countermeasures (DIRCM) and Infrared (IR) Missile Warning Systems. The contract for installation on the Multi Role Tanker Transport (MRTT) A330 refueling aircraft will be performed over a period of five years.

Elbit claims its DIRCM systems are designed "to protect aircraft against heat-seeking ground-to-air missiles," honing in on the radiation emitted by a target's heat source such as aircraft engines or exhaust. The DIRCM system detects, acquires, and tracks the missile from the moment it is launched and then emits a laser beam that jams the missile. The system "combines advanced laser technology with a high frame rate thermal imaging camera and a small, high dynamic range mirror turret," Elbit says.

In July, the Canadian government ordered four newly built Airbus A330 MRTT aircraft and five converted A330-200s to replace the aging CC-150 Polaris tankers "to strengthen the continental defence capabilities" of the Royal Canadian Air Force. The amount of the contract, signed between Elbit and Airbus Defense and Space, was not disclosed.

Oren Sabag, General Manager of Elbit Systems' ISTAR and EW, said: "The decision by Airbus Defense and Space to continue equipping the MRTT A330 aircraft with our advanced defence solutions validate the quality and market leading technology of our solutions. Our DIRCM Self Protection Suite will provide the customer with advanced defensive solutions to bolster the security and operational advantage of the platforms and crew."

Elbit is the largest supplier to the Israeli military, providing the vast majority of its drones, munitions, surveillance gear, precision missiles and parts for its tanks and jets. Elbit Systems UK Ltd. in Britain manufactures parts for Israel's killer drones, along with weapons sights, tank parts, and more, exporting these technologies to Israel in great volume yearly.

(European Defence Review, Xinhua)

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Spurious Changes to Curriculum in Ontario Schools

– Enver Villamizar –

Changes are currently underway in the Ontario education curriculum, aiming to associate opposition to Israel's ongoing occupation and ethnic cleansing of Palestinian lands with anti-Semitism, hate, and what are termed "extreme ideologies." This initiative is purportedly in the name of safeguarding democracy, all while revelations emerge about Canada funding and training neo-Nazis in Ukraine, with evidence coming to light about the settlement of many Nazis in Canada post-World War II, one of whom was given a standing ovation in the Parliament. The financial support for Nazis to wage war against Russia and the presence of Nazis in Canada are avoided by governments, raising questions about their involvement and cover-up. Amidst these developments, discussions about anti-Semitism and preserving democracy are irrational and disingenuous to say the least.

On November 1, just over a month after a Nazi was honoured in the House of Commons by all Members of Parliament and the head of Canada's army, the Ontario government announced the introduction of "new and expanded mandatory learning about the Holocaust in the compulsory Grade 10 history course." Simultaneously, the province declared a $650,000 investment in community partnerships to provide resources for students and educator training, aiming to expand learning on fundamental Canadian values, including the importance of safeguarding democracy from extreme and harmful ideologies.

Similar announcements were made in November 2022 when the Ontario government mandated Holocaust education in Grade 6, accompanied by funding for various private entities related to Holocaust education and anti-Semitism.

Education about the Second World War and the Holocaust is crucial to arm the next generation with a perspective from which to appreciate the sacrifices made by the resistance of the world's people to Nazi fascism at that time so they can judge what is happening today and take a stand for peace and against occupation and imperialism. In the Ontario history curriculum today the emphasis on teaching the Holocaust is on the development of the importance of human rights in Canada as a result of the experience of the Holocaust. For example a question the curriculum asks is "Do you think the Holocaust affected Canadians' views about Canada's treatment of First Nations, Métis, and Inuit? Why, or why not?" In other words the current curriculum relates the holocaust to the treatment of first nations in Canada given Canada's practice of cultural genocide against Indigenous Peoples. The Ontario government is now changing this approach and financing private groups who focus on linking criticism of Israel to anti-Semitism and hate. This is not about teaching the youth history. It is about trying to prevent the youth from opposing Israeli occupation and U.S. and Canadian support for it.

The government and the proponents of this approach portray Jews merely as victims in this educational context, using the horror of the Holocaust to shield the Zionist project in Israel from contemporary opposition and criticism. However, Jewish people across Europe during the Holocaust were integral to the worldwide resistance movement, fighting against Nazi expansion and occupation. Today, as Israel's actions mirror some of the Nazi tactics, the Palestinian people's resistance becomes paramount, drawing inspiration from the global resistance against Nazi fascism during World War II. Today, when people like Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu stand up at the UN -- as he did on September 22 -- and literally try to erase Palestine off the map of the Middle East, they are doing what the Nazis did to the peoples of much of Europe.

Today Israel's occupation of Palestinian lands and efforts to occupy more and more of it has been made clear for all to see because of the resistance of the Palestinian people and all those who refuse to accept it, as we do today. It is because of this resistance that this is the case. This resistance holds high the experience of the peoples of the world during WWII that their only security lies in their fight for the rights of all. It is because of the resistance to occupation from the time of Israel's founding to today that the Palestinian people have a future and will be free!

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Quebec Superior Court Halts Ratification of McGill Policy Against Genocide in Palestine

On November 23, just three days after McGill undergraduate students had overwhelmingly voted in favour of the Policy Against Genocide in Palestine, their union, the Students' Society of McGill University (SSMU) issued a statement explaining that two days prior, it had "received a demand for a provisional and interlocutory injunction" that "seeks to prevent the SSMU from voting on the ratification of the Policy" at its "Board of Directors."[1] "Ratification by the Board of Directors," the Executive Committee informs, "is necessary for any policy or decision voted by Referendum to be actionable by the SSMU. In court, a decision was reached to postpone the potential ratification of the policy until a verdict is rendered in a new court hearing.... scheduled for the last week of March 2024." The Executive Committee then adds: "During the hearing, our lawyers will vigorously contest the injunction."

The following day, Solidarity for Palestinian Human Rights (SPHR) McGill -- responded, "The lawsuit, filed by a student leading the "Vote NO" Campaign against the Policy, is also led by B'nai Brith Canada. Confronted by the rising tide of Palestine solidarity throughout North America, Zionist lobby organizations, like B'nai Brith Canada, are increasingly resorting to tactics of legal oppression and weaponizing lawsuits to silence Palestinian and anti-Zionist Jewish activism.

"The desperate immediacy of this retaliation is the latest attempt to suppress a clear and democratic mandate at McGill, but also to distract from the atrocities being committed against the Palestinian people at the hands of the Zionist regime. In the face of heightening contradictions, Zionism can only legitimize itself within the authority of the colonial court system, an establishment that repeatedly institutionalizes and upholds anti-Palestinian racism."[2]

B'nai Brith Canada "obtained the temporary order stopping ratification and implementation of the resolution until the hearing on full injunctive relief," reads an article in The Suburban.[3]

B'nai Brith Canada had tried to stop the vote from taking place at McGill. In a statement dated November 17, the organization's Chief Executive Officer, Michael Mostyn, said: "This misinformation-ridden, discriminatory policy should never have appeared on the ballot. We are taking the extraordinary step of helping a student obtain an injunction to suspend this Referendum because we believe it represents a serious threat to the rights of Jews at McGill University."[4]

In court documents, apparently, the unnamed student challenging the Policy Against Genocide in Palestine describes it as "'hate literature' that violates the student society's constitution and its antisemitism and equity policies."[5]

"Year after year, there is some form of referendum or question that they [SSMU] have people vote on to basically condemn Israel where they would not condemn other countries," Henry Topas, Quebec regional director of B'nai Brith Canada, told CBC News.[6] "Topas added that while B'nai Brith acknowledges 'collateral civilian suffering' in Gaza, Israel must defend itself. ...To turn it around and say there is genocide being committed in Gaza is nonsense," he said.

Another publication cites Topas as saying: "The notion of voting that Israel is committing genocide in Gaza is offensive and has no business in student politics," and that "Based on there being such a referendum question we are asking the courts to stop the referendum."[7] The same article goes on to say that "B'nai Brith had notified the university and the student union about the injunction and told them to wait to implement, announce or count votes pending the official hearing of the injunctive motion" but that "[n]either the university nor the student union responded."

In 2022, a similar referendum condemning Israel was held and a pro-Palestinian policy was approved by 71 per cent of undergraduate students who voted at McGill. However, the SSMU finally did not ratify it. The university administration had threatened at the time to terminate its Memorandum of Agreement with the student union if the policy was not withdrawn. At the time, McGill student Jonah Fried sued the student union, the university and SPHR McGill, alleging that the policy was "designed to create a climate of fear and intimidation against Jewish students."[8]

Fried was also backed by B'nai Brith Canada in court in his lawsuit, which named McGill University, the SSMU and SPHR McGill, which promoted the referendum.[9]


1. SSMU, Statement from the Executive Committee on the Injunction Concerning the Policy against Genocide in Palestine.

2. Solidarity for Palestinian Human Rights McGill.

3. Court blocks implementation of McGill student resolution, The Suburban, November 22, 2023.

4. "B'nai Brith Canada Backing Legal Injunction to Stop Anti-Israel Referendum at McGill," B'nai Brith Canada, November 17, 2023.

5. "Quebec court orders pause to ratification of McGill student union pro-Palestine vote," CTV News, November 22, 2023

6. "Quebec Superior Court halts adoption of pro-Palestinian McGill student union policy," CBC News, November 23, 2023.

7. B'nai Brith Canada Backing Legal Injunction to Stop Anti-Israel Referendum at McGill, B'nai Brith Canada, November 17, 2023.

8. "McGill students vote to approve a policy against 'genocide in Palestine' over the objections of Jewish students," The Canadian Jewish News, November 21, 2023.

9. "Lawsuit Against McGill University Student Activists Supporting Palestine," TML Monthly,  August 17, 2022.

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Petition to Cancel Opening of Quebec
Office in Israel

Demonstration in support of Palestinian people, Montreal, December 16, 2023

On the National Assembly website, a petition requesting the cancellation of the opening of a Quebec office in Israel was filed on November 14 by Ruba Ghazal, MP for the Mercier constituency. As of December 22, 3,917 people have already signed the petition. It will remain online until February 14, 2024.

On October 10, the inauguration of Quebec's representation in Tel Aviv was postponed. The Premier of Quebec said at that time, according to one of the documents obtained by Le Devoir: "The government of Quebec remains faithful to its position of balance with regard to the conflict [...]. It advocates the essential place of negotiation and support of the international community to achieve a lasting settlement of the conflict, in compliance with international law. Despite a fluctuating political and security context, Israel remains the strongest democracy in the region. Its parliamentary political system as well as its civil society are solid," writes Le Devoir citing the notes obtained from the ministry.

The text of the petition reads:

WHEREAS Israel is in permanent violation of United Nations resolutions by its refusal to comply with more than 50 resolutions since 1947, including Security Council Resolution 2334 of 2016 demanding an end to the policy of colonization of the Palestinian territories;

WHEREAS Israel, as an occupying force, deviates from international law which imposes on it, among other things, the obligation to ensure the protection of the civilian population and the provisioning of the occupied populations;

WHEREAS Canadian policy on key aspects of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict does not recognize Israeli control of the occupied territories and subscribes to the creation of a Palestinian state;

WHEREAS the Quebec nation has repeatedly emphasized its solidarity with the Palestinian people through petitions and demonstrations as well as through its parliamentary and governmental institutions;

WHEREAS the opening of a Quebec office in Israel will encourage the latter in its refusal to commit to the path of peace;

WHEREAS the unconditional support of Western powers provides Israel with total impunity, allowing it to act in defiance of all United Nations resolutions;

We, the signatories, ask the government of Quebec to cancel the opening of the Quebec office in Tel Aviv as long as the Israeli government denies its obligations imposed by international law towards the Palestinian people and violates the resolutions of the United Nations and the peace agreements.

To view the petition online click here.

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Montreal's Pro-Israel Lobby Intimidates
Public Officials

The following article was written by Bruce Katz, cofounder of Montreal organization Palestinian and Jewish Unity (PAJU).

According to a report in the Montreal Gazette,[1] a campaign by the Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs (CIJA) to force Bochra Manai (Montreal's anti-racism commissioner) to resign for participating in a pro-Palestinian demonstration where was present a controversial figure -- Imam Adil Charkoui issued a prayer calling for the destruction of those involved in the attack on Gaza -- and for expressing her empathy with the Palestinians on Instagram. CIJA claimed that as anti-racism commissioner, Manai had a duty to remain neutral and should not have made any comments on the situation in Gaza. The same article quotes Manai as saying that she took part in "demonstrations in Montreal in support of a request for a ceasefire" because she is "committed to peace (and) saddened by the horror of this situation." The statement is laudable and one remarks that there has been no such call for a ceasefire by either CIJA or the B'nai Brith. Israel right or wrong!

One also notes that there was no comment whatsoever by either of the two organizations named above by the call to the genocide of Palestinians in Gaza by Éric Sabbah of the Pierre Boucher Hospital in Longueuil who wrote that it was time for a grand nettoyage (a great ethnic cleansing) of the Palestinians in Gaza because it is "impossible to distinguish the good from the bad." Not a peep from either organization. Not a peep from either organization regarding the bloodbath happening in Gaza. Israel right or wrong! Unconditional support for Israel, even if that means enabling genocide by unconditional support for a racist, fascist Netanyahu coalition and rabid Jewish settlers who have enacted pogroms against Palestinians in the occupied Palestinian West Bank, the same sort of pogroms enacted against Jews in the European experience over the centuries.

In fact, both CIJA and the B'nai Brith use the smear of antisemitism as the means of silencing the vocal opposition and massive demonstrations taking place in support of Palestinians. The smear campaign against Bochra Manai is but one example. Vandalism and intimidation against Jews and synagogues is deplorable and should be denounced. It should, however, be noted that it is the failure to differentiate the state of Israel from Jews as a collectivity which is at the heart of the current rise in anti-Jewish sentiment.

Because it has been the Zionist project to absorb both Judaism and Jews into the concept of the State of Israel as the embodiment of Judaism, thereby substituting the State for God, it is now in the public imagination to conflate Zionism with Judaism and Israel as the embodiment of world Jewry. Hence, the blame for heinous acts enacted upon the subjugated Palestinians under the colonial rule of Israel fall upon the collective shoulders of the Jews, although there are thousands if not hundreds of thousands of Jews who are critical of Israel and bound to their Jewish culture by virtue of Judaism's humanist values, not to the worship of the State.

Thousands of Jews -- including a number of Jews in Israel -- continue to take part in the massive demonstrations taking place in support of Gaza. The instrument by which the pro-Israel lobby promotes this Israeli hasbara (propaganda) is by virtue of the use of the false notion of antsemitism known as the IHRA definition (International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance).

This is what has accompanied the smear campaign against Bochra Manai (not unlike the odious smearing of the reputation of the late Yves Michaud via the Quebec National Assembly some years ago), as the B'nai Brith has "urged" Mayor Valérie Plante to "endorse the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance's definition of antisemitism." This is how the pro-Israel lobby uses antisemitism to silence and intimidate public officials and anyone else who dares to criticize the racist apartheid State of Israel. It is time that these two organizations were called out publicly for what amounts to a blanket endorsement of Israel's crimes committed against Palestinian civilians. That begins with supporting those very public officials who have the courage to stand on principle and condemn Israel for what it is: a racist apartheid state.

Unfortunately, in the case of Bochra Manai, the Lobby's campaign has been successful to the point of forcing Manai to promise she will never again attend a pro-Palestinian demonstration. What is left unsaid but is nevertheless understood, is that the effect of promising to never attend such a demonstration is to imply that those who demonstrate in support of the Palestinians are all "antisemites." The "Lobby" should remember the following: when you call those who defend human rights and decry war crimes "antisemites," you make "antisemitism," such as you define it, a moral imperative! When everyone is an antisemite, then there are no more antisemites! It is, indeed, a dangerous game to play.


1. "Anti-racism Commissioner Promises to Stop Attending Pro-palestinian Rallies, B'nai Brith Says," Montreal Gazette, November 29, 2023.

(, December 5, 2023)

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Photo Review, December 12 to 21

Stepped Up Actions Worldwide to Stop
Israeli Genocide


On December 17 at 2:00 pm, more than 2,000 people gathered on Parliament Hill in Ottawa for the 10th consecutive weekend march for Gaza since October 7. In a brief intervention before marching through the streets of downtown Ottawa, a spokesperson for the Palestine Youth Movement reminded everyone of the most recent deliberate killing by Israel of Al Jazeera cameraman Samer Abu Daqqa while reporting on the bombing of a school sheltering people in Khan Younis in the Gaza Strip. In the same attack, his colleague, Gaza bureau chief Wael al-Dahdouh, who lost his wife, son, daughter and grandson in a previous Israeli bombing, was wounded. In his eulogy, Wael said journalists are carrying a "human and noble message" for the world and will continue to work despite Israeli attacks.

The spokesperson, speaking about the journalists in Gaza, said they are the models for us to follow. Speaking of the 18,800 people who have died so far at the hands of the Israeli Zionists, she said: "Our role, our responsibility is right here against the Canadian government who continues to arm Israel and support it. Our people in Gaza understand that to live is not just to accept life under oppression, to live is to fight for freedom and fight for your people's liberation and fight to continue life on your land. I want you all to remember them as we march today and to keep them in our hearts and in our minds not only during our marches or when there is no ceasefire, but all year and all the years to come until Palestine is liberated, because the struggle is not just momentary. The struggle continues until all of our demands are met, which includes an end to the siege on Gaza, an end to occupation and a liberated Palestine from the river to the sea with the right of return for all refugees."

December 17


A militant picket was held in front of Federal MP for Hull-Aylmer Greg Fergus' office in Gatineau on December 18, as part of a Canada-Wide Day of Action -- No Peace for MPs Until Palestine is Free.

December 18



December 17


December 17


Hundreds of people began gathering in downtown Montreal, December 17 at the call of numerous organizations, amongst them the Palestinian Youth Movement (PYM), Montreal4Palestine, and Solidarity for Palestinian Human Rights. By the time the crowd began listening to the speakers, it had swelled to over a thousand.

A spokesperson from PYM said: "Last week, the Canadian government voted for a ceasefire in the United Nations General Assembly. This is a resolution that means nothing. It means nothing on the ground. But it is symbolic. It is symbolic of the power of the people who come out and protest" -- in response to which participants offered warm applause. "And it's because of all of you here today who have continued to show up week after week," she added. "But we know that this is not enough. We know that a ceasefire alone is not enough. We demand an immediate lifting of the illegal siege on Gaza. Gaza has been under siege for over 17 years," to which the crowd responded: Shame! Lift the Siege on Gaza Now!

She ended saying: "No food! No water, nothing is allowed in Gaza and yet the people remain steadfast. They are the cradle of our resistance. We also demand that all our Palestinian prisoners in Zionist jails be released, all of them! And finally we must demand an end to all Western complicity in this genocidal occupation."

Next up was a young woman originally from Gaza. "I'm here today to speak about the very reality of being from Gaza, the reality of being in a city that has been an open air prison for almost two decades. A city that doesn't have an airport. A city where access to water and electricity [...] is a constant struggle.

"As a 20-year-old Palestinian from Gaza, I consider that I have been able to visit my beautiful homeland five times. Some say that Palestinians leave Gaza as an escape, but the truth is the opposite. Every trip to Gaza that I take, [is] my escape from this world and a re-connection to my family, my homeland, my culture. Being [in] Gaza means that I'm finally at peace, that I'm home, that I'm surrounded with the people that I love.

"I also want to say that from the five times I have been to Gaza, I would never describe Gaza as a city of destruction and death. Despite the multiple aggressions Gaza has gone through, this beautiful city of mine has maintained its joy of life in every way that you can imagine it.

"If you need to know one thing about the people in Gaza, it's that they are vibrant and full of life and resilient and hopeful. Really, the Palestinians have a way of finding contentment and cheerfulness in anything and everything that life has given to them. I have spent this last summer of 2023 with my family in Gaza celebrating weddings, graduation ceremonies, hosting family dinners here and there all over Gaza from Rafah to Khan Younis to Gaza City.

"Today marks the 71st day of the genocide in Gaza and the pain that my people are going through is unexplainable. I also want to continue on saying that the Palestinian fight is not just this aggression. Please understand that the Palestinian fight is also the ongoing blockade that has been put on Gaza for almost 16 years. [...] If I [have] one message [to give] to the occupiers, it will [be to] tell them to be aware of our generation. Know that you cannot and you will never erase our Palestinian identity.' As we say, the old might die but the young will never forget. And they will continue to carry on the fight until we see a fully liberated Palestine from its river to its sea.

"And finally a message for everyone supporting the cause. Please continue to fight and stay resilient with us. We absolutely need you. Continue to fight and remain resilient with us until we see a truly independent and liberated Palestine. Thank you all! Solidarity with Palestine!" -- to which the crowd responded: Israel, Get Lost, Palestine Isn't Yours!, One: We are the People. Two:We Won't be Silent. Three: Stop the Bombing Now, Now!"

The next speaker was a neurosurgeon and a health care worker who said: "I represent many doctors, nurses, therapists, scientists, and health care professionals, who stand heart broken and angry to see the deliberate and the merciless killing of people by [their] tens and thousands. And it's not just about those who were killed, may their rest in peace, but also the more than 60,000 who have been wounded, who need care, the 25,000 children who have become orphans, and a whole population, more than 2 million, who have become homeless without even the most basic needs of life, of just water or food."

"They are under complete siege and suffocation from criminals. And so we stand in solidarity with them, and we stand in solidarity with our fellow health care workers in Palestine, doctors, nurses, paramedics, who are honestly heroes." The crowd responded with loud and sustained applause.

"Let's push at every single level of decision-makers so that at least our own country does not stand complicit with the genocide and maybe we can make the genocide stop and we can bring for Palestinians dignity and value and peace. May peace be with and within all of you. Free, Free Palestine!"

As the crowd began marching towards busy St. Catherine Street, people kept joining the march. After two hours, the crowd had swelled to close to 2,500 people as it approached the Israeli consulate where the demonstration ended with more speeches in praise of the resilience of the Palestinian people.

December 16


December 16
December 17

North Bay

December 18


A spirited Let Gaza Live rally and march were held on December 17 in the middle of a busy shopping district in Windsor's east end. The latest in a series of weekly actions organized by Windsor4Palestine in different neighbourhoods and areas of the city, the action began with a 2 pm rally in the parking lot of the Eastown Plaza at the intersection of Tecumseh and Lauzon Roads. There participants listened to several speakers, most of them Palestinian Canadian youth. At the conclusion of the rally, participants marched, shouting slogans the entire way, along a traffic-filled Tecumseh Road to the entrance of another busy plaza several blocks away and then back again. Many people honked their horns and saluted the marchers as they passed with their signs and Palestinian flags flying high, shouting Ceasefire Now! From the River to the Sea, Palestine Will be Free! and other familiar slogans -- something that has been a constant no matter where in the city the actions are held.

December 17


December 17


Prince George

On December 17, Prince George residents from all walks of life once again came together to show their unwavering support for Palestine. The action was met with horn honking and thumbs up from drivers passing by as demonstrators waved flags and placards calling for a Ceasefire Now! Stand With Palestine! End the Genocide! Free Palestine!

December 17

Washington, DC

Sixty protesters calling for a ceasefire in Gaza and protesting the U.S.-backed Israeli genocide against Palestine were arrested on December 19 for holding a demonstration in the U.S. Capitol rotunda. Demonstrators called for an end to U.S. arming of Israel and to choose life, for Palestine, for immigrants and refugees, for all. Though the Capitol Building is public, demonstrating inside has been made illegal. Those protesting rejected this and were arrested for "crowding, obstructing or incommoding."

An earlier October protest opposing Israeli genocide in Gaza took place in the rotunda of the House of Representatives' main office building, the Cannon House. About 300 people were arrested. Another protest outside the Democratic National Committee meeting in November saw demonstrators barricade the exit with Democratic representatives inside, demanding they join calls for a ceasefire. The nearby Capitol complex was briefly locked down. Given the size and repeated actions at the Capitol in support of Palestine, in December, the majority of House Democrats, rather than joining those in the U.S. and worldwide demanding a ceasfire and end to the Gaza siege, instead launched a task force to address "security concerns."

December 19

New York City

December 16

December 17
Grand Central Station, December 18

Albany, NY

December 16

Providence, RI

Brown University, December 12

Boston, MA

December 17

Cleveland, OH

San Francisco, CA

December  18

Oakland, CA

December 16



December 16

December 21

December 16


December 16


December 17

December 16

Picket at Elbit Systems military manufacturer, December 21



December 16

December 16

Cardiff, Wales 

Oslo, Norway



Organizers and residents in Rotterdam, The Netherlands, have placed around 8,000 pairs of shoes in places around the city to express solidarity with Palestinians in Gaza under months of Israeli onslaught. The Israeli attacks and mass murder of Palestinian children were highlighted by the Plant an Olive Tree Foundation in its remembrance event held on December 20. Esther van der Most, the director of the foundation, conveyed the gravity of the situation. "In the last 75 days, more than 8,000 children have been killed in Gaza. We collected these shoes to draw attention to how many children are being talked about. This way, people can feel something about them, and Palestinians can be seen as humans. ... We are here to mourn and commemorate the killed children, but above all, to say: 'Enough!' Stop killing Palestinian children. Stop the occupation, stop everything," he added.

December 20

Berlin, Germany

December 16



December 17



December 15

Athens, Greece

National Congress of Students, December 16

Madrid, Spain

December 18

Jenin, Palestine

Rally at Arab-American Univeristy, December 17

Istanbul, Turkey

Sana'a, Yemen

Amman, Jordan

December 18

Capetown, South Africa

News agencies report President Cyril Ramaphosa saying that South Africa has submitted all necessary paperwork to the International Criminal Court (ICC), bringing war crime charges against Israel over its genocidal war in Gaza.

December 16

Havana, Cuba

On the first day of the Second Ordinary Session of the Cuban Parliament on December 20, in its 10th Legislature, Cuban parliamentarians ratified a text that expresses indignation at the genocide against the people of Palestine, and highlights the failure of the current international order to prevent this massacre. It also condemns the murders of thousands of Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, 70 per cent of whom are children and women, as a consequence of the indiscriminate bombings by Israel since October 7.

It also stresses that the current situation is the consequence of 75 years of Israel's practices of illegal occupation and colonization.

The text condemns the Zionist regime's attacks on hospitals, schools, refugee camps, United Nations facilities, blocks, homes and other civilian infrastructure, as well as the deprivation of water, food, electricity and the blockade of humanitarian aid to the population of Gaza.

It also denounces the deliberate murders of dozens of journalists.

All these actions, the declaration stresses, constitute serious violations of International Humanitarian Law, International Law, and war crimes and crimes against humanity.

The Cuban lawmakers also criticized the U.S. Government's responsibility and complicity in this genocide, by obstructing the Security Council's action through the antidemocratic and obsolete veto power to protect the excesses of the Israeli Government.

The impunity with which Israel has historically acted can only be explained by its confidence that it will have no consequences due to the U.S. Government's support, the text stressed.

The parliamentarians made an urgent call for an immediate ceasefire and the beginning of negotiations between the parties.

They also reiterated the need for a comprehensive, just and lasting solution to the conflict, based on the creation of two States, which would allow the Palestinian people the right to self-determination and to have an independent and sovereign State, based on the pre-1967 borders and with East Jerusalem as its capital.

In Artemisa province, more than 7,000 people marched in protest at the massacre that Israel is carrying out against the Palestinian people. "From José Martí we learned that nature has placed the need to see justice done in some souls and the need to flout and affront it in others," said Gledys Crespo Perdomo, an official with the municipal education division, to a crowd of students, workers and provincial authorities. "Palestine needs no truce, but recognition of its territory, its nation and its right to self-determination and sovereignty," Gledys said.



December 16

Blocking Israeli shipping company Zim, December 19

Kayakers block passage of Israeli container ship, December 21

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