No. 17

October 2023

Photo Review -- October 23-28

The World Stands with Palestine!

Istanbul, Türkiye, October 28, 2023

Grand Central Station New York, October 27, 2023. T-shirts read: "Jews Say Ceasefire Now" and  "Not in Our Name"

Half a million people march in London, England, October 28, 2023, the largest demonstration for Palestine in the UK so far, and one of the largest ever protests in the UK. 


The tempo of actions to defend the people of Gaza and oppose disinformation about Palestine from governments and monopoly media is being stepped up with daily actions taking place at Dorchester Square as well as other actions taking place throughout the week. Student walkouts took place in unniversities -- McGill, Concordia, Université de Montreal and UQAM -- Dawson CEGEP and a number of highschools on October 25. These actions affirmed the right of the students to speak out and take their stands without reprisals, in addition to standing with the Palestinian people against the Zionist occupation. On October 28, thousands took part in a rally and march to "End the Genocide in Gaza." 

McGill University student walkout October 25, 2023

Concordia University student walkout, October 25, 2023

McGill University student walkout, Montreal, October 25, 2023

October 28, 2023


Actions in Ottawa to stand with Palestine, as well to hold governments and the media to account for complicity in the genocide being waged by Israel, are intensifying. On October 25, Labour for Palestine held a noon-hour rally attended by workers organized in various unions, including the Public Service Alliance of Canada, the Canadian Union of Postal Workers, the Ontario Public Service Employees Union and the Canadian Union of Public Employees. Speakers made clear the necessity for working people to stand with Palestine and to take actions to block and end the Israeli occupation. Speakers denounced reprisals by employers against those who are speaking out in defence of Palestine, saying that support must be organized to defend them. Later that day, a militant rally was held outside CBC offices on Sparks St., denouncing its disinformation and that of other media which justifies Israel's genocide of the Palestinians. 

On October 27, with less than four hours' notice, over 5,000 people gathered at the Human Rights Monument, the vast majority of them young people, as well as entire families, for an emergency demonstration to denounce the ongoing genocide of the Palestinian people in Gaza and to demand a ceasefire. The main slogans were Stop the Genocide!, Palestine Will Live!, Trudeau, You Will See, Palestine Will Be Free! and Ceasefire Now! The demonstration took to the streets of downtown Ottawa, in the Byward Market, for over two hours. It passed the Prime Minister's Office on Elgin Street, next to the U.S. Embassy, where the slogan Biden, War Criminal; Trudeau, Accomplice! rang out, before returning under heavy police surveillance to the Human Rights Monument.

Demonstration outside CBC against media disinformation, October 25, 2023

Labour 4 Palestine, October 25, 2023
Emergency rally, October 27, 2023


October 28, 2023


High school student walkouts, October 25, 2023


The past week of actions in Toronto began with a militant action on Monday, October 23 at 8:00 am outside the Israeli Consulate in downtown Toronto. The action, "Jews Call to End Genocide in Gaza," was organized by several Jewish organizations, making clear that the crimes of the Zionists in Palestine are not in their name.

Two vigils were held on October 25, to put a human face on the thousands of people killed by Israel in Gaza. At the first, organized by Palestinian students at the University of Toronto, speeches poems and stories were shared about the Palestinian people and their collective historic resistance to Zionist oppression and fight to reclaim their historic homeland. The speakers pointed out that the vigil was organized to oppose the efforts by the Canadian media to only tell Israel's side of the story, which is aimed at erasing the Palestinians and their struggle. The Trudeau government was denounced for continuing to arm and support the Israeli government which was carrying out genocide and war crimes against the civilian population of Gaza.

At the "Honour All Our Martyrs" vigil at Queen's Park, the names and stories of a number of those killed were read out -- from journalists, women activists and writers, to a six-day-old baby girl. As the emcee pointed out their only crime was to be born Palestinian. The emcee for the event, which was organized by the Palestine Youth Movement, noted that the vigil was not just to remember those who had been killed in the recent hours and days by the Israeli airstrikes, but to honour their memory with the commitment to carry out the struggle till Palestine is free.

Students across Toronto militantly exercised their right to conscience, political opinion and organizing, and support for the Palestinian people by staging walk-out protests en masse on October 26. Students from several schools took part, including Woburn Collegiate Institute, Winston Churchill Collegiate, Sir Wilfred Laurier, David and Mary Thomson Collegiate Institute, Agincourt Collegiate Institute, R.H. King Academy, Dr. Norman Bethune Collegiate Institute, Sir Oliver Mowat Collegiate Institute, Cedarbrae Collegiate Institute and Etobicoke Collegiate Institute. They carried out their actions despite pressure and threats from school authorities that they will be penalized for missing class, get a failed grade for a test, be marked absent and so on.

On October 27, hundreds of people participated in an emergency demonstration at the Israeli Consulate in Toronto, denouncing the complicity and cowardice of the Trudeau Liberal government for its active support of Israel. Speakers at the rally called on all Canadians to continue to speak out and denounce the genocide against the people of Gaza as Israel defies the resolution passed by the UN General Assembly earlier in the day. Participants occupied the intersection of Bloor St. and Avenue Rd. outside the Israeli Consulate for more than two hours, chanting slogans such as From the River to the Sea, Palestine Will Be Free! and We Are the People, We Will Not Be Silent, We Will Be Returning, Soon, Soon! and others that could be heard for blocks around.

On October 28, thousands of people, including many families with children, participated in a militant action called by Toronto4Palestine in support of the people of Gaza and Palestine who are facing an unprecedented onslaught, day and night, by the U.S.-backed Zionist war criminals of Israel. The action began with a rally in Nathan Phillips Square. Speeches and chanting of slogans denounced Israel for the mass murder of women and children and the Zionist regime for bombing and cutting off all communications and electricity so that the truth and stories of what is happening to the besieged people of Gaza does not get out.

October 23, 2023 
Vigil at University of Toronto, October 25, 2023

Honour All Our Martyrs vigil, Queen's Park, October 25, 2023

High school student walkout, October 26, 2023

October 27, 2023

October 28, 2023


High school student walkouts, October 25, 2023


October 25, 2023


October 27, 2023


October 28, 2023


October 28, 2023

Prince George

October 28, 2023

New York City

Student walkouts, October 25, 2023

Grand Central Station, October 27, 2023

Washington, DC

October 23, 2023
October 24, 2023

Albany, NY

October 27, 2023

Chicago, IL

Student walkouts, October 25, 2023

San Franscisco, CA

Student walkouts, October 25, 2023

October 27, 2023

Los Angeles, CA

Student walkouts, October 25, 2023

St. Paul, MN

October 25, 2023

October 27, 2023

Minneapolis, MN

October 23, 2023

Columbus, OH

Student walkouts, October 25, 2023

Princeton, NJ

Student walkouts, October 25, 2023

Miami, FL

Student walkouts, October 25, 2023

Tampa, FL

Student walkout, October 25, 2023


Jericho, October 25, 2023
Protest in support of Gaza outside hospital in the West Bank, October 25, 2023.

Beirut, Lebanon

October 24, 2023

Amman, Jordan

October 24, 2023

October 27, 2023

Sana'a, Yemen

October 27, 2023

Istanbul, Türkiye

October 28, 2023

Doha, Qatar

October 27, 2023

Tunis, Tunisia

Kerala, India

October 26, 2023

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

October 24, 2023

Durban, South Africa

October 26, 2023



The Cuban Revolution continues to show its steadfast solidarity with the just cause of the Palestinian people. Throughout Cuba -- scientists, doctors, university students, farmers, artists and in fact all segments of the society -- are mobilizing themselves in gatherings with statements of support.

Punta Brava, October 24, 2023

Sibanicu, October 25, 2023

 Isle of Youth, October 27, 2023


London, England

October 28, 2023

Manchester, Britain

October 27, 2023

Sabina, Spain

October 24, 2023

Bilbao, Spain

October 28, 2023

St. Etienne, France

October 27, 2023

Rome, Italy

October 28, 2023

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