No. 15

October 2023


• Sea of Humanity Across the World Stands Up for Palestine

• Canadians Stand with Palestine

• Photo Review -- October 19-22


Sea of Humanity Across the World
Stands Up for Palestine

In the past week, demonstrations have taken place in countries across the world on a massive scale in support of the Palestinian people. With one voice a sea of humanity has spoken against the genocidal assaults of Israel backed by the United States, with the support of Britain, Canada, Australia and European countries all intent on maintaining their own hegemony over world affairs. No matter what crimes the Israeli Zionost state commits, the officials circles in these countries apologize for them in the name of human rights, democracy and their so-called rules based international order. The entire world can see how they provide Israel with impunity for the crimes they commit and for their wars of destruction against those who refuse to submit to their aims of dominating the world.

Meanwhile, the Israeli military informed Palestinians in Gaza that they would be identified as "a partner in a terrorist organization" if they didn't follow forced displacement orders and move south. The leaflets distributed on October 21 were addressed to residents of Gaza and read: "Urgent warning! To the residents of Gaza -- your presence north of Wadi Gaza is putting your lives at risk. Anyone who chooses not to evacuate from the north of the Gaza Strip to the south of the Gaza Strip may be identified as a partner in a terrorist organization."

The latest Israeli terrorist threat comes as official sources, their military and media repeat that Israel is on the eve of launching a murderous ground invasion of Gaza, while keeping water, food, fuel and electricity supplies completely cut off from the besieged strip no matter the consequences for the Palestinian people.

Due to international pressure, on October 21, Israel permitted a humanitarian convoy of 20 trucks to enter the Gaza Strip from the Egyptian side of the Rafah crossing with another 14 permitted on the second day. It permitted no fuel to enter Gaza meaning that hospitals and water supply remain paralyzed. Gaza residents under siege depend on convoys of 150 trucks per day just to survive. After 16 days of no water, food, fuel or electricity this is a cruel act which adds to the suffering of the Palestinian people and international condemnation of Israel and the United States and countries such as Britain, Canada, France, Germany and others who are both silent about the crimes being committed, while making statements condoning them, and taking measures to criminalize dissent under the hoax that dissent supports terrorism.

Aid trucks go through the Rafah Crossing from Egypt into Gaza, October 22, 2023.

The United States on October 18 vetoed a UN Security Council resolution that would have called for "humanitarian pauses" to deliver lifesaving aid to millions in Gaza. The failure by the Security Council to make its first public intervention on the humanitarian crisis caused by Israel followed the rejection of a Russian-backed draft on October 16.

The death toll in the Gaza Strip due to the ongoing Israeli attacks has climbed to 4,651, with 62 per cent of the fatalities being children and women, the Palestinian Health Ministry officials said on October 22. According to the United Nations, as of October 20, one third of all dwellings in Gaza City have been destroyed by Israeli bombings. About 1.4 million Palestinians have been internally displaced in Gaza, with nearly 580,000 sheltering in 150 UNRWA-designated emergency shelters (DES). The average number of internally displaced persons per shelter has reached more than 2.5 times their designated capacity.

At least 42 per cent (164,756) of all housing units in the Gaza Strip have been either destroyed or damaged, according to the Ministry of Housing in Gaza. The Gaza-based Endowments and Religious Affairs Ministry has announced that 26 mosques have been destroyed.

The UN's health partners report that they have detected cases of chicken pox, scabies and diarrhea, attributable to the poor sanitation conditions and consumption of water from unsafe sources. "The incidence of such diseases is expected to rise unless water and sanitation facilities are provided with electricity or fuel to resume operations," the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) reported.

The head of the UN Refugee and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), Commissioner-General Philippe Lazzarini, appealed for an end to Israel's relentless attacks on places such as schools, hospitals and the homes of his staff across Gaza.

In a statement released over the weekend, he reiterated that the protection of civilians must be upheld as "the non-negotiable legal obligations" at all times.

"Let me be clear: protecting civilians in times of conflict is not an aspiration or an ideal; it is an obligation and a commitment to our shared humanity," the statement read.

Lazzarini also called on Israel to refrain from attacks on civilian facilities "including schools, hospitals, places of worship, and civilians' homes, including those of UNRWA staff." He said that 29 of its staff had been killed in the Gaza Strip since October 7.

Gazans displaced by Israel's relentless bombing campaign are given shelter on the grounds of an UNWRA school in Khan Younis, October 23, 2023.

In the West Bank heavily-armed Israeli settlers continue to remove people from their homes. "At least 84 Palestinian households, comprising 545 people, over half of whom are children, have been displaced from 13 herding/Bedouin communities in Area C of the West Bank (since October 7) amid intensified settler violence and access restrictions," OCHA said.

This week, Israel added airstrikes to its list of crimes along with direct attacks against Palestinians in the West Bank. An Israeli Security Forces' operation including airstrikes lasted 28 hours in the Nur Shams refugee camp in the West Bank. At least 13 Palestinians were reported killed, including five children. At least 82 Palestinians have been killed in the West Bank alone in the past 16 days. This year already recorded more than 270 Palestinians killed in the West Bank, 20 per cent of them children, and over half of whom were refugees. UNRWA was forced to suspend services including schools, health and solid waste collection.

Israel again attacked Syrian airports in Damascus and Aleppo causing material damage to runways, putting them out of service, and taking the life of at least one airport worker, news agencies report. The prior attacks occurred on October 12.

Bloomberg reports that U.S. officials are heavily involved in shaping Israeli plans to launch a ground invasion of the Gaza Strip. "Three senior Israeli officials, speaking on condition of anonymity, say the role and influence of the U.S. in this war against Hamas are deeper and more intense than any exerted by Washington in the past," Bloomberg reported on October 19. U.S. planners have thrown their full support behind Israel's campaign of genocide in Gaza as they reportedly share the same goal "of destroying Hamas's military infrastructure" under the hoax that U.S. oversight will "limit casualties among the 2 million civilians who live in Gaza."

On October 22, Al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of Hamas, announced that it had beaten back Israel's first ground force attempt to enter Gaza. Al-Qassam Brigades were able to ambush an Israeli military unit east of Khan Younis after it crossed the temporary fence by several meters. "The fighters engaged with the infiltrating force, destroying two bulldozers and a tank, and forced the force to withdraw. They safely returned to their bases." Israeli officials acknowledged only that the incident happened and that four Israeli soldiers were wounded, one seriously.

This is considered the first direct clash between Palestinian fighters in Gaza and the Israeli military amassing at the border since the start of the war.

Also, an important statement was issued on October 21 by Sheikh Naim Qassem, Deputy Secretary General of the Lebanese Resistance group Hezbollah. The statement reiterated Hezbollah's complete solidarity with the Palestinian Resistance organizations in Gaza.

"Hezbollah is committed to keeping pace and confronting as part of its vision to serve the victory of resistance, the liberation of Palestine and al-Quds, and what serves our nation," the statement said.

The full text of the statement follows as provided by Hezbollah to Arab and international media using its channel on Telegram.

Hezbollah Deputy to the Secretary General Sheikh Naim Qassem

The occupation is waging a systematic war of annihilation and destruction targeting civilians, including children, women, and the elderly in Gaza.

Hezbollah is committed to keeping pace and confronting as part of its vision to serve the victory of resistance, the liberation of Palestine and al-Quds, and what serves our nation.

Today, we are in the heart of the battle and achieving accomplishments. There are 3 Israeli brigades facing Hezbollah, while there are 5 brigades facing Gaza.

As events continue to unfold and necessitate our increased involvement, we will do so.

What we are doing in the south now is a stage that aligns with the confrontation. If the situation demands more, we will do more, and the enemy is perplexed.

If the enemy further intervenes, matters will expand, and we say to those who contact us that they must stop the aggression first to prevent the conflict from escalating.

We are not compelled to clarify our plan, and the enemy should suffice with the defeat they have suffered, or else they will face an even greater defeat with no hope for victory.

The Israeli ground incursion into Gaza will be a graveyard for the enemy, and there is nothing ahead of them but defeat, while there is nothing ahead of us but victory.

Protests are also taking place within Israel. Hundreds of people attended the protest that was held outside the Ministry of War on October 21. The protesters called for the return of the Israelis who are held by Hamas and also called on Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu to resign, blaming him for the current situation.

Ofer Kassif , a member of the Knesset, was suspended by the Knesset "Ethics" Committee for 45 days and docked pay, for expressing "a connection between the content world of the Holocaust and current government policy in times of war." Kassif had condemned Israeli bombing and plans to invade Gaza as Israel's "final solution" to the Palestinian problem. Kassif's suspension was issued as a warning that members of the Knesset should express themselves with caution "at this time, in light of the public's sensitivity" and refrain from statements "that may harm the security of the state and the public during the fighting."

Kassif was unbowed. He said, "My political statements against the occupation and the war are not statements against Israel, because peace and justice serve Israel and its residents." "Even in these difficult times, I will not remain silent and will continue to fight for the public and the principles for which I was elected -- peace, equality and justice for all," he added.

We Are All Palestinians

The following statement was issued by Birzeit University Union of Professors and Employees, Occupied Palestine on October 11, 2023:

2023 will be recorded historically as the year that Palestinians stood boldly in the face of colonial fascism and screamed in defense of their homes, humanity, and lives. Palestinians as a people have endured over a century of settler colonial violence. We have thrived as a people and shall continue to do so. We do not need to speak of our right to resist, for it is not a right but a way of being and survival for Palestinians.

Zionism, the settler state, and the entire colonial system that is a product of this fascist ideology can no longer falsely hide beneath the cloak of humanism. In Palestine, in 2023, we do not demand our right to narrate. Our ability to narrate was never out of our hands, and resistance in all of its manifestations and forms does not need the pre-approval of static international law codes. The oppressed do not need to claim authority over their own oppression; the ongoing events of history -- our history -- are what allow us this authority. We consider it our duty not to expose the bloody barbarism of zionism; their actions as a fascist state and a ruthless army are more than sufficient to undertake this task. It is our duty to record this moment not as its victims but as the people who will remember, record, survive, and resist it.

Our history will tell the story of these acts not only as a record of colonial brutality but also as a record of our boldfaced determination to live and resist it. We remain attached to our land and to our humanity as Palestinian Arabs -- no need to prove our humanity to those who have lost theirs.

It might, nevertheless, be useful to remind ourselves and others of the crimes that have been and are being committed in Palestine -- crimes that began with the violent and forceful introduction of zionism onto the land and people of Palestine. This list is long and cannot be summarized in any simple form, but for those who have chosen to stand with the oppressed in solidarity with our struggle, we ask that you keep these points in mind when speaking about the idea of freedom and liberation -- heads and souls raised high, as always, by the duty we have towards the blood of our martyrs and the righteousness of our cause. In compiling this list, we realize that phrases like "war crimes," "genocide," "apartheid," "criminality," and "inhumanity" seem unfit and atrociously insufficient to describe what the state of Israel has and continues to do:

- An occupying colonial power cannot claim the right to self-defense against the people under its brutal occupation. There is no moral equivalence between the colonizer and the colonized – however much the media attempts to claim otherwise;

- As is their modus operandi, the israeli military, in their war against Gaza, has directly targeted our people through the belligerent bombing of homes, hospitals, orphanages, playgrounds, schools, universities, mosques, churches, and public spaces, deliberately killing any and all Palestinians they can, even targeting the dead in cemeteries. Cutting off and targeting water lines, electricity engines, emergency services, and other crucial services and civilian facilities are the actions of a genocidal power made even more audacious under the irony of zionist claims of their "purity of arms": this purity clearly only refers to the notion that their weapons are ready for use against all Palestinians all the time;

- The utter criminality of zionist media coverage (adopted globally) persists in blaming the oppressed for the crimes of the oppressor. The great irony in the zionist claim of victimhood is revealed in the genocide being committed by its military, fulfilling their aims of emptying Palestine of Palestinians. While always tragic, these crimes are part and parcel of zionism and not new, for even now, massacres and displacement of Palestinian refugees continue as the world stands by only to bear witness;

- The blatant and boldfaced genocidal racism of israeli political discourse: the pornographic call to death of Arabs by settler zionist politicians across the political lines is fascism and cannot be described as anything but support for further genocidal violence and settler colonial fascism that has defined the history of this ideology;

- The violent construction of the prison of Gaza is the criminal imposition of what is now a sixteen-year sentence of solitary confinement for an entire population in the form of the blockade and siege of Gaza;

- The criminalization of resistance, including the self-criminalization of the right to resist, where all blood that is shed is blamed on the oppressed and all crimes of settler colonial invasion and dispossession are ignored entirely;

- The unfathomable crime of silence and complicity perpetuated by the entire world -- including Arab and Muslim regimes under the oppressive power of american impositions -- are openly supportive of genocide or mute witness to the crimes of settlers;

- The most blatant american complicity in the genocidal massacre of an entire people. Zionist and american colonials, with Arab regimes' complicity, have perpetuated crimes against the Palestinian people that define fascism in the 21st century;

- The ongoing historic crime of the complete denial of the Palestinian nation's political right to exist, resist, return, and self-determination. We Palestinians have a right to our freedom. It is not a right enshrined in the precarious words of law codes but our human dignity to fight for freedom. Palestinian resistance has been criminalized since the beginning of the settler colonial invasion of Palestine. Now that our resistance has used guerrilla war tactics, we have now become the oppressors?!

What is the israeli army fighting to achieve? Unable to counter the resistance fighters, the aircraft bombed besieged Gaza, targeting nothing and everything at once! Are they trying in vain to continue the genocidal war that began upon the arrival of zionists to our land? Trying to complete the erasure of 1948?

Given all we know and all we have seen, we must act and choose justice and humanity and fight the oppression of colonial degradation. We are all Palestinians now, and we must all act immediately against the real criminals and scream in the face of this monster and his barbaric acts. Zionism is a genocidal settler project in Palestine that is built on false mythology and sustains itself on perpetual and endless violence against the native people in Palestine -- it should be seen and dealt with as such. Talk of freedom -- political, academic, or social -- falls on deaf ears unless or until the true criminals are called such and dealt with as such.

We in occupied Palestine -- and all Palestinians -- have no illusions in the poetic dreams of the triumph of the pen over the sword because the sword has cut too deeply into our flesh at the hands of an enemy who has been granted by the hypocritical international community and the destiny of imperial history to claim a monopoly on both the sword (that which acts to kill) and the pen (that which narrates the acts of killing). As intellectuals and academics working in occupied Palestine, we have to use our words, however futile they may feel in such critical times.

We also have faith in the bold souls of our people, our resistance and the triumph of freedom, and in our inalienable rights. We recognize and proclaim that at this critical and urgent historical juncture, we shall overcome -- justice shall overcome. We are not your passive victims; we have been murdered, maimed, and displaced by a setter state driven by an ideology of insane hatred and bloody violence, but we will not be silenced. Our resistance shows us the path forward, and we remain steadfast, and we shall triumph.

October 11, 2023 
Birzeit University Union of Professors and Employees, Occupied Palestine

(Transcribed from JPG image; capitalization and formatting as per original.)

To top of page

Canadians Stand with Palestine

Ottawa, October 22, 2023

Ottawa, October 22

On Sunday, October 22, more than 15,000 Palestinian Canadians and supporters from the Ottawa-Gatineau area marched through downtown Ottawa to demand that the government of Canada demand an end to the siege of Gaza and an immediate ceasefire.

Before the march, at the Human Rights Monument on Elgin Street, speaker after speaker denounced the genocide being committed against the people of Gaza, and spoke harshly of all the Canadian cartel parties for their cowardice in backing genocide, crimes against humanity and aiding the shedding of Palestinian blood. Slogans and signs made it clear that Trudeau could no longer hide, that he openly supported genocide, and that the governing elite is on the wrong side of history.

"The governments and media keep talking about Israeli hostages, while year in, year out, thousands of prisoners are held in Israeli jails, including children," one speaker said. A rabbi spoke and said that it was extremely important to understand that Israeli Zionists do not speak in the name of people of Jewish faith. "In our humanity and faith, we feel the pain of the Palestinian people and are against the genocide of the Palestinian people and demand that it be stopped," he said. He pointed out that demonstrations have been held by the Jewish population in Israel that not only the media have not talked about, but which have been violently suppressed. People have even been arrested while praying in their synagogue, the rabbi said.

The Radio-Canada six o'clock news reluctantly spoke of a demonstration of "several thousand" after giving what it presented as an update of unfolding events. The "update" was aimed at sowing maximum confusion as Radio-Canada spoke about the "Israel-Hamas conflict," the "role of Iran" and showed U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Israeli President Benjamin Netanyahu making threats against Hamas, giving free vent to warnings of imminent death and destruction. Such threats that reveal the intent to commit heinous acts are themselves deplorable.

The likes of the CBC remain silent about the fact that the only countries in the world which consider Hamas a terrorist organization are the U.S., Britain, Canada, the EU countries and a few others that the U.S. has cajoled on pain of annihilation to also do so. It is not on any United Nations list. The fact is that the masses of the people demonstrating are clear there is no moral equivalence between Israel's "right to defend itself" and the resistance struggle of the Palestinian people. For Israel to commit genocide in the name of a right to defend itself is soundly rejected worldwide, utterly shaming the support of so-called humanitarian law advocated by the Trudeau government, the cartel parties with seats in the Parliament and rabid supporters of Israel's plans to take over all of historic Palestine. Their conceptions of human rights, democracy and peace lie in tatters.

People in the demonstration said that it was because of the continuous public outcry, pushing against all the lies and distortions in the media, that within political parties and across the political spectrum many are finding the courage to express dissension. Many are openly standing with the Palestinian resistance with many also demanding a ceasefire as opposed to continued airstrikes, death, destruction and an impending ground offensive. People from Labour for Palestine distributed leaflets titled: "Stop the attack on Palestine solidarity -- Defend free speech." It reads: "In Canada, we have witnessed smear campaigns, intimidation, and bullying of people calling for peace or for showing solidarity with the Palestinian people, including Ontario NDP MPP Sarah Jama and CUPE Ontario President Fred Hahn. These attacks must stop. Unions must send a clear message to its members and workers everywhere: if you are disciplined for expressing your Palestinian identity and culture, or punished for standing in solidarity with Palestine, we will protect you and fight for your rights."

Montreal, October 22 and 20

In Montreal, on Sunday, October 22, some 20,000 people took to the street to reaffirm they stand as one with the Palestinian people. Before and during the march, people chanted slogans: Free, Free Palestine! End the Occupation! Occupation Is a Crime! What Do We Want? Justice! When Do We Want it? Now! Every Time that Media Lies! One Living Member of Gaza Dies! We Want Justice! Tell Me How? End the Siege on Gaza Now! They denounced Canada's unacceptable silence regarding the Israeli state's genocide against the Palestinian people. The collective consciousness reflected in the many placards and slogans gave the lie to the narrative advanced by governments and the monopoly media that resistance to the occupation is terrorism.

The march went through Montreal's downtown area, moving along St-Catherine Street and cheering every time someone would unfurl a Palestinian flag from an apartment building. The cold rain did not stop the determination of participants, which continued for close to three hours. They made their way to the U.S. Consulate, with the action ending in front of the Israeli Consulate, with more chants and slogans of uncompromising support for the Palestinian people and condemnation of the crimes being committed by Israel. Through their actions, they showed that it is not the people who must render account for their support of the resistance movement to the occupier, but governments and monopoly mass media outlets.

Prior to this, on Friday, October 20 as part of the country-wide call for students to oppose the criminalization of those who support Palestine more than a hundred students rallied at the McGill University campus to voice their opposition to the latest move by the administration to silence students and organizations that take a principled stand in defence of Palestinians' right to resist the 75-year-long Israeli occupation.

Speaker after speaker reminded the crowd of ongoing policies of universities such as McGill in support of the Israeli occupation of the West Bank and Gaza through the acceptance of funds from the Israeli military, participation in a Quebec trade mission to Israel in 2017, opposition to the Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) movement because it's 'contrary to the principles of academic freedom', etc.

Solidarity for Palestinian Human Rights McGill, joined by the Sociology Students' Association of McGill , the Association of Graduate Students Employed at McGill (AGSEM) and some faculty members, took turns denouncing senior officials at McGill as, in the words of the October 18 motion adopted by AGSEM's Delegates' Council, it "has not condemned any attacks or violence perpetrated by Israel on Palestinian civilians, but has selectively condemned those by Hamas on Israeli civilians. In fact, the employer has worked to selectively silence the only voice for Palestinian students on campus: McGill's Students for Palestinian Human Rights (McGill SPHR). [...] Members of the McGill upper administration have sent several university-wide emails since October 7 that have condemned the Students' Society of McGill University (SSMU)-supported student-run club SPHR. These emails claim SPHR's social media statements celebrate violence and harm the Jewish and Muslim communities on campus. In a statement on October 10, McGill revoked SPHR's permission to use McGill's name, thus jeopardizing its status as a student club."

The students then made their way to Premier Legault's Montreal office to denounce Quebec government complicity in supporting these crimes. There they were joined with over a hundred other protestors who, had just come from the U.S. Consulate where they condemned the Biden administration's full support of Israeli crimes against the people of Gaza.

Toronto, October 21 and 20

Some 10,000 people from the Greater Toronto Area and surrounding cities and towns participated in a rally in Toronto on Saturday, October 21 in support of the people of Gaza who are heroically defying the brutal assaults of the U.S.-backed Israeli Zionist regime and standing up for their right to be. The event, organized by Toronto4Palestine, began with a rally at the U.S. Consulate, followed by a march.

Speakers denounced U.S. President Joe Biden for giving the green light to the Netanyahu government of Israel to carry out war crimes against Palestinians, as well as providing additional billions in military aid and support to escalate these attacks which have killed more than 1,000 Palestinian children. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his government were denounced for their cowardice and complicity in the crimes being committed against the Palestinian people. Canada was also denounced for selling weapons to the Israeli government to carry out these crimes. The bombing of hospitals, schools, mosques and churches, community centres and homes was denounced, as well as the forced expulsion of hundreds of thousands from their homes. The speakers denounced the silence and disinformation of the CBC and other monopoly media as this new Nakba is taking place.

Six demands were presented: 1) A safe corridor must be provided for humanitarian aid; 2) Allow Palestinians in Gaza to reunite with their families elsewhere; 3) End the siege of Gaza and lift the blockade; 4) Stop the genocide in Gaza; 5) Put an end to the occupation; 6) A ceasefire with full liberation of Palestine.

In between the speeches, the ever growing crowd chanted Our Existence Is Resistance!; Lift the Siege of Gaza Now!; Justin Trudeau You Will See, Palestine Will Be Free!; and Mainstream Media Tell the Truth, Israel Is a Terrorist State!

Following the speeches the massive crowd marched south, then along Lakeshore Blvd. and past Harbourfront before heading north again to the U.S. consulate after making many stops throughout the downtown area. The Toronto police, including a large number of police on horse-back, attempted twice to block the march from proceeding south and west but were unable to do so.

The action ended on a high note with organizers pointing out that they will continue to organize and stand with the Palestinian people until Palestine is liberated.

Prior to this on Friday, October 20, hundreds of Torontonians, mainly youth, held three actions in solidarity with the embattled people of Palestine, demanding an end to the siege of Gaza and condemning Israel and the governments of the U.S. and Canada for their support for this second Nakba in Gaza.

In the morning, an emergency two-hour action attended by 200 people was held at the constituency office of Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland who was roundly denounced for her support for Israel's war crimes and crimes against humanity being committed by the Israeli military. They demanded accountability from the Trudeau government for its support for Israel's brutal attacks on Palestinian civilians and the bombing of hospitals, schools, homes and places of worship.

At the University of Toronto hundreds of students gathered at 3:00 pm where organizers condemned the university for its support for Israeli war crimes and harassment of Palestinian students.

Over a thousand people then marched to Queen's Park to join a rally there. Several hundred more from Toronto Metropolitan University joined the rally. Students and professors from both universities denounced politicians at all levels including Trudeau, Ontario Premier Doug Ford and Toronto Mayor Olivia Chow for their participation in the campaign of lies and disinformation aimed at justifying Israeli war crimes and dehumanizing and criminalizing the Palestinian people. Speakers pledged their unequivocal support for the Palestinian people and the resistance and affirmed that all justice, peace and freedom-loving Canadians stand with Palestine. Several condemned the shameful cowardice of the politicians and the disinformation and lies of the media including the CBC.

Besides the many Palestinian speakers at the actions on October 20, Indigenous land defenders, representatives of Jewish organizations including Independent Jewish Voices (IJV), students and professors all expressed their condemnation of the Israeli occupation and its international backers including the Canadian government, and expressed their support for the just cause of the Palestinian resistance and rejected the Israeli "self-defence" claim to justify genocide. The IJV speaker pointed out that "Never Again means Never Again for anyone!"

Across the Country

Vancouver, October 21, 2023

Militant mass actions are being held across the country. The photo review published in this TML Supplement provides eloquent testimony of the bold stand Canadians are taking in support of the people of Palestine and their right to be. Nothing, absolutely nothing, will vindicate the craven stand of the Government of Canada, official circles, cartel political parties, their representatives in academia and media that the crimes being committed against the Palestinian people by Israel and its backers starting with the United States in the first place, can be justified in the name of Israel's "right to self-defence." The Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist) calls on all Canadians to support those who are defamed and criminalized for their views and stands in support of the Palestinian people by the federal government and its police forces, cartel political parties and officials at different levels, including within educational institutions even in primary schools.

To top of page

Photo Review -- October 19-22



October 20, 2023


October 20, 2023


October 19, 2023


Al-Bass Refugee Camp

October 20, 2023

Palestinian Refugee Camp

October 19, 2023


October 20, 2023



October 20, 2023

Northern Border with Israel

October 20, 2023



October 21, 2023



October 21, 2023

October 20, 2023



October 20, 2023



October 19, 2023



October 20, 2023


Kuala Lumpur

October 22, 2023



October 20, 2023



October 21, 2023



October 20, 2023



October 20, 2023



October 20, 2023



October 21, 2023



October 19, 2023



October 21, 2023


Buenos Aires

October 19, 2023


In Sydney, 1,500 people rallied in the streets, chanting Free, Free Palestine! and Down, Down Israel! Thousands more people attended demonstrations in Perth, Brisbane, and Hobart as well as in Melbourne and Adelaide.


October 21, 2023


October 21, 2023



October 21, 2023


 Hundreds of thousands of demonstrators took to the streets of London for a second consecutive week to protest Israel's continued bombardment of the besieged Gaza Strip. Protesters in Britain decry government attempts to quell pro-Palestine speech and vow to march until Israel's bombardment of Gaza ends. More than 1,000 police were deployed ahead of the march, with the metropolitan police warning that anyone showing support for Hamas, proscribed as a terrorist organization in the UK, or deviating from the protest route could face arrest.

On behalf of Palestine Solidarity Campaign, Friends of Al-Aqsa, Stop the War Coalition, Muslim Association of Britain, Palestinian Forum in Britain and Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, Stop the War (UK) issued a statement on October 20 which read:

"The organisers of this Saturday's National March for Palestine have been told by the police that they will be issuing restrictions on the demonstration, as they did last Saturday. The explanations given were frankly unconvincing. At a time when some in government are questioning people's right to march against the terrible attacks on the Palestinian people it is hard to see this as anything other than a further attempt to restrict freedom of protest.

"As we said to the police, imposing unprecedented and unnecessary restrictions on demonstrations is only liable to increase anger and dismay.

"We will be protesting peacefully on Saturday to express our horror and outrage at the terrible events in the Middle East and the horrific slaughter in Gaza. More than 150,000 people joined us last week in a tremendous and diverse display of solidarity and compassion. We expect more people this Saturday. No attempts by government or police to undermine the protests will stop us or any of those who want to see an end to the killing in Palestine."


October 21, 2023


October 21, 2023


October 21, 2023


October 21, 2023



October 21, 2023


October 21, 2023



October 21, 2023


October 21, 2023


October 19, 2023



October 19, 2023


October 21, 2023


October 21, 2023



October 21, 2023

Donostia, Basque Country

October 21, 2023



October 21, 2023


October 21, 2023



October 19, 2023



October 21, 2023


October 21, 2023



October 21, 2023


October 21, 2023



October 21, 2023



October 20, 2023



October 21, 2023



October 20, 2023



Banners at a football game, October 21, 2023 read: "Your children are our children, Your blood is our blood, Your wounds are our wounds, Your enemy is our enemy."



October 21, 2023


Massive demonstrations took place in Washington, DC, New York and elsewhere on October 21. In Washington, DC protesters marched from the Washington Monument to Capitol Hill holding Palestinian flags and banners while chanting Free Palestine! Numerous other protests have occurred in New York on campuses. In Dearborn, Michigan a suburb just across the western border with Detroit, students at three high schools walked out in solidarity with Gaza and the Palestinian national struggle. The students waved Palestinian flags and denounced the policy pronouncements of the Biden administration.

Washington, DC

October 21, 2023

Chicago, IL

October 21, 2023

New York City, NY

October 20, 2023

Brooklyn, NY

October 21, 2023

Pittsburgh, PA

October 20, 2023

Houston, TX

October 21, 2023

Los Angeles, CA

October 21, 2023

Providence, RI

October 21, 2023

Baltimore, MD

October 20, 2023

Atlanta, GA

October 20, 2023

Orlando, FL

October 20, 2023

Philadelphia, PA

October 21, 2023

Cleveland, OH

October 21, 2023

Columbus, OH

October 21, 2023

Indianapolis, IN

October 20, 2023

Madison, WI

October 21, 2023

Denver, CO

October 21, 2023

Portland, OR

October 21, 2023

Corvallis, OR

October 21, 2023

Arcata, CA

October 21, 2023



October 22, 2023
October 21, 2023 

Saint John

October 22, 2023
October 20, 2023

Quebec City

October 21, 2023


October 22, 2023

October 20, 2023

Ottawa, ON

October 22, 2023

Toronto, ON

October 21, 2023
October 20, 2023

Mississauga, ON

October 22, 2023

Brantford, ON

London, ON

October 22, 2023

Winnipeg, MB

October 21, 2023


October 22, 2023
October 21, 2023

October 20, 2023


October 20, 2023


October 21, 2023

Victoria, BC

October 22, 2023

(Photos: TML, Shehab, Wafa, FARS, Samidoun, Houthi Media, J. Hinklle, Palestine Chronicle, hassaninexile, Minrex, TeleSUR, venezuelaanalysis, crowdvbank, Archies_Human, huggibear, Jomoboy, H. McKay, Shabbir Lakha, nsult6, Calderdale TUC, W. Gibson, A. Girling, B. Doherty, Ramil-up, gegenrechts1965, C. Rads, Irish Unity, M. Kendsi, miquimm, Rashid bnc, Resumen Latinoamericano, selenesb_tch, ahmed0elmetwaly, silicon-sil, 1Bernice, M. Khaled, luavienrose, A. Dazabb, gerardo_dsign, lifewithsommer, radio kontakt, Telegrafi, Libertatea, S. Malik, slamamkedir, T. Herzallah, reality_rush33, SammayyaZra, abolishnato, Heatherhgz, randomhuman40, Answer, ajd theory, U.S. Palestine Community Network, Peoples City Council LA, Corpse Lemmy, itsautumntbh, T. Simone, J. Lanzo, protest_nyc, chezrebellion, FRSO, skyflyer81, motarola, bongsb4dongs, exile drazen, ytnessisdeath, Free Palestine Halifax, L. Whiskers, lumouisandwild, Spring Mag, @supportpalestine, S. Soharwardy, Appui Palestine, R. Rousseau, D. Mivasair, Farhani67180, Occupy WSIB, E. Leedham, D. Currie.)

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