No. 14

October 2023

Photo Review

World's People Condemn Israel's Massacre of Palestinians in Gaza and U.S. Green Light

Defiant demonstration in Ramallah,  Palestine condemns Israeli aggression, October 18, 2023, the day after the bombing of the Al-Ahli hospital

Millions of people throughout the world have risen in protest of the crimes Israel is committing in Gaza with the numbers swelling day after day following Israel's massacre of nearly 500 people when it bombed the Al Ahli Hospital. They demand an end to the atrocities Israel is committing in Gaza before the hospital bombing and since. They are also denouncing the green light the U.S. is giving for the Israeli war crimes by creating the diversion of Israel's alleged right to self-defence, as if war crimes and genocide can be justified in the name of self-defence.

All those countries including Canada, France, Britain, Germany and the European Union who feed Israel's narrative that it is doing its best to avoid killing civilians but that they are collateral damage because Hamas allegedly uses them as human shields stand condemned as conciliators with the crimes of genocide being committed. Any attempt to create a moral equivalence between the Palestinian resistance and the crimes of the Israeli occupation of Palestine merits condemnation.

The people of Ramallah, Hebron, Jenin, Tulkarm, Tubas, and other cities in the occupied West Bank defied the Palestinian Authority (PA) security forces who used live fire to disperse the protests, killing at least one person. Local media reported hundreds of people also marched towards local PA headquarters, demanding more action to confront Israel and support the Gaza Strip. The demand for the resignation of the leaders of the PA and slogans in support of Hamas also rang out loud and clear.

Thousands of Tunisians rallied near the French embassy in Tunisia, calling on their country to immediately expel the French ambassador due to France's unequivocal support for the crimes of Israel and France’s ban of protests in support of Palestinians. In Lebanon a large rally took place at the U.S. Embassy in Beirut. Similar scenes were repeated in Mauritania, Yemen, Iraq, and throughout Türkiye, in addition to other Arab and Middle Eastern countries. In Amman, Jordan, hundreds of protesters attempted to storm the Israeli embassy, setting fire to the walls and the gates near the entrance. Jordanian security forces clashed with protesters, and threw teargas canisters, in a desperate attempt at dispersing them. In Turkey, protesters also gathered near the Israeli Consulate in Istanbul, on October 17. More than 60 people were injured, most of them police officers, when police used force to disperse the protest.


Mamdani hospital in Gaza, October 18, 2023

Kafr el Sheikh, Gaza, October 18, 2023
Rafah border crossing, Gaza, prayers for those massacred by Israel, October 18, 2023
Hebron, October 17, 2023

Ramallah, October 18, 2023
Nablus, October 18, 2023
Bethlehem, October 18, 2023

Beirut, Lebanon

Amman, Jordan

Idlib, Syria

Ankara, Türkiye


Rabat, Morocco

Lenasia, South Africa


Seoul, Korea

Sydney, Australia

Madrid, Spain

Frankfurt, Germany

Amsterdam, Netherlands

Glasgow, Scotland

Belfast, Ireland

Havana, Cuba

Bogota, Colombia


Seattle, WA

San Jose, CA

Dallas, TX

Austin, TX

Dearborn, MI

Louisville, KY

Lancaster, PA

Raleigh, NC

New York City, NY

Ithaca, NY

Washington, DC

Orlando, FL


In Ottawa, thousands of demonstrators rallied outside the Prime Minister's Office, then marched to the Israeli Embassy. Thousands also rallied at the Israeli consulate in downtown Toronto, denouncing Israel for bombing the hospital. More than 1,000 people gathered outside the U.S. consulate in downtown Montreal to call on the U.S. government to stop giving Israel a green light to commit the humanitarian crisis in Gaza and to stop sending financial support and ammunition to the Israeli military.

Ottawa, ON

Emergency rally after Israeli bombing of Gaza hospital, October 17, 2023

Halifax, NS

Montreal, QC

Barrie, ON

Toronto, ON

Hamilton, ON

Windsor, ON

Edmonton, AB

Calgary, AB

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