U.S. Continues to Orchestrate Israel's Slaughter in Gaza and Occupied West Bank

Oakland dockworkers refuse to load ship bound for Israel, November 3, 2023.

The United States has supplied Israel with over 10,000 tons of military equipment since the beginning of the war on Gaza on October 7, Israel's Defense Ministry said in a statement on December 6. The 200th cargo plane carrying military equipment has arrived in Israel, the statement said.

Once again revealing its extreme arrogance and overconfidence, the U.S. government has drafted plans for a "multiphase postwar game plan" that would see a "revamped" Palestinian Authority (PA) installed as rulers of the Gaza Strip "once the war between Israel and Palestinian resistance factions winds down," according to State Department and White House officials who spoke with news outlet Politico. National Security Council official Brett McGurk is reportedly spearheading the plan to impose the PA as a de facto puppet authority in Gaza. They call it "the best of only bad options."

This is despite the published results of a public opinion poll conducted in the occupied Palestinian territories in July, which reported that 63 per cent of respondents agreed that the survival of the PA mainly benefits Israel, while 50 per cent said they support the organization's collapse or dissolution. When asked to choose between PA leader Mahmoud Abbas and Hamas political chief Ismail Haniyeh in hypothetical elections, support for Haniyeh among those who would participate stood at 56 per cent. In comparison, only 33 per cent said they would back Abbas. The Hamas flag is a permanent feature of demonstrations in the West Bank.

This article was published in
Volume 53 Number 30 - December, 2023

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