Letter to Calgary Chief of Police

– Muslim Council of Calgary –

The Muslim Council of Calgary ("MCC") strongly condemns the acts of aggression and behaviour of the Calgary Police Service ("CPS") at the demonstration held in Calgary on November 19, 2023.

The excessive use of force demonstrated by our city police was deplorable and completely unacceptable. Unjustified force and assaults took place in our city against members of the Muslim community. Several men, women and children were beaten by those who swore an oath to protect us.

The MCC represents over 100,000 Muslims in the City of Calgary, and we confirm our support to those victims who were arrested, charged, assaulted, beaten, and abused. Members of the community received serious injuries including hospitalization, including a pregnant woman and a 13-year-old child.

This is not what Calgary is about.

It has come to our attention that during the past few weeks, police officers who were at the previous rallies along with the rally on November 19, came with the intention to provoke, intimidate, and instigate the protesters. This was witnessed by hundreds of protesters. The MCC will not tolerate this behaviour of our police and we will be consulting our lawyers for advice on our next course of action.

What happened on Sunday, reminded us in Calgary of the situation in Palestine. When a 13-year-old child spits at a police officer, he is beaten and arrested. When a pregnant woman tries to help, she is beaten and arrested. The image of the CPS has been tarnished all over the world. CPS is walking a dangerous path in showing Muslims in Calgary that they are not neutral at all in dealing with us at our protests. You charged a member of our community for chanting a slogan, but to your embarrassment the charge was stayed by the Crown Prosecutor's office. Remember, this made international news and it will never be forgotten.

It is with sadness that the CPS has lost the confidence and respect of thousands of Muslims residing in Calgary. We, as a community, had been building bridges and relations with the CPS since 1958, to now see it deteriorate over the past seven weeks. The MCC is proud to claim that we have never condoned violence, we have never incited hatred, and this is the practice that is promoted and adhered to by our members and religion.

(November 22, 2023)

This article was published in
Volume 53 Number 26 - November 2023

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Website:  www.cpcml.ca   Email:  editor@cpcml.ca