Condemn Calgary Police Violence at November 19 Demonstration

Calgary, November 19, 2023

The Alberta Committee of the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist) vehemently condemns the arrests and use of violence carried out by Calgary Police against Calgarians at a demonstration demanding an end to the genocide in Gaza held on November 19.

Videos published on social media show police in full riot-gear, wielding batons, throwing protesters to the ground, and man-handling and assaulting men, women, and children. Those arrested included a 13-year-old child -- who was subsequently released, and a pregnant woman. Despite videos showing the police assaults, three men are charged with assault police, and the pregnant woman with obstructing police as she tried to intervene to stop the violent assault by police.

For weeks, thousands of men, women, whole families with children in strollers, and Calgarians from every walk of life have marched in the streets with their messages: Ceasefire Now, Freedom for Palestine, Stop the Genocide in Gaza, End the Occupation, and We Are All Palestinians.

While those attending have been entirely peaceful, the police have responded in a manner which can have no other purpose than to harass, intimidate and provoke those participating in the actions. Their aggressive behaviour has been escalating and includes greatly increasing the number of police present; replacing police on foot and on bicycles with police in full riot gear and on horseback; dictating parade routes; carrying batons, and then on November 19 some carrying weapons; pushing people around; and blocking photographers. This is accompanied by media reports about "potential violence" from the protesters.

This aggression on the part of police comes on the heels of the Crown Prosecutor's decision to stay the spurious charges Calgary Police Service laid against Wesam Khaled, a lead organizer of Justice for Palestinians Calgary, for leading a chant at a previous demonstration.

The police used a kettling technique at the most recent demonstration, using their batons and a line of police to grab and separate people from the rest of the demonstration and make arrests. This is the same technique employed in Toronto during the G20 protests in 2010.

The police are trying to justify the unjustifiable by saying they did not want a busy traffic intersection closed down. This makes no sense as police had already closed main thoroughfares downtown during the rally and march.

The truth is that the police are part of the state apparatus trying to criminalize dissent and squash the massive opposition to the Israeli Zionist genocide in Gaza and to silence the demand for an end to the Zionist state's occupation of Palestine. This criminalization of dissent is unconscionable and deserves widespread condemnation.

The violence unleashed on November 19 was from the Calgary police not the people. This aggression further traumatizes people who witness every day the unspeakable horrors committed against the Palestinian people, the murder of families and friends in Gaza, the systematic destruction of Al-Shifa hospital, of schools, and residential areas.

Let everyone use their own voice to speak out and condemn these illegal acts of cruelty, and inhumanity against the Palestinian and Muslim community by the Calgary police.

Condemn Calgary Police Violence Against the Muslim Community!
Condemn Calgary Police Brutality and Violence Against All Those Defending the Rights of All!
Demand All Charges be Immediately Withdrawn!
Hold the Police Accountable!

This article was published in
Volume 53 Number 26 - November 2023

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