Another Case Filed at International Criminal Court

A group of lawyers representing Palestinian victims of Israeli attacks on Gaza have filed a complaint to the International Criminal Court (ICC), arguing that Israel's actions amount to the crime of genocide, Al Jazeera reports.

Gilles Devers, a veteran French lawyer and the victims' representative before the ICC, submitted the complaint to the prosecutor as part of a four-person delegation in The Hague on November 13. They are seeking arrest warrants against Prime Minister Netanyahu and other Israeli leaders.

"It is clear for me that there are all the criteria for the crime of genocide," Devers told Al Jazeera, adding that cases such as the former Yugoslavia and Rwanda set the precedent against which the complaint had been submitted.

"So this is not my opinion, it's the reality of law," Devers said adding that Israel has made no attempt to hide the hallmarks of genocide, by cutting food and electricity to Gaza, attacking civilians and civilian infrastructure and using dehumanizing talk that likens people to "animals."

The lawyers have also collected the witness accounts of Palestinian victims whom they legally represent in court.

With mounting allegations of serious war crimes being committed in Gaza, Devers said governments that do not wish to be found complicit should refrain from backing Israel.

"Governments must choose which camp they are on, if they support human rights or genocide. They cannot give speeches about international law and human rights and then accept Israel's attack without doing anything," he said.

"If the ICC does nothing, then it's the end of the ICC," he said. "We have sufficient proof for an arrest warrant against Mr Netanyahu," Devers said.

This is one in a number of lawsuits presented to the ICC in the past weeks, Al Jazeera informs.

On November 9, three Palestinian human rights groups urged the ICC to investigate Israel for "apartheid" as well as "genocide" and issue arrest warrants for Israeli leaders.

#JusticeForGaza, has initiated a petition "which aims to bring together diverse voices from international civil society, political leaders and representatives to petition the court. Prominent European politicians who have advocated for Palestinian rights, include Spain's Ione Belarra and Britain's Jeremy Corbyn," Al Jazeera informs.

This article was published in
Volume 53 Number 23 - November 2023

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