Protests Continue 

Thousands of Protestors at APEC Summit Demand Ceasefire and Bright Future for Humanity

The Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation (APEC) held its annual summit in San Francisco, U.S. from November 11-17. Founded in 1989 APEC has a membership of 21 countries including Canada.[1] The theme of the APEC Summit is "Creating a Resilient and Sustainable Future for All." The summit involves the political leaders of the member countries and senior officials as well as hundreds of members of the financial oligarchy and private monopolies.

Thousands of people came out to hold a countersummit and other actions to protest APEC and its agenda that favours wealthy private interests at the expense of the rights and well-being of working people, and the well-being of natural environment, and also to denounce those backing Israel's genocidal crimes in Gaza. Front and centre of the demonstrations was the call for a ceasefire in the brutal ongoing attacks on the people of Gaza. Other demands included an end to labour violations, accountability for human rights abuses and reparations for climate change. The patriotic Filipino community was out in force with banners and placards such as Marcos & Biden Not Welcome -- Fight for Philippine Sovereignty. Climate justice demands were expressed in slogans such as Stop Corporate Attacks on Climate Justice -- People & Planet over Profit & Plunder and support for Palestine expressed in the demand for a Ceasefire Now and for an end to Israeli apartheid.

On November 12, the No to APEC Coalition marched from the Embarcadero to Moscone Center to protest the entire APEC summit. Organizers described APEC's events as "highly secretive closed-door meetings costing the city of San Francisco millions." "APEC's free trade agenda will harm millions of workers, women, and migrants in the US and across the Asia-Pacific, yet those who will be most impacted are not at the table," said Rhonda Ramiro of the coalition. The goal of the countersummit was to call out "APEC's false solutions and build a movement to address the very real crises of climate change, economic crisis, and militarization,"

APEC's CEO Summit took place on November 14-15, and protesters sought to stop CEOs and APEC officials from entering their meeting place, despite a huge police presence. Protesters carried large banners including "War Criminals Out of San Francisco," "Shut Down the CEO Summit" "End the Occupation" and many others.

A fundraiser attended by U.S. Joe President Biden and U.S. Vice-President Kamala Harris on the evening of November 14 to support their bid for re-election was the focus of a militant demonstration denouncing Biden and the U.S. for standing with the Israeli Zionist state while it massacres the Palestinians in Gaza. People carried signs calling for Biden and Harris to resign. Others called for the end to U.S. military aid to Israel. The main demand of the demonstration "Ceasefire Now."

November 14, 2023

Climate activists rallied outside the Moscone Center on the evening of November 15, demanding that Citi and Exxon stop funding fossil fuel extraction. Exxon's CEO, Darren Woods, was one of the speakers at the APEC CEO Summit earlier that day. Climate justice activists marched on Market Street in San Francisco, Sunday, Nov. 12 behind a banner reading Fossil Fuels And Corporate Greed – No to APEC. Organizers with Climate Defenders wrote, "APEC is the perfect setting as it brings heads of states and thousands of CEOs from some of the most evil global corporations that are contributing to the climate crisis all for profit." Climate activists denounced climate change solutions discussed at APEC as "false solutions" and "greenwashing" motivated by corporate greed. Companies like Exxon have no intention to follow any climate pledges they have made, and instead prioritize profit over the climate crisis, according to Climate Defenders. Activists said the world needs real solutions such as divestment from climate change causing fossil fuels, and more sustainable, environmentally responsible practices.

Die-in outside the APEC Gala Dinner, hosted by Biden, November 15, 2023.

On November 16 protesters shut down several lanes of the Bay Bridge during the morning rush hour, in support of the Palestinian people and to demand an immediate ceasefire and an end to U.S. military aid to Israel. The protest was organized by several groups, including the Palestinian Youth Movement and the Arab Resource and Organizing Center–Bay Area. San Francisco police declared the protest an "unlawful demonstration" and arrested 81 people. The protest effectively shut down bridge traffic heading into San Francisco. Numerous protesters chanted and tied themselves together with chains. Many protesters took part in a "die-in," laying down under white sheets that said, "Stop the genocide." Many protesters who drove onto the bridge during the protest apparently tossed their keys into the Pacific Ocean, further causing the massive delay on the bridge. California Highway Patrol Chief Ezery Beauchamp said, "We were not caught off guard. This was something that we were anticipating happening. We were here within a couple of minutes, but they were planned, they worked together, they brought their vehicles to a stop, and they got that accomplished within seconds." It took emergency officials four hours to reopen the Bay Bridge.

Shutdown of the Bay Bridge, November 16, 2023.

Meanwhile, groups came together to rally across Market Street, Geary Boulevard and Powell Street throughout the day, pressed up against police lines and security roadblocks, while others attempted to swarm delegates.

Actions in Other U.S. Cities

Staten Island, New York, November 14, 2023

Columbia University, New York City, November 15, 2023

Atlanta, Georgia, November 13, 2023


1. The member countries of APEC are Australia; Brunei Darussalam; Canada; Chile; People's Republic of China; Hong Kong, China; Indonesia; Japan; Republic of Korea; Malaysia; Mexico; New Zealand; Papua New Guinea; Peru; The Philippines; The Russian Federation; Singapore; Chinese Taipei; Thailand; United States of America; and Viet Nam.

(Photos: renepakmorris, B. Anderson, mavi9261, G.R. Sail, code Pink, @loudlabsync, itslaylas, @LolOverruled, PalHighlight, C. Birchfield)

This article was published in
Volume 53 Number 22 - November 17, 2023

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