Canadian State Steps Up Incitement to Violence and Hatred

– Pierre Soublière –

During a November 8 scrum in the lobby of Parliament, the Prime Minister of Canada called for a humanitarian pause "to allow hostages to be released" and "get all foreign nationals out of Gaza." He said that this pause should be taken "to begin doing the work of de-escalating the situation." Trudeau said that a humanitarian pause would respond to the needs of the people of Gaza without affecting the ability of Israel to deal with the threat of Hamas.

Throughout, the Prime Minister and Canadian Liberal MPs are focusing on "the rise of anti-Semitism" in Canada, with ample references to a Molotov cocktail thrown at a synagogue in Montreal. The main thrust of media questions and answers is to expand on the initial accusation that Palestinian demonstrations are a celebration of terrorism and that any criticism of Israel is anti-Semitic.

Winnipeg South Centre Liberal MP Ben Carr said that "From the river to the sea" is a Hamas slogan. The claim is that Hamas is a terrorist organization which says Jews should be pushed into the sea. This then is linked to the slogan raised loud and clear in most demonstrations which support the Palestinian people: From the River to the Sea, Palestine Will Be Free and, voilà, because of the use of the word sea, they are terrorist, seek the elimination of Israel and all Jews and on it goes.

The conclusion is thus self-evident: it should be considered hate speech and dealt with accordingly. It is an astounding use of a lack of intelligence because all those who give these positions are motivated by defending their positions of power and privilege. Real yeoman's service to King and Country!

Montreal Liberal MP Anthony Housefather added his voice, saying that the Jewish community is being bullied and has never felt as threatened as it is today. He must think that if he repeats this often enough it will become true. The war in the Middle East has spread into Canada, he said. He and others called for the police to "watch the demonstrations closely" and take action wherever there are "breaches of the law."

The more they listen to themselves speak, the more excited they get. It is a truly spineless and pathetic sight.

The same day, Yves-François Blanchet, the leader of the Bloc Québécois, announced that the Bloc was joining others in calling for a ceasefire. The Israeli government no longer deserves a green light to intervene against Hamas terrorists since it had killed thousands of civilians, the Bloc leader declared. Killing a few civilians is okay; killing thousands is going too far. No principle whatsoever. 

Having drunk the imperialist Kool-Aid, he said that Hamas stops international aid reaching civilians, he added that an international military force should intervene between Israel and Hamas to "ensure that humanitarian aid reaches civilians as well as to initiate a process of reconstruction and the restoration of peace, free from bombings and the exactions of Hamas."

Making himself appear even more ridiculous, the Bloc leader appealed for NATO to play this role. NATO is on the verge of imploding over the debacle of its U.S. proxy war in Ukraine but displaying his ignorance of international affairs, Blanchet claims that in the past NATO has done this at the behest of the UN, and that this measure would protect both Israeli territory and its civilians and the Palestinian population of Gaza. The imperialist Kool-Aid seems to have him believing that the NATO bombing of Yugoslavia and destruction of Libya, neither of which were in fact authorized by the UN, were beneficial to the peoples of the former Yugoslavia and Libya and so too, NATO's role in Afghanistan and Ukraine. 

The Kool-Aid of the official circles has clearly not done the brain of the Bloc leader any good. He is beginning to speak like Trump did recently, getting his what-is-what and who-is-who all mixed up. As if NATO ever stood for peace, the Bloc leader added that involving NATO would be a key step in the resumption of peace talks in the region. It is embarrassing to see those who call themselves politicians and statespersons parade such ignorance and nonsense.

The Bloc spokesperson also referenced meetings the U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken has had with Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu so as to present Blinken as a worthy intermediary to call for “humanitarian pauses” in opposition to the sustained truce and end of the Israeli occupation of Gaza and the West Bank and of violent settlement activity and genocide that the majority of the world’s countries are calling for. Never mind that Blinken has been rebuffed by all the parties he has tried to get to do his bidding! The Bloc said it would address their proposal to the countries meeting in Paris at the request of the president of the French Republic, Emmanuel Macron. That meeting was said to be an Aid Conference for the civilian population of Gaza, calling for "a quick humanitarian pause" and for countries "to work towards a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip."

It is embarrassing indeed when a country with all the advantages of Canada and Quebec cannot produce a single official politician worthy of the name.

As support for the right of the Palestinian people grows all over the world, Canada continues to call all opposition to what Israel is doing to the Palestinians a betrayal of Canadian values. While the government lauds the genocidal attacks against the Palestinians, it defames all those who do not share its opinions and blames them for the rise of anarchy and violence in the society including racist attacks which it gives the impression it has nothing to do with inciting.

(Quotations translate from original French by TML)

This article was published in
Volume 53 Number 22 - November 17, 2023

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