The Need to Modernize the United Nations

– Nick Lin –

At present, a very big concern which confronts the peoples of the entire world is the refusal to renovate the United Nations. It means that the U.S. imperialists strut around as the so-called indispensable nation which gets away with dictating to the world what can and cannot be done, and who is and is not a terrorist. It is not by asking the U.S. for permission that the Security Council will be renovated. It is a matter of the General Assembly taking the actions which will end the status quo by standing up for what is necessary to end impunity when it is verifiably taking place. The General Assembly needs binding authority to act and enforce resolutions, such as those calling for a ceasefire, calling to end the blockade of Cuba, calling for the end of U.S. colonization of Puerto Rico, and the many calling on Israel to end the occupation.

Results of UN General Assembly vote, October 27, 2023, on resolution calling for a ceasefire in Gaza, show the isolation of the U.S. and Israel, who nonetheless cannot be held to account because General Assembly resolutions are non-binding.

The Security Council has long blocked any attempts to resolve conflicts peacefully. The decisions the U.S. manoeuvres to impose are themselves violations of hitherto recognized international law, such as sanctions, bombing countries to the brink of extinction, and coups d'état in the name of human rights, peace and democracy to replace what are called authoritarian regimes not to the liking of the U.S. and its allies. The question of how to bring this to an end is not a new one. The U.S./Israeli crimes being committed are now so egregious that the question has risen to haunt the entire world which can only end this state of affairs by taking effective action.

What then can be done to deprive the U.S. of the authority conferred on it by current arrangements?

Under current rules, the decisions of the General Assembly are not enforceable despite the fact that in that body all 193 countries are equal. The truth is that an authority only has meaning if it is adhered to, if it is followed and obeyed. Nobody agrees with the U.S. playing the role of indispensable nation or the convoluted self-serving arguments it and its henchmen such as Canada put forward to give Israel the green light to defy even its founding resolution and all resolutions taken since then. In fact, the U.S. has always ensured Israel can carry out the crimes of genocide and war crimes in the name of high ideals and is guilty of these crimes today. The peoples of the world are demonstrating in greater numbers every day to say NO! It must not pass!

Besides the massive demonstrations condemning Israel and the U.S. and their allies, more and more countries are doing well to isolate Israel diplomatically. Many boycott efforts are also mobilizing working people everywhere to take a stand. The massive protests carried out by Jewish voices, especially in the U.S., Canada, Britain and countries which are in the forefront of carrying out imperialist disinformation, also go a long way to shut the mouths of those who try to discredit their just positions by saying they are self-hating and other nonsense. The defiance puts to rest the nonsense that being Jewish provides a consensus in favour of Zionism.

The security of the peoples of the world lies in their fight for the rights of all. They are speaking in their own name. Their actions are sure to open a path that provides an alternative to permitting both the U.S. and Israel and their supporters to act with impunity.

This article was published in
Volume 53 Number 22 - November 17, 2023

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