Today, We Are All Palestinians!

The Most Obvious Point

– Anna Di Carlo –

As the state of Israel, backed and funded by the U.S., commits the most heinous crimes against humanity in Gaza and the West Bank, the inability of the United Nations to stop it is very apparent. The need to democratize international relations so that the majority of countries take decisions which are enforceable and the situation is ended in which the U.S. is considered the indispensable nation and everyone refers to it to take the actions they want, is also apparent. It is clear that today, in the face of the abhorrent crimes Israel is committing in Gaza and the West Bank also, the U.S. is holding the entire world's people hostage to its interests.

Many countries are doing their best to break the impasse, such as by withdrawing their ambassadors from Tel Aviv, while the peoples of the world continue to demand justice and a ceasefire. The peoples of the world are speaking in their own name against the intolerable situation and impasse while those who are creating the impasse claim to speak in the name of the world's people while they push irrational conceptions of democracy and international law.

As ever greater numbers of people and countries the world over continue to express their demand that Israel be stopped, Israel's crimes continue unabated, with ever greater tragic consequences. The anger of the peoples of the world is mounting with every passing day and so too is the heroism of the Palestinian people along with the determination of the peoples of the world to stand with them as one humanity waging one struggle against impunity. The appeasers of the Israeli occupiers and all those who conciliate with them will not survive this turning point of history. They cannot escape the wrath of the people, no matter how much they try to criminalize dissent or justify what cannot be justified. The Palestinian people will prevail!

The Security Council appears unable to play the role it was assigned after World War II because the U.S. has usurped the power within it. The paralysis at the level of the Security Council makes it look as if the massive protests of the peoples of the entire world are to no avail but this is not the case. The demonstrations are clear evidence of what the peoples of the world want. As seen in the mass protests and at the General Assembly of the United Nations, the peoples of the world and the majority of countries are demanding that Israel's genocidal attacks be stopped. They are demanding a ceasefire. They are demanding that Israel be held to account for what it is today and what it has done for the past 75 years since the first Nakba -- Catastrophe -- in 1948.

Within Palestine itself people's acts of heroism express the necessity to find a way forward. So too do the courage and resistance of the doctors, nurses and health care workers, staff of the humanitarian institutions, agencies and non-governmental organizations. The courage and resilience of Palestinian journalists on the ground in Gaza and the West Bank stand second to none. They are determined to let the world know what is taking place at the hands of the Israeli Zionists, despite the heart-rending cost to themselves and their families. All of this strengthens the determination of the peoples of the world to stand as one with the Palestinian people. It expresses their conviction that Israel and the U.S. and their ilk including Canada must be held to account. Their ability to keep the Palestinian people under a never-ending occupation where they are humiliated, violated and abused every day of every year must end.

While this is the objective reality of what is taking place, the U.S. and Anglo-American media and countries like Canada, Britain, France, Germany and other former colonial powers make sure no alternative is discussed or implemented. Their media kindle talk that what is going on in the Middle East and elsewhere in the world is the start of World War III. The idea is that if other countries intervene to stop Israel from doing what it is doing, these countries will cause a major war. In other words, unless we give Israel and the U.S. free rein to complete their genocidal plan, we could be responsible for a major war engulfing the whole world. The conclusion to be drawn is that there is nothing we can do but wait it out, no matter the cost.

Calculations and interpretations of the calculations go hand in hand with implicit threats that unless Israel is permitted to achieve its stated aim of wiping out Hamas, even if this means wiping out the Palestinian people, things could get out of hand. It is unconscionable. It is done so that the peoples of the world get discouraged and lose hope.

The scenes of the carnage Israel is causing are intended to overwhelm us so as to cause paralysis and inaction. Media attention hides the U.S. role in the Palestinian genocide while promoting that the U.S. is trying to "get Israel to agree" to a "humanitarian pause" and to "uphold humanitarian law." This is also intended to make sure people do not consider alternatives which favour them. It is to permit both the U.S. and Israel to get away with saying they have a righteous cause and only they decide -- their agreement is required for any solution.

This will not do.

All of it is intended to cover up the obvious point in all of this which is the need to renew and democratize international relations so that the U.S. and former colonial powers which carved up the Ottoman empire between them at the end of World War I are deprived of any authority to determine the outcome of any struggles the peoples are engaged in for the recognition of their right to be. Military might is presented as the determinant factor but this is wrong. It is the peoples' striving for empowerment which is the determinant factor. Everything must be done at this time to activate the role of the human factor, social consciousness which is decisive in establishing a vantage point which favours the peoples. The peoples of the world are unleashing their own creativity to accomplish aims they themselves set. It is their agency which will change the situation in a manner which favours them. This is a certainty we can count on.

This article was published in
Volume 53 Number 22 - November 17, 2023

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