Nefarious Mission of Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies and Internet Encyclopedia of Ukraine to Revise History

Nazi collaborators and members of Waffen-SS Galizien division, including the co-founder, have played a key role in establishing and funding the Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies (CIUS) and its project, the Internet Encyclopedia of Ukraine, with the aim of revising history.

The CIUS was established in 1976 in Edmonton and now has offices in Toronto and in Lviv, Ukraine. Its director from 1992 to 2012 states that the CIUS "pursued the goals of integrating and mainstreaming Ukrainian studies into North American and world scholarship and becoming the leading world research institution dedicated to the discovery, preservation, and dissemination of knowledge about Ukraine and Ukrainians."

Waffen-SS volunteer Peter Savaryn, who was President of the Progressive Conservative Association of Alberta and Vice-President of the federal Progressive Conservatives, member of the Board and Senate, and later Chancellor, of the University of Alberta, is credited by the CIUS as being instrumental in the formation of the CIUS. The Governor-General has now apologized for the Order of Canada given to Savaryn.

The Internet Encyclopedia of Ukraine, a major project of the CIUS, is replete with the highest praise for Nazi collaborators. Its basic tenet is that the most heinous crime can be justified by claiming that it was done "for an independent Ukraine." The CIUS has accepted funds from those who were members of the Waffen-SS Galizien, and also praised them to the skies.

The "Welcome to the Internet Encyclopedia of Ukraine, hosted by the Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies" page states that Volodymyr Kubijovyc was the chief editor of Encyclopedia of Ukraine, Ukraine: A Concise Encyclopaedia (2 vols, 1963, 1971), and Encyclopedia of Ukraine (Vols One and Two, 1984-87). "His contribution in this regard cannot be overestimated. His conceptualization of the Entsyklopediia ukraïnoznavstva provided a sorely needed structure to Ukrainian scholarship in the West. Overcoming great obstacles, Kubijovyc organized the scattered intellectual resources in time to ensure that the rich knowledge of Ukraine carried out by the various scholars forced to emigrate during the Second World War be passed on to future generations."

Claiming that these "various scholars" were "forced to emigrate during the Second World War" is a deliberate falsification, just as Chrystia Freeland hid her Nazi grandfather's collaboration with the Nazi occupiers by saying "he fled" Ukraine in 1939.

This is how the Internet Encyclopedia of Ukraine describes the Ukrainian collaborator-in-chief: "During the Second World War he [Kubijovyc] headed the Ukrainian Central Committee (UCC) in Cracow and in 1943 took part in organizing the Division Galizien. In his role as head of the UCC, Kubijovyc revealed his exceptional ability as an organizer and statesman."

The Ukrainian Central Committee was the criminal Ukrainian collaborationist political organization in occupied Poland. It published Krakivski Visti (Krakow News) whose chief editor was Chrystia Freeland's grandfather, Michael Chomiak, responsible for fascist and anti-Semitic propaganda. Kubijovy took a leading role in organizing the Waffen-SS Galizien. The UCC was responsible for propaganda, for collaboration in ethnic cleansing, the plunder of food and raw materials, and for recruiting and filling quotas of youth and later elderly men to serve as slave labourers in Germany – 402,777 people in all. The Encyclopedia describes the UCC as carrying out "cultural and educational work."

The Internet Encyclopedia of Ukraine contains an item about the Brotherhood of Former Soldiers of the First Ukrainian Division of the Ukrainian National Army, noting without further comment that its headquarters moved to Toronto "in the mid-1960s." The items about the Waffen-SS Galizien are titled Division Galician and Military Board of the Division Galician, carefully omitting the words Waffen-SS. The Encyclopedia states, "The head of the Ukrainian Central Committee in Cracow, Volodymyr Kubijovyc, supported the division's formation, regarding it as a Ukrainian armed force and hoping to influence its character and organization as the core of a future national army." It goes on to state that the Germans promised the division would only fight the Red Army, making it clear that their aim was the defeat of the Soviet Union by bringing victory of Nazi Germany. In fact the Waffen-SS Galizien had only one battle with the Red Army, where it was almost wiped out. Its main role was to fight against the partisans fighting to liberate their countries from Nazi occupation in Poland, Ukraine, Slovakia and Austria, and to carry out horrendous torture and massacres of the general civilian population, burning down entire villages.

The aim of this entire project is to falsify the history of the Ukrainian collaborators by claiming that they were "freedom fighters" for an "independent Ukraine." This covers up that their mission was a Ukraine ethnically cleansed of Poles, Jews, Romani, communists, disabled people, those who fought against the Nazis, and others inimical to their project. Their aim was for this cleansed Ukraine to take its place in the "new Europe" established by a Nazi victory. Their aim today is the same with the likes of the Canadian government helping them realize their dream of becoming the Ukrainian Army. It has never been just about what happened in the past. It has always been about grooming the next generation of Ukrainian "freedom-fighters" in the neo-Nazi mould.

The falsification of history is for purposes of presenting the past in a manner that justifies their nefarious action in the present. Apologizing for them under the guise that there is no proof they committed crimes or that condemning their propaganda machine is to oppose freedom of the press and freedom of speech is typical liberal conciliation with Nazism and must be opposed.

This article was published in
Volume 53 Number 19 - November 2023

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