Association of Palestinian Arab Canadians

The Association of Palestinian Arab Canadians (APAC) is deeply concerned with the ongoing violence in Palestine and Israel and stands in solidarity with all Palestinians in advocating for their human rights. We condemn statements reaffirming Israel's right to defend itself and view statements of this nature as one-sided and irresponsible. Such statements perpetuate an ongoing and harmful pattern of complete disregard to the core issues that have created the conditions which led to this violence.

APAC affirms that the death of civilians is never acceptable. However, the violence we are seeing today is sadly what Palestinians experience on a daily basis, whether it be through Israel's crushing illegal blockade of Gaza, persistent settler attacks on Palestinian civilians, or Israel's illegal occupation of Palestinian lands.

Today's violence is a reminder of the consequences of a 75 year long unchecked occupation, continued expansion of illegal settlements, continued denial of Palestinians' fundamental human rights, a brutal blockade, and an unrelenting system of apartheid.

In the immediate term, we call on the Government of Canada, in partnership with the international community, to exercise all diplomatic efforts to:

- de-escalate the situation;

- demand that Israel exercise restraint; and

- remind Israel of its legal duties under international law as an occupying power to protect those living under its brutal occupation.

Furthermore, we call on the Government of Canada to refrain from issuing provocative statements affirming Israel's unequivocal right to defend itself. Courage is required to recognize that the international community's pattern of reaffirming Israel's right to defend itself has not contributed to improving the prospects for peace and only serves to provide Israel with the diplomatic cover to undertake heinous acts of violence against the Palestinian people.

Lastly, we call on the Government of Canada, in partnership with the international community, to make resolving the Israel-Palestine issue a top international priority. Peace in the region remains elusive in part due to the international community's refusal to make sincere efforts to address root causes and its failure to hold Israel accountable for its flagrant violation of international law.

A solution can only be achieved with the full participation of the Palestinian people and through the upholding and equal application of international law and an end to the occupation. In the absence of this, we will remain trapped in this ongoing cycle of violence as the desire for freedom, and efforts to resist the denial of this freedom, should never be underestimated.

This article was published in
Volume 53 Number 11 - October 2023

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