Resistance Is a Right! End the Occupation of Palestine Now!

Militant Actions Across Canada and Worldwide Affirm Palestinians' Just Struggle

Ottawa, October 8, 2023

Shortly after the Palestinian resistance unleashed Operation Al-Aqsa Flood on October 7, supporters of the Palestinian cause for liberation and the many sons and daughters of Palestine living outside their homeland immediately organized actions around the world in support of the resistance. One of the main organizers for many of the actions in the UK, U.S. and Canada is the Palestinian Youth Movement. Accordingly, there was a high level of participation from the new generation of Palestinian and other youth, all of whom are taking their place in the historic movement for the liberation of Palestine.

In Canada on October 7, 8 and 9, actions in the form of rallies, marches and banner drops were held in Montreal, Ottawa, Edmonton, Vancouver, Toronto, London and Calgary. From October 7 to 9, at least 57 actions were held across North America and Europe alone, with more to come in the following days.

The occupying forces are once again resorting to collective punishment and further crimes against the people of Gaza by waging a massive and indiscriminate bombing campaign and attempting to completely cut off Gaza, to block the entry of food, fuel and supplies to the population of 2.3 million, which can only lead to humanitarian crisis. While the border wall of Gaza was breached in multiple places and at least one border crossing was destroyed by the resistance at the start of the operation, Israel now claims that it has once again locked down Gaza. 

Mustafa Barghouti, General Secretary of the Palestinian National Initiative, in a recent interview on CNN on the situation in Palestine, decries the attempts by the Zionists and their collaborators to criminalize the Palestinian resistance and all those who support the Palestinian cause. An excerpt from the video can be viewed here.  

"Freedom for Palestine"

The narrative of unfolding events presented by the Canadian government, the cartel parties in the Parliament, the CBC and monopoly media is all based on disinformation and depriving the polity of context and the history of Palestine, to then try to justify Zionist crimes in the name of self-defence and equate Palestinians' just resistance and national liberation to terrorism. According to this dehumanizing outlook, the Palestinian people were never dispossessed of their historic homeland by the Zionists and their collaborators. Thus, their right to resist and all other rights that belong to them as a people, especially as a people living under occupation, and the historical crimes committed against them on which Israel was founded, do not exist. Such disinformation is preparing the ground for even further crimes by the Zionists. The actions across Canada and around the world in support of the Palestinian resistance make clear that this will not pass.

The Israeli zionists are blinded by the imperialist outlook that might makes right and that the use of force is the deciding factor. They receive billions of dollars from the U.S. imperialists to arm themselves to the teeth and carry out innumerable crimes against the Palestinians, as well as support from Britain and big powers of Old Europe. They think that they can use force to carry out relentless expansion of illegal settlements, the collective punishment of mass incarceration and trampling the rights of the Palestinians. They refuse to negotiate and to respect their obligations under international law, and do all of this for decades with impunity. To call the Palestinian people and their resistance terrorists while theirs is a terror regime demands a reckoning which is long overdue.

Support for the resistance to affirm the rights of the Palestinian people and to hold the Zionist occupiers to account is reflected in the militant and unequivocal support for the resistance and refusal of conciliate with Zionism seen in demonstrations around the world. What these actions across Canada and around the world make clear is that it is the role of the people and their organized resistance and defence of their rights which is decisive.

The Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist) reiterates its categorical condemnation of the state of Israel for its ongoing attempt to commit genocide to wipe out the Palestinian people and seize their entire territory. It condemns the government of Canada and those MPs and opposition parties who declare that the resistance fighters are terrorists while Israel is engaged in justified self-defence and that anyone who supports the right to be of the Palestinian people is anti-semitic, engaged in a hate crime and is to be prosecuted as an extremist or terrorist. It condemns the stand taken by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau who convened the so-called Incident Response Group of ministers and senior officials and condemned the armed resistance of Palestinian fighters as "terrorist attacks against Israel." He expressed Canada's full support for Israel's so-called right to defend itself, which is not a right of occupiers recognized in any international law, but remained silent on the rights of the people of Palestine.

On October 9, Trudeau went on to say at an Ottawa rally in support of Israel, "Canada unequivocally and in the strongest possible terms condemns these terrorist attacks perpetrated by Hamas. We stand with Israel and reaffirm our support for Israel's right to defend itself in accordance with international law." He then added, "Let me be very clear: Hamas terrorists are not a resistance. They aren't freedom fighters, they are terrorists. And no one in Canada should be supporting them, much less celebrating them." Opposition Leader Pierre Poilievre stated, "Hamas does not speak for the Palestinian people, it does not speak for Muslims, and it surely does not speak for Canadians." He clearly did not see the irony in suggesting that he, on the other hand, presumably does speak for Canadians even with so many saying Canada's stand is "not in our name." Poilievre went further saying, "And that is why I unreservedly condemn any and all who took part in the disgusting celebrations that we have seen on our streets." Many politicians and officials at the provincial and municipal levels are also attempting to portray the resistance as terrorism and support for the resistance as support for terrorism.

Canadians and Quebeckers should consider carefully what it means that after being caught red-handed giving ovations to a Nazi collaborator in the House of Commons, and then claiming that this is a mistake, Canada's so-called political leaders are now unreservedly backing Zionist crimes and ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians.

All Out to Support the Palestinian Resistance!
End the Occupation Now!
Freedom and Justice for Palestine!

This article was published in
Volume 53 Number 11 - October 2023

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