International Solidarity Meeting Held in Havana -- May 2, 2023

International Meeting "Solidarity with Cuba and Anti-Imperialism" Affirms Sovereignty, Independence, Peace and Progress

– Statement of Participants –

We, the over 1,000 participants at the "International Meeting in Solidarity with Cuba and Anti-imperialism, 200 years on from the Monroe Doctrine," with great pride gather again on the Island of Dignity to reaffirm our unwavering support for the Revolution and for the Cuban people.

In an extremely complex world in which the very existence of humankind is threatened, this sister nation stoically resists the intensified blockade, imposed to inconceivable degrees, by the U.S. government, in the imperialist attempt to destroy the program of social justice which, with sacrifice, courage, unity and creativity, is being created in Cuba.

We, the representatives of 271 political, youth, trade union and social organizations from 58 countries, have shared intensive sessions and exchanges of experience with workers, young people and the populace at workplaces and in neighborhoods undergoing social transformation, in which we see the capacity for resistance and creative potential that exists for overcoming enormous obstacles and privations.

Last year, Cuba suffered three adverse events involving the loss of human lives and a high material cost: the explosion in the Saratoga Hotel, the fire at the supertanker base in the Mariel Industrial Zone and the devastating Hurricane Ian; these mobilized large amounts of resources and a wave of solidarity on the part of thousands of Cubans and friends in numerous countries -- reaffirming that Cuba is not alone.

The Cuban people are grateful to us and we to Cuba: for its anti-COVID-19 vaccines; for its medical brigades which save lives anywhere in the world; for existing, resisting and creating; for being a beacon of commitment and loyalty to the legacy of Fidel, Raúl and the generation continuing their work, which calls us together; for standing its ground with its guard up; for being a land of peace and friendship; for embracing the idea that a better world is possible and, beyond that, necessary.

U.S. imperialism and NATO are unleashing military hostilities, persisting in their attempts to intervene in the domestic affairs of other countries with the aim of toppling legitimate progressive regimes. They impose sanctions, apply unilateral coercive measures, political blackmail and the threat and use of force, thus placing world peace in grave danger and bringing closer the real possibility of a nuclear war and of the rebirth of fascism.

In the presence of these attempts to internationalize the Monroe Doctrine on its 200th anniversary, with the aim of appropriating natural resources and subjugating the peoples of the world, we call on all the democratic, progressive and revolutionary forces to:

Create a broad national and international front in the struggle for peace and against war. Launch a mass mobilization on September 21, 2023, World Peace Day, support the peace process in Colombia and defend the proclamation of Latin America & the Caribbean as a Zone of Peace.

Promote ideas and create awareness of the need for unity in diversity, in the defense of national sovereignty, self-determination of the peoples, rights of workers and the peoples, dignity and preservation of the environment.

Highlight and step up the acts of solidarity with the just causes of the peoples of Venezuela, Nicaragua, Palestine, Puerto Rico and the Sahrawi Democratic Arab Republic.

Redouble the fight in the social networks and digital platforms to counter the campaigns of lies by imperialism's media emporia and defend the identity of our peoples from the cultural neocolonialism they seek to impose on us.

Demand the immediate removal of Cuba from the illegitimate list of State Sponsors of Terrorism, imposed unilaterally, illegally and immorally by Washington -- an arbitrary and entirely groundless decision.

Require the restitution of the territory in Guantánamo illegally occupied by the United States.

Defend the humanitarian nature of the Cuban medical brigades from the campaigns of defamation and misrepresentation against their noble mission.

Mobilize and identify ourselves as defenders of the Cuban Revolution and promote actions across the five continents requiring Washington to put an end to the intensified economic, commercial and financial blockade, which harms the development and wellbeing of the Cuban people and, due to its extraterritorial nature, undermines Cuba's relations with third parties.

With Cuba's example, let us build broad anti-imperialist unity to resist and overcome the adversities -- the only path that will enable us to realize our dream that a better world is possible and necessary!

Workers of all lands, unite! Socialist Cuba has the right to exist! Long live internationalism and peace! Long live international solidarity with Cuba and the struggling peoples! Long live free Cuba! Cuba Yes, Blockade No!

Havana, May 2, 2023

(Photos: Cuba Debate, Cadena Gramonte, Embassy of Cuba Noruega)

This article was published in
Volume 53 Number 7 - September 2023

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