ll Out to Support Korea Peace Appeal!

Korea Peace Appeal Campaign launched a new project with a press conference, February 14, 2023, Korea Peace Action for the 70th Anniversary of the Armistice

This year marks the 70th anniversary of the signing of the Korean Armistice Agreement on July 27, 1953, which ended the fighting in the Korean War. In 2020, anti-war and civil society organizations in the Republic of Korea (south Korea) launched the Korea Peace Appeal. The goal is to collect 100 million signatures over a three-year period, from the 70th anniversary of the U.S. launch of the Korean War on June 25, 1950 to the 70th anniversary of the day the Armistice Agreement was signed.

According to the organizers the "Korea Peace Appeal is an international campaign that seeks to amplify voices calling for an end to the Korean War and a transition from armistice to peace beyond the Korean Peninsula and throughout the world." The goal is to engage others through the Appeal and to present the signatures to the UN as well as to those countries which participated in the Korean War, including Canada.

Close to 400 Korean organizations from south Korea and more than 75 organizations from East Asia and around the world have endorsed the Korea Peace Appeal.

This is an important initiative reflecting the aspirations of the Korean people to end the Korean War and establish a permanent peace on the Korean Peninsula, as a contribution to peace in East Asia and the world.

TML calls on everyone to support the Korea Peace Appeal by signing online and downloading and printing a copy of the Appeal to secure the signatures of co-workers, friends and neighbours as part of Canada's contribution to the success of the campaign.

For more information about the Korea Peace Appeal and to sign, print and circulate copies of the petition, click here

This article was published in
Volume 53 Number 5 - March 2023

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