News in Brief

Russia Issues New Detailed Foreign Policy

On March 31, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree approving an updated foreign policy concept. In signing the decree, Putin said: "The concept is legally based on the Russian Constitution, generally recognized principles and norms of international law, as well as Russia's international treaties, federal laws and other normative legal acts that regulate the activities of federal government bodies in the field of foreign policy."

The document sets out Russian policy on developing global trends and issues as well as with regions and countries of the world.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov underscored that the document directly calls the U.S. the main instigator of anti-Russian policies on the world scale.

In the new foreign policy concept, Russia proceeds from the indivisibility of international security (in global and regional aspects) and seeks to ensure it equally for all states on the basis of the principle of reciprocity.

President Putin's decree indicates that Russia plans to pay paramount attention to:

- using peaceful means, primarily diplomacy, negotiations, consultations, mediation and good offices, to resolve international disputes and conflicts on the basis of mutual respect, compromises and a balance of legitimate interests;

- developing comprehensive cooperation in order to neutralize attempts by any states and inter-state associations to achieve global dominance in the military sphere;

- building up political and diplomatic efforts aimed at preventing the use of military force in violation of the UN Charter;

- taking political and diplomatic measures to counter interference in the internal affairs of sovereign states, primarily aimed at complicating the domestic political situation, unconstitutional change of power or violation of the territorial integrity of states;

- ensuring strategic stability and removing preconditions for unleashing a global war, and the risks of using nuclear and other types of weapons of mass destruction; creating a renewed international security architecture, preventing and resolving international and internal armed conflicts, countering transnational challenges and threats in certain areas of international security.

(News agencies)

This article was published in
Volume 53 Number 5 - March 2023

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