International Meetings and Fora

China/Arab Summits

The China/Arab Summits in December indicate how the world is moving forward. The focal point for the world's peoples is slowly shifting from the imperialist centres in North America and Europe with their legacy of slavery, oppression, war and destruction, to populated and rapidly developing regions in Asia, Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean.

The speeches and documents from the December Summits reveal a great yearning for change to peaceful development for the mutual benefit of all away from the hegemony, interference and endless wars of U.S. imperialism and other colonial regimes. A central theme is for people to govern their own affairs without big powers breathing down their necks and screaming at them what their values and thinking should be and what they should be doing.

The long dreadful era of colonial pillage and white man's burden to expand, pillage and control the world at the point of a gun is waning. The Russian working class and peasantry and others stood up in 1917; the world's peoples stood up to defeat fascism in World War II; the Chinese people stood up in 1949 to drive out the colonial marauders and their vassals; and now, despite setbacks along the way, the peoples are renewing their advance and affirming their determination to find a way forward and control their own affairs.

The advance of civilization is seen most clearly in the progress of the productive forces. Modern industrial mass production is unstoppable with only the relations of production lagging behind and obstructing the new from coming into being and playing its full positive role. Despite the roadblocks from the imperialist status quo, the peoples of the world will invent new and imaginative forms of governing and conducting their relations in conformity with the advanced way of life and modern means of production.

The objective conditions demand new forms for relations and ways of governing, and human beings have always proved capable of finding them when required and coming to terms and settling accounts with the decaying conscience of the old that has seen its day and is exhausted. The December Summits reveal another world is possible despite its warts and not being all we want it to be. They show that the future belongs to the people and is there in front of them to grasp, shape and build the New.

China-Arab States Summit and the China-Gulf Cooperation Council Summit

The first China-Arab States Summit and China-Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) Summit took place December 7-10. Chinese President Xi Jinping and 21 leaders of Arab states attended the China-Arab States Summit. All leaders of the GCC member states attended the China-GCC Summit meeting with President Xi who in addition paid an official state visit to Saudi Arabia.[1, 2]

China-Arab States Summit

At the China-Arab States Summit, President Xi Jinping put forward cooperation initiatives that China is ready to advance in food security, public health, green innovation, energy security, inter-civilizational dialogue, youth development, and security and stability.

The two sides issued the Riyadh Declaration of the First China-Arab States Summit, the Outline of the Comprehensive Cooperation Plan Between the People's Republic of China and Arab States and a document on Deepening the Sino-Arab Strategic Partnership for Peace and Development, and agreed to build a China-Arab community with a shared future in the new era. See Riyadh Declaration here.

President Xi Jinping delivered a speech at the Summit where he stressed that China and Arab states enjoy a long history of friendly exchanges. The two sides have come to know and befriend each other through the ancient Silk Road, shared weal and woe in their respective struggles for national liberation, conducted win-win cooperation in the tide of economic globalization, and upheld fairness and justice in the changing international environment. Together, China and Arab states have nurtured the spirit of friendship featuring "solidarity and mutual assistance, equality and mutual benefit, and inclusiveness and mutual learning."

Solidarity and mutual assistance is a distinct feature of China-Arab friendship, President Xi said. Equality and mutual benefit is a constant driver for their friendship. China and Arab states have set an example for South-South cooperation in pursuing mutually beneficial collaboration. Inclusiveness and mutual learning is a key value inherent in their friendship. China and Arab states appreciate and learn from each other. The two sides advocate together inter-civilizational dialogue and endeavour to safeguard the diversity of world civilizations.

President Xi underscored that the world today is in a new period of turbulence and transformation. West Asia and north Africa are undergoing new and profound changes. The aspiration of the Arab people for peace and development is much more compelling, and their call for equity and justice is stronger than ever. As strategic partners, he said, China and Arab states should carry forward the spirit of China-Arab friendship, strengthen solidarity and cooperation, and foster a closer China-Arab community with a shared future, so as to deliver greater benefits to the peoples and advance the cause of human progress.

President Xi said China and Arab states should stay independent and defend their common interests. China supports Arab states in independently exploring development paths suited to their national conditions and holding their future firmly in their own hands. China is ready to deepen strategic mutual trust with Arab states, and firmly support each other in safeguarding sovereignty, territorial integrity and national dignity. The two sides should jointly uphold the principle of non-interference in other countries' internal affairs, practice true multilateralism, and defend the legitimate rights and interests of developing countries.

China and Arab states should focus on economic development and promote win-win cooperation, Xi stressed. The two sides should strengthen synergy between their development strategies, and promote high-quality Belt and Road cooperation. They should consolidate cooperation in traditional areas including economy and trade, energy and infrastructure development. In the meantime, the two sides should strengthen new sources of growth such as green and low-carbon development, health and medical services, and investment and finance, and expand new frontiers including aviation and aerospace, digital economy and peaceful use of nuclear energy. China and Arab states should also tackle major challenges like food security and energy security. China will work with the Arab side to implement the Global Development Initiative and drive sustainable development of South-South cooperation.

China and Arab states should uphold regional peace and strive for common security, Xi continued. China supports the Arab side in promoting political settlement of hotspots and challenging issues with Arab wisdom, and build a common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable security architecture in the Middle East. China urges the international community to respect the role of the Middle East people as masters of their own affairs, and add positive energy to the security and stability of the region. China welcomes the Arab side to participate in the Global Security Initiative, and will continue to contribute Chinese wisdom to promoting peace and tranquility in the Middle East.[3]

Xi proposed that China and Arab states should increase exchanges among civilizations to enhance mutual understanding and trust. The two sides need to increase personnel exchange, deepen people-to-people cooperation, and promote the exchange of governance experience. The two sides need to jointly oppose Islamophobia, carry out cooperation on deradicalization, and reject association of terrorism with any particular ethnic group or religion. China and Arab states need to advocate humanity's common values of peace, development, equity, justice, democracy and freedom, and set an example of inter-civilizational exchanges and mutual learning in the new era.

President Xi stressed that the Palestinian issue bears on peace and stability in the Middle East. The historical injustices done to the Palestinian people should not be left unattended indefinitely. The legitimate rights and interests of a nation are not up for trade, and the demand to establish an independent state shall not be denied. The international community should stay firm in its commitment to the two-state solution and strive for a just settlement of the Palestinian issue at an early date. China will continue to provide humanitarian assistance to Palestine and support livelihood projects in the country.

In conclusion, President Xi reiterated that the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China laid out the tasks and path of advancing the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation on all fronts through Chinese modernization. China will stay committed to upholding world peace, promoting common development, and building a community with a shared future for humankind. By doing so, China wishes to create new opportunities for Arab states and all other countries with China's new development.

Arab leaders at the Summit echoed President Xi's speech and the eight major cooperation initiatives he proposed. They noted that the friendly relations between Arab states and China are built on the basis of mutual respect, cooperation as equals and mutual benefit. The Arab side said its members attach high importance to China's great development achievements and important role in the world. They highly commend China for putting forth the Belt and Road Initiative, the Global Development Initiative and the Global Security Initiative. They also highly recognize China's important propositions for facilitating political settlement of regional hotspot issues, its consistent support for the legitimate rights and interests of the Palestinian people, and its commitment to upholding justice in the international community. In a world in danger of division and confrontation and still haunted by unilateralism and hegemony, deepening Arab-China strategic partnership would help bring about equity and justice and uphold world peace, prosperity and development.

Through this Summit, the Arab side said it hopes to further cement the friendship and mutual trust between Arab States and China, make comprehensive plans for and strengthen mutually beneficial cooperation across the board, build an Arab-China community with a shared future in the new era and bring the Arab-China comprehensive strategic partnership to a new and higher level, so as to better serve the common interests of Arab states and China, and realize the shared aspirations of the Arab and Chinese people.

The Arab side said it upholds independence and autonomy, and is firmly committed to the one-China principle. It will continue to firmly support China on issues concerning China's core interests and oppose any hostile actions targeted against China. The Arab side hopes to work with China to deliver on the outcomes of this Summit, advance the eight major cooperation initiatives, continue to promote Belt and Road cooperation, step up communication and coordination on international and regional affairs, respond to climate change, food security, energy security and other common challenges through cooperation, step up people-to-people exchanges, enhance inter-civilizational dialogue and make positive contribution to peace and common development of all humanity.

President Xi had bilateral meetings with 20 Arab leaders respectively to renew their friendship, explore cooperation and confer about world affairs. Relevant Chinese authorities and the Arab side, the General Secretariat of the Arab League and the affiliated bodies of the Gulf Cooperation Council reached and signed a number of cooperation documents on Belt and Road cooperation, energy, food, investment, green development, security, aerospace and other fields.

China-GCC Summit

At the China-GCC Summit, President Xi Jinping stressed in his speech that China and GCC countries should be partners for greater solidarity, common development, common security and cultural prosperity.

The two sides issued a joint statement by the People's Republic of China and the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf and a 2023-2027 action plan for strategic dialogue and partnership. See statement here.

In a speech at the China-GCC Summit Xi said: "China has a vast consumer market and a complete industrial system, while the GCC, with rich energy and resources, is embracing diversified economic development. This makes the two sides natural partners of cooperation."

President Xi's State Visit to Saudi Arabia

During President Xi Jinping's visit to Saudi Arabia the two sides agreed to take turns to host biennial meetings between the heads of state of the two countries, upgrade the China-Saudi Arabia High-level Joint Committee to the prime minister's level, synergize China's Belt and Road Initiative and Saudi Arabia's Vision 2030, and continue to strengthen Chinese language and Arabic teaching in the two countries.

Energy Cooperation Between China and Saudi Arabia

During President Xi Jinping's visit to Saudi Arabia on December 9, the two sides signed over 20 business agreements worth 110 billion riyal ($29 billion) covering energy, security and investments.

"Saudi Arabia and China endeavour to enhance cooperation in the energy sector supply chains, by establishing a regional centre for Chinese factories in the kingdom by taking advantage of the kingdom's distinguished location among the three continents of Asia, Africa and Europe," the Saudi Energy Minister said in a statement.

According to Chinese customs data, Saudi Arabia was China's top oil supplier in the first ten months of 2022, making up 18 per cent of China's total crude oil purchases, with imports totalling 73.54 million tons, or 1.77 million barrels per day.

China is the kingdom's largest trading partner, with mutual trade worth $87.3 billion in 2021. Chinese exports to Saudi Arabia reportedly reached $30.3 billion, while China's imports from the kingdom amounted to $57 billion.

In a joint statement the two countries expressed satisfaction with the signing of the implementation plan for synergizing the Belt and Road Initiative and Saudi Arabia's Vision 2030, and agreed to accelerate the synergy of the two countries' projects.

This deep synergy will bring advanced science, technology and ideas to the country, and boost its economic and social development, said Saudi Minister of Industry and Mineral Resources Bandar bin Ibrahim Alkhorayef.

Highlighting the complementarities between the two countries in the fields of economy and trade, the Saudi minister said that while China stands at the forefront of world innovation and high-tech development, Saudi Arabia is endowed with abundant mineral resources. He expressed confidence in the broad prospects of bilateral cooperation, saying that besides the energy and mining industries, Saudi Arabia also boasts a unique geographical location and a complete infrastructure with thriving start-up businesses, which can make it an important hub for China's investment and trade in the Middle East and North Africa.


1. In attendance at the China-Arab Summit along with President Xi were leaders from 21 countries of the Arab League, including:

Crown Prince and Prime Minister Mohammed bin Salman Al Saud of Saudi Arabia,
President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi of Egypt,
King Abdullah II bin Al-Hussein of Jordan,
King Hamad bin Isa bin Salman Al Khalif of Bahrain,
Crown Prince Mishal Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah of Kuwait,
President Kais Saied of Tunisia,
President Ismail Omar Guelleh of Djibouti,
President Mahmoud Abbas of Palestine,
Emir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani of Qatar,
President Azali Assoumani of Comoros,
President Mohamed Ould Ghazouani of Mauritania,
Prime Minister Mohammed Shia' Al Sudani of Iraq,
Prime Minister Aziz Akhannouch of Morocco,
Prime Minister Aïmene Benabderrahmane of Algeria, and
Prime Minister Najib Mikati of Lebanon,
as well as Secretary-General Ahmed Aboul Gheit of the Arab League and heads of other international organizations.

2. The Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf, also known as the Gulf Cooperation Council, is a regional, intergovernmental, political, and economic union comprising Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates.

3. Global Security Initiative is an initiative of China to "uphold the principle of indivisible security, build a balanced, effective and sustainable security architecture, and oppose the building of national security on the basis of insecurity in other countries."

This article was published in
Volume 53 Number 5 - March 2023

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