CPC(M-L)'s Defining Quality

– Pauline Easton –

Hardial Bains

In 1970, after several years of preparation, the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist) was founded under the bold leadership of Hardial Bains. The Party's bold leadership since its founding is testimony to the indispensable need of the working class for its own Party which can find its way in tumultuous times. Such a Party is necessary to deal with the reckless course the Canadian ruling circles and cartel-party system, racist raison d'état and anachronistic institutions are taking the country by integrating Canada more and more into the U.S. economy, government of police powers, civil war and war machine.

Since the period of retrogression and retreat of revolution came into being with the advent of free trade and the collapse of the former Soviet Union and people's democracies in eastern Europe, the need to replace old forms of rule with new forms suitable to the conditions today, takes centre stage. The old forms no longer function to sort out any problems nationally or internationally without resorting to the use of force. In Canada all previous civil society arrangements have been wrecked. The only vestiges of the public authority that remain are its police powers represented by the executive, judiciary and intelligence agencies. They rule by decree, with the intelligence agencies going so far as to operate directly through the media to dictate policy which is rooted in the aims set by the U.S. executive and Pentagon. This is further integrating Canada into U.S. Homeland Security and the U.S. war machine.

Internationally, Canada appeases the U.S. in its striving for world domination which pits China and Russia as enemies along with all those who refuse to submit to U.S. demands and dictate. Meanwhile, they collude and contend with the big powers of Old Europe, expanding and arming NATO to the detriment of the peoples of the NATO countries themselves and the peoples of the entire world. Canada continues to play a role second to none in destroying the arrangements, institutions and international rule of law that were created following the Second World War.

The battle over the control of Europe to dominate Asia is an anachronistic dream given the massive developments in Asia and the aspirations of the peoples of Asia, Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean. The wars which were instigated when NATO bombed and destroyed the former Yugoslavia, have continued to wreak havoc not only in Europe but in Asia, Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean, as well as in the imperialist heartlands. Supranational private interests in the form of oligopolies running amok as they fight over the political power cannot but be destructive. While they can no longer be contained by the old arrangements and are running rampant dictating that everyone submit to them or face destruction, the human productive power unleashed by the technical scientific revolution is also without limits. The call of history is for the working class to channel this power in a manner that directs it to favour the interests of the peoples of the world.

The ensemble of human relations of humans and humans and humans and nature reveal that inherent to the current developments lies the striving of the working class and peoples of the world for their own empowerment, which is striving to prevail. This striving is an integral part of the clash between the Old and the New and is the life-giving force.

The technical scientific revolution is bringing into being prospects for humankind beyond the scope of the imagination limited by the arrangements and suffering of the present and past. The old relations of production and power are causing havoc and untold sufferings on a world scale as human beings pay the price for the wanton destruction the forces of the Old are presiding over. Their striving for world domination has unleashed unprecedented anarchy and violence and revealed the impossibility of their restoring or creating anew an equilibrium among themselves. The peoples of the world and the countries that maintained or are seeking independent development are fighting the retrogressive pressure, waging a valiant resistance struggle against the anti-social offensive and imperialist dictate as well as the brutal wars of aggression and coups d'état. It is this striving of the New to break out of the stranglehold of the Old which inspires humankind to attain new heights of splendour.

Since its founding, a defining quality of the Party is to put the problems facing the society on the agenda in a practical way and involve the working class and people in providing them with solutions. The Party has faced the period of retrogression by summing up anew the Necessity for Change analysis, on which it was based at its founding, so as to provide the Party work with a new impetus.

The quality of putting its political work on par with the demands of the times makes the Party the vanguard of the class. The Party has created a human force that puts itself at the disposal of what the society needs. It opposes the agenda of  all those rulers who are indifferent to the damage their narrow private interests cause to the social and natural environment. With this quality, the Party in 1984-85 was able to sum up the objective conditions pointing out that the world had reached a turning point in which no force could continue to act in the old way. It provided itself with its most important project of work up to that time, the building of the technical base for the Mass Party and Mass Non-Party Press as the necessary condition for strengthening the links of the Party with the class and for the development of an enlightenment movement which serves the people under the conditions today. In this way, the Party provides the theory and orientation the society requires to find its bearings and not fall victim to retrogression and destruction.

The Party's project to build the technical base for the Mass Party and Mass Non-Party Press remains an essential element to develop the Party's leading role. In 1995, under the leadership of Hardial Bains, the Party launched its Historic Initiative by integrating a Modern Communism Information Project to its work. This ensures that modern communism provides the people with the most advanced vision and an outlook of their own directed at the creation of a modern society in which nothing is left to chance.

The Party analyzed that without developing the movement for enlightenment, without imbuing the movement with the revolutionary theory that comes from modern communism, also referred to as Contemporary Marxist-Leninist Thought, and strengthening the mass democratic forms through which decision-making power is firmly grasped by the people, it is not possible to organize the working class and strengthen the conscious factor. Without putting at the centre of the work the development of the Mass Party Press and the Mass Non-Party Press, the movement for enlightenment, the elaboration of modern definitions and the defence of the edifice of communism, no other work will succeed.

The movement for enlightenment and the Party's Modern Communism Information Project present communism to the people of Canada with vigour, elaborating with clarity what the ensemble of human relations reveal. They show that this stage in history has brought to the fore the task of opening society's door to progress by giving rise to a modern democratic personality on the basis of solving the problem of people's empowerment.

By making the claims they must, the striving of the people for empowerment will find the ways to open a path for the progress of humankind. This striving will achieve the historic task of emancipating the working class and, on this basis, humanize the natural and social environment. CPC(M-L) is convinced it will happen because the people will make it happen. The Party is dedicated to achieving this aim.

The world as is has no takers
The world as it should be has billions of makers!

This article was published in
Volume 53 Number 4 - March 2023

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