Protests in Europe and Canada-Wide Actions

Fifty thousand people participate in anti-war rally in Berlin, February 25, 2023, which opposed sending arms to Ukraine.

In countries across Europe protests have taken place during January and February of this year, as well as in 2022, against NATO and against sending military weapons to Ukraine. In Berlin some 50,000 people took to the streets on February 25 to oppose Germany sending arms and military materiel to Ukraine and demanding diplomatic initiatives and negotiation. Mass demonstrations also took place in Munich, Dresden and many other German cities against NATO and the EU.

These anti-war actions are taking place alongside large-scale protest marches against the intensification of the anti-social offensive which accompanies the increased spending on the U.S./NATO proxy war in Ukraine, sanctions against Russia and repressive measures.

Berlin, Germany, February 25, 2023

Anti-war demonstration in Genova, Italy, February 25, 2023, opposed arms shipments to Ukraine and called for peace.
Banner against NATO in demonstration in Spain, February 25, 2023
Protest against NATO in Finland, February 21, 2023.

Protest against NATO and military aid to Ukraine in Rimini, Italy, February 19, 2023 (top) and Remo, Italy,  February 11, 2023.
Thousands demonstrate in the streets of Chisinau, Moldova, February 19, 2023 against pro-NATO government.

Demonstration in Prague, Czech Republic, January 25, 2023.
February 12, 2023 tens of thousands take to the streets of Paris chanting Let's Get Out of NATO!"
and "No Missiles for Ukraine!"
Demonstrations in France, January 14, 2023 and November 19, 2022, that are part of broad scale protests against the anti-social offensive, also oppose NATO.

Canada-Wide Actions 

From February 23 to 26, militant actions denouncing NATO, Canada's role in NATO and the proxy war in Ukraine were held in at least nine cities across Canada. The first took place outside the U.S. Embassy in Ottawa on Thursday, February 23. This was followed by actions in Montreal and Vancouver on Friday, then Toronto, Windsor, Winnipeg, Regina, Edmonton, Calgary and Victoria on Saturday. A final rally took place on Sunday in Waterloo. 









(Photos: sahouraxo, F. Philoppot, Sputnik, Lo Zar, Geronimo, Medan, laccent, Maria, S. Wagenknecht, S. Dagdelen, TML, K. Winkler, Winnipeg Peace Alliance)

This article was published in
Volume 53 Number 1 - February 2023

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