Vigorous Action Opposes Canadian and CARICOM Interference in Haiti!

On Tuesday, October 17, a vigorous picket was held from 4:00 pm in front of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's office at the corner of Wellington and Elgin in Ottawa. The action was organized to denounce the Canada-CARICOM Summit being held on the same day, and to oppose any interference by Canada in the Caribbean. Marchers chanted: Solidarity with the Haitian People! No to Canada's Interference in the Caribbean! No to Canada-CARICOM Support for Foreign Interference! Popular Solidarity: Yes! Interference: No!

One after the other, activists took to the stage to denounce the situation. Among others, Jennie-Laure Sully of Solidarité Québec-Haiti said that Canada's interference in Haiti is designed to protect the interests of the Canadian oligarchy and those of their accomplice, the Haitian oligarchy. "We are led to believe that Canadian cooperation is a form of solidarity. But it's a cooperation that masks interference." She added: "One of the plans of the Canadian and U.S. oligarchy is to make sure they have a Haitian nation that serves as cheap labour. They want to keep them in semi-slavery so they can despoil these people. We say No to Canada's interference in Haiti."

Jean Saint-Vil, an activist in the Outaouais region, went on to declare ironically that the imperialists have run out of ideas. "They want to dissociate themselves from the criminals they installed in Haiti 20 years ago -- since Ottawa's Meech Lake initiative on Haiti -- and who created the current chaos. To dissociate themselves from the chaos, they announce that Canada is going to give instructions to the Kenyan soldiers and police who are going to Haiti so that they don't commit rape. They're taking us for fools," he said. He denounced the deception of the resolution adopted by the Security Council to send troops from Kenya. "The UN MINUSTAH mission raped Haitian women and young men. With this resolution, as it's not an official UN mission, if there are abuses committed in Haiti, we won't be able to say it's the UN's responsibility. The UN mission that committed horrible crimes in Haiti is protected by the United States, while millions of Haitian victims cannot obtain reparation for the murders, killings and cholera."

Other activists intervened in the same vein, to the applause of the demonstrators and the honking of motorists.

The rally was joined at around 5:30 pm by a strong contingent from the Palestinian community, who had come to mourn their people following the bombing of a hospital in Gaza that very day, and to denounce the Canadian government for its shameful support of the Israeli government. Shame on the Canadian government!

This article was published in
Volume 53 Number 10 - October 2023

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