Canadians Call on Trudeau Government to Take a Principled Stand Against Israeli War Crimes

Tens of thousands of Canadians have taken action in the form of mass demonstrations, vigils, petitions, letter-writing and more from coast to coast to coast to demand an end to the siege of Gaza, an end to the occupation of Palestine and an end to Israeli war crimes against the Palestinian people. Trade unions, social justice organizations, faith organizations, cultural workers and others condemn the brutal violence against the people of Gaza and violence against Palestinians in Israel and the West Bank and are demanding a ceasefire and space for negotiations for a peaceful resolution to the current armed conflict and an end to the illegal Israeli occupation.

Trudeau continues to condone Israeli war crimes by responding to calls for a ceasefire and end to the siege of Gaza with his proposal for 'humanitarian pauses.' To call for a 'pause' in a genocidal campaign is to condone it. The world sees and unreservedly condemns the new Nakba against the Palestinian people and calls for the UN and all state actors to join in efforts to bring it to an end. The insistence of the Prime Minister, Defence Minister and others on supporting war crimes under the guise of Israel's "right to defend itself" is condemned by Canadian and world public opinion. Canadians are rightly saying "not in our name!" and demanding that the Canadian government change course.

The week of October 16, more than 30 Members of Parliament from the Green, New Democratic and Liberal parties sent a letter to Prime Minister Trudeau in which they said "We demand that Canada join the growing international call for an immediate ceasefire. Canada must act before more innocent children are killed." The letter also calls for Canada to do all in its power to facilitate the opening of a humanitarian corridor for humanitarian aid supplies. They also "call on Canada to strongly stand up for international law. International law is clear that civilians and all those not taking part in the fighting must on no account be attacked and must be spared and protected. Canada must remind all parties to this conflict of their responsibilities in this regard. Canada must recognize that, for generations, the Palestinian people have suffered under occupation. Canada must reaffirm its commitment to a free Palestinian state living peacefully alongside a free Israeli state and do all it can to being the parties to the negotiating table."

An online petition to the Prime Minister has been registered, Petition e-4649, initiated by Maeva Gaudrault from Montreal and sponsored by NDP MP for Rosemont-La Petite-Patrie, Alexandre Boulerice. The petition calls for Canada to demand an immediate ceasefire, to ask that Israel lift the blockade of the Gaza Strip and authorize the creation of a humanitarian corridor, ask that Israel meet its commitments under the Geneva Conventions and international humanitarian law. It calls for Canada to meets its international commitment to promote and defend human rights and to take any other measure necessary to protect civilians, both Israelis and Palestinians, and help foster a climate conducive to building a lasting peace. The petition can be accessed here

Trade Unions

Labour for Palestine action in Ottawa, October 25, 2023

The Ontario Federation of Labour calls for an immediate ceasefire and an end to the blockade of Gaza, the restoration of humanitarian aid and immediate return of all people being held by Hamas and civilians being held in detention without charge by Israel. The Public Service Alliance of Canada calls for an immediate ceasefire and opposes Israel's illegal restriction of water electricity, food and medicine to the more that 2 million people of Gaza and demands the immediate establishment of a humanitarian corridor. The National Union of Public and General Employees also issued a call for a ceasefire and the enforcement of international law. Other unions have joined in actions and joint calls with similar demands.

At the Canadian Union of Public Employees 2023 National Convention, on October 24, delegates debated and passed a resolution that CUPE will "Demand the Canadian government call for an immediate ceasefire in Israel-Palestine, an end of its sale of arms to Israel, an end to diplomatic immunity for the state of Israel, and for an end to Israel's blockade of Gaza and the restoration of aid and the basic necessities of life", and that "CUPE will conduct member education about the history of Israel's occupation and colonization of Palestine, Canada's complicity and what trade unions can do to support a just peace."

Anti-War, Social Justice and Faith Groups

On October 13 KAIROS Canada and its member churches and agencies -- including the Anglican Church of Canada, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada, the Mennonite Central Committee of Canada, the Presbyterian Church in Canada, and the United Church of Canada issued an "Ecumenical Statement on Violence between Hamas and Israel.” In the letter they call on "our members and all people of goodwill" to pray and work for a just and lasting peace for Palestinians and Israelis, to write to their Member of Parliament to urge Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Minister Melanie Joly to call for an immediate ceasefire, a safe corridor for humanitarian aid to Gaza, an end to the current blockade, the immediate and safe release of all those being detained. They end with "In addition to condemning the spiraling violence and doing everything in its power for an immediate ceasefire, Canada must work with renewed effort toward peace with justice that upholds the rights of both Palestinians and Israelis to life and to freedom from violence and discrimination, and an end to the occupation."

On October 15 members of the Jewish community in Toronto organized one of several actions calling for a ceasefire in Gaza and an end to the Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories. A shiva and vigil was held in Matt Cohen Park to mourn the deaths of Israelis and Palestinians and call for the safe return of the people held by Hamas in Gaza. Organizers led over a hundred people in songs and discussion and a recitation of the mourner's Kaddish, a Jewish mourning prayer, after which they crossed the street to the office of Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland carrying a banner calling for a ceasefire. Several Jewish organizations organized an action on the morning of October 23 at which several hundred people gathered outside the Israeli consulate in Toronto calling for a ceasefire, for Canada to stop funding the Israeli military and for an end to the occupation of Palestine.

Toronto, October 23, 2023

Groups like Independent Jewish Voices, Jewish Voice for Peace, and B'Tselem have been lobbying for an end to what they aptly refer to as an apartheid regime in Israel. They have been active for years and their numbers around the world are growing. (In Washington, DC on October 18, some 10,000 Jews demonstrated peacefully, calling for a ceasefire in Gaza. Reports inform that this resulted in hundreds of them being arrested.) 

The National Council of Canadian Muslims denounced the war crimes being committed against the people of Gaza, the failure of the Canadian government to take a stand in defence of Palestinians' rights and an increase of over 1,000 per cent in "hate incidents" reported to them in the period of one week. On their website they provide a letter that readers can send to Trudeau demanding that Canada do its part for an urgent and immediate ceasefire, denounce the Islamophobic and racist backlash against Palestinian and Muslim communities in Canada, and protect the right of Canadians to express their solidarity with the people of Palestine.

On October 14, Amnesty International Canada issued an open letter to Prime Minister Trudeau calling on Canada to urge the immediate lifting of Israel's illegal and inhumane blockade of the Gaza Strip, the respect of international humanitarian law and the protection of civilians by all parties, noting that "We are alarmed by the unprecedented scale of violations of essential principles of international humanitarian and human rights law and the grave risks facing civilians." In particular they condemn the order by the Israeli Defense Forces for the evacuation of northern Gaza and Gaza City, prohibited under international law, and point out that "International humanitarian law imposes an absolute prohibition on attacking civilians." They condemn the Hamas actions of October 7 as "egregious violations of international law and amount to war crimes" and assert "These war crimes, however, do not, and must not be used to, justify collective punishment." They call on the Canadian government to "unequivocally and publicly urge Israeli authorities to immediately rescind the 'evacuation order,' call on all parties to prioritize the protection of civilian lives as mandated by international humanitarian law and end indiscriminate attacks on civilians and civilian infrastructure, facilitate humanitarian assistance, and "use all diplomatic efforts at your disposal to address the root causes of the repeated cycles of violence and help end Israel's 16-year-long illegal blockade of Gaza and Israel's system of apartheid imposed on all Palestinians." The letter ends with "Prime Minister, you have the obligation, on behalf of all Canadians, to uphold Canada's international commitments to human rights and hold Israel to its obligations. At this critical hour we urge you to stand on the right side of history and unequivocally use Canada's voice and influence to protect the most vulnerable."

Over 50 organizations endorsed a call for "Ceasefire Now, End the Siege, For a Just and Lasting Peace" on October 21. The call points out that "We endorse the Canadian government's call for humanitarian aid to Gaza and the safe return of hostages. These demands cannot be meaningfully addressed without an immediate ceasefire and while Israel's blockade of Gaza continues." In calling for immediate steps to end the blockade, provide humanitarian assistance and prevent escalation of the war on Gaza, the statement says "Beyond these immediate steps, the world must support efforts for a just and lasting peace in Israel-Palestine and address the root cause of the violence: Israel's decades-long occupation of Palestinian territory." Signatories include trade unions, faith groups, academics and human rights and social justice organizations.

Artists, Academics and Cultural Workers

Canadian artists, academics, and cultural workers are vocalizing their support of Palestine in an open letter that has garnered thousands of signatures, including from members of nearly 200 organizations and groups.

"We, the undersigned artists, academics, and cultural workers, pledge our support for the Palestinian people in the face of over 75 years of Israeli apartheid, settler colonialism, military occupation, and ethnic cleansing," their letter states.

The letter points out that "Palestine solidarity supporters and Palestinians around the world, particularly in the U.S., Canada, and Europe, are being criminalized, intimidated, imprisoned, facing unprecedented levels of anti-Palestinian racism and incitement of violence," and in the face of the illegal Israeli bombardment they "call on all people of conscience to show their meaningful solidarity with Palestinians."

The statement expressed disappointment and shame at the response of the Canadian government, elected representatives, and institutions, "who have once again voiced their overwhelming support for apartheid Israel and legitimized the ongoing shelling of Gaza and the escalation of military violence in the West Bank. " They decry that this has created an "atmosphere of increased racism, policing, intimidation, and fear for Palestinians and their supporters..."

The letter reads: "How must Palestinians in Ottawa have felt to see the Israeli flag projected on Parliament Hill while Israel dropped internationally banned white phosphorus in residential neighborhoods of Gaza, promising to "open the gates of hell"? What message does that send to Palestinians? Voices of conscience are publicly scolded and defamed, suggesting to Palestinians among us that they cannot voice their grief in public. In attacking political and labour leaders who have voiced their support for Palestinians, the Canadian government has built an environment of fear and fueled acts of discrimination against Palestinians and their supporters."

By "Failing to document the war crimes of the Israeli regime or the suffering of Palestinians, and proliferating racist claims from Israel without substantiation, Canadian media is contributing to the dehumanization of Palestinians in the Gaza Strip and beyond," the letter states.

The artists, cultural workers and academics respond to the call from Palestinian artists and cultural workers for a cultural boycott of Israel saying, "we pledge to accept neither professional invitations to Israel, nor funding, from any institutions linked to its government until it complies with international law and universal principles of human rights. Without international ground-up pressure through the Palestinian-led Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) movement, the Israeli regime will continue to practice apartheid and commit crimes against the Palestinian people unhindered."

In conclusion the statement reads:

"It is easy to look back at history and recognize right from wrong, but it takes bravery to speak for justice in the present moment. Join us in taking a principled stand. Apartheid is a security threat to all, and none of us are free until all of us are free."

This article was published in
Volume 53 Number 10 - October 2023

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